Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


It's been like a month or so since tour, and since I got that teaching job. Which means that I have to go to work. Like, now.
I woke up at 5:30 am, way too early to be alive. I crept out of bed so I wouldn't wake Tony up, and walked to the dresser. I pulled out teacher-looking clothes and slipped them on (I take showers at night). Then I crept to the bathroom and did my hair. After all that was done I still had thirty minutes to spare, so I made some toast. The toaster was jammed, so I had to fix it, which wasted fifteen minutes of my time, so I just ate on the way there.
Once I got to the school I walked to the classroom. It's fairly big, fitting about 30-35 people. There's 28 students, 13 girls and 15 boys. I had the classroom set up already, it still had motivational posters on the walls from the last teacher, so I just kept them there. I really didn't have to do much decorating, but I at least Emma-ized my desk. It had pictures of me and Tony, and pictures of me, Elizabeth, and Nicole. In the corner of the desk there was a little wallet-sized picture of Tony in a tiny little frame that had a glass teddy bear around it. On the other side of the desk there was a computer on it, and a printer behind me. I had a spinny-chair that would probably bring out the child in me at the worst of times.
I set other things up and talked to some of the other teachers. It made me feel more comfortable (you could imagine I was nervous) and at home. Of course I missed my Turtle, but I'll see him later. It's not like school is ten thousand hours long (although it may seem like it).
I had the schedule all planned out. First we do some review stuff, I don't expect the students to remember everything from last year. Then we start the learning. It goes math, social studies, snack break, science, lunch/recess, gym, reading, then writing. Easy, right?
It's eight now, and in comes the students! They all looked at their new teacher with surprise.
I walked to the front of the class by the board and introduced myself, "Hello, I'm your new teacher. Ms. Zapporra! But you guys can call me 'Ms. Z'."
They all looked at me, then a boy raised his hand, so I called on him and he asked, "Are you married?"
"No," I chuckled.
Another person raised it's hand, a girl this time, and I called on her. "Do you have a boyfriend?" she asked.
"Actually, yes. I do," I smiled.
"What's his name?" a boy blurted out.
"Tony, but enough about my life! I want to hear about your guys's!"
"Is he cute?" a girl asked. I guess no one heard what I just said.
"Yes, but anyways, to the school stuff!" I wrote some math problems on the board and told them to find the answer. Some did, and some had difficulty with it. But it doesn't really matter, we went over it all.
We moved to math after the review stuff and it was pretty easy. The kids are okay, most of them are obedient, the others... we'll deal with them later. After we did a quick review over math it was time for a quick review over social studies. Then a snack break.
While they all ate their snacks I went back to my desk. I checked my phone and I had a text from Tony:
Turtle Baby<3: How's work so far babe? Miss you!
It had the little kissy-face emoticon, which I thought was pretty adorable.
Me: Work is awesome! These kids are really good! I miss you too, but I'll be home soon! :)
I also put the kissy-face emoticon.
After the snack break I went back to the front of the class. We did a quick review over science (which I hate) and then it was time for lunch, I wasn't hungry, so I stayed in the classroom.
After about 5 minutes there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I yelled.
The door opened and, to my surprise, it was Tony. He had a sticker on his shirt that said "visitor".
"Oh, I see you got your visitor pass," I laughed.
"They wouldn't let me leave the office without it," he shrugged.
I laughed again.
"I brought you Starbucks!" He held up two coffees and walked to my desk.
"Thanks," I smiled. I held my hand out and he gave me a coffee.
"Mind if I sit with you?"
"Not at all."
Tony smiled and pulled up a chair next to mine behind the desk. "So how's work?" he asked.
"Fine, the kids are okay."
"That's awesome. You look great by the way."
I blushed. He leaned over and pecked my cheek as I took a sip of my coffee.
"I was drinking!" I giggled.
"Oh I'm sorry, was my kissing interrupting your drinking?" he asked sarcastically.
"Oh, well then I'll make sure to do it again!" and he leaned over and kissed my top lip when I was drinking my coffee.
"You jerk!" I laughed.
"What? I can't kiss my baby?"
"No, and you have to call me Ms. Baby now!"
"Oh, sorry. Ms. Baby."
"No more attitude, or I'll have to send you to detention."
"Only if you'll be the one to discipline me," he winked while rubbing his hand on my thigh.
"Tony!" I squealed. "We're in a school!"
"Just kidding jeez!"
We were done flirting and we just drank our coffee. I looked up at the clock, it was about time for the students to get back from lunch.
"Hey you should go now," I said.
"Okay. Bye babe, love you." He kissed my forehead.
"Love you too, Vic."
"You said 'love you too, Vic'."
"Oh.." Ooopsydaisies.
"You still thinking about Vic?" He was getting mad now. Shit.
"No." I tried to be as calm as I can.
"Then why did you call me Vic?"
"It just slipped out, I guess."
"Obviously, but why?" his voice was raising.
"Tony, please don't get mad." I haven't seen him this mad since the night of the party two years ago.
"I'm not mad!"
"Then why are you yelling?"
"Why did you call me Vic!?"
"I asked you first!" Now I was yelling.
"Whatever." He stormed out of the room.
Great, now I have to deal with an angry, stubborn, yet adorable turtle when I get home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh-oh speghettio! Looks like there's gonna be some drama coming along huh? You know it! Haha. Prepare to see (or rather, read) a pissed of turtle because Tony's gonna be like a black chick when a white chick takes her man! Lol, jk, maybe not that catty, but still, pretty pissy.