Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. Who the hell would it be at 7 in the morning on a Saturday?
"Hello?" I answered.
"ELIZABETH!!!!!" I heard Emma cry.
"Oh my God! What!?" I yelled back quietly, careful not to wake Evan up.
"Tony is mad at me!!!"
"Emma... calm down."
"Um, I think you're overreacting."
"Okay, okay. Maybe he is being a little over dramatic," I half-heartedly agreed.
"I'm ashamed." I couldn't see her, but I've seen her before when she's ashamed. Her eyes always point down, and her bangs cast a shadow on her face.
"I've been... sorta flirting with Vic..."
"Yeah! He came to talk to me after Jaime or whatever told him about the whole me calling Tony Vic thing and he just said he feels sorry for me and stuff."
"How is that flirting?"
"I'm not done!" she snapped. "Anyways, I told Vic about how Tony used to visit me at work with Starbucks every now and then, but he doesn't anymore and I kinda joked and said 'I needed my daily caffeine'. Well, Vic took it seriously and the next day during the students' lunch break Vic surprised me by bringing me Starbucks... And we sorta talked and caught up."
"I still don't see how that's flirting."
"Hold on! Okay so anyways he visited me the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, so it became a routine. I didn't complain, I get free coffee everyday! So then I told Vic that he doesn't have to buy me coffee everyday and he said 'I know, but since Tony's not gonna do it, then who is?' so he was basically telling me that he was gonna take the place of Tony as my boyfriend."
"Well do you want that?"
"Yes and no. You see, I love Tony with all my heart, but sometimes he can be a little... stubborn. And I still have feelings for Vic, I mean, you can't just forget about all we've been through, right?"
"Yeah," I nodded.
"So what do I do!" I could tell she was crying now.
"Emma, relax. Where's Tony?"
"In the bedroom, I'm in the living room, grading papers. He's sleeping."
"Okay, quiet down, you might wake Tony up."
"Now, what else has happened between you and Vic?"
There was no response.
"Okay, well... I may have told him something that I regret..."
"Which is?"
"I told him that I don't mind him taking Tony's Starbucks place. Then I totally vented about how much Tony's being an ass and how I feel like I'm invisible to him."
"And what did Vic say?"
"He said 'Well, if you were with me you wouldn't feel like that. You know how I'm not stubborn' and stuff like that. Then lunch time was almost over and he had to leave. That happened yesterday."
"So he basically told you that he'd treat you better?"
"Yeah. I'm not really cheating on Tony with Vic am I?"
"Not really, it's not like you guys are dating behind his back or fucking. He's just being a friend. And if Tony gets mad for that, then I don't think he's good enough for you."
"Thanks, Liz. I really needed the comfort. So how are things with you and Evan?" She acted like I didn't just gave her amazing dating advice, which I'm always the one to do it.
"Pretty good, Evan and I are raising a fine child."
"That's good. Oh shit I gotta go! Tony's getting up!"
"Why do you have to go because he's getting up?"
"I'm gonna make him breakfast, at least try to get him to notice me."
"Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye."
"Bye." She hung up.
I actually felt bad for Emma. I know she probably has the life most teenage girls would kill for, but there's so much bad stuff being caught between two bandmates that is hidden. It may seem like a wild fantasy, but I know this won't end up well. From the short while I've known Vic, he seemed to be the determined type, and obviously he wanted Emma back, and he's not gonna rest until he has her. But Tony on the other hand, I've never met him, but he seems stubborn. He's probably not gonna give Emma up unless she pisses him off even worse. And I could feel that thought of betrayal vibrating in her voice. I've known Emma for what seems like forever, and she's the type to "get back" at people so to say. Even if she'll regret it later on. Tony's pissing her off, she's gonna piss him off. And it's gonna be worse than accidentally calling him by the name of her ex-boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay sorry this chapter was mostly dialogue, but you get the jist of what's going on between Tony and Emma. Plus I haven't done an Elizabeth chapter in a while, so I figured, hey, why not?
I'm almost done with this fanfic and it's my first ever. And I know it kinda sucks :P
But anyways, anyone wanna guess what's gonna happen next? I'm gonna try to finish this by the end of either next week or hopefully this week. I don't get time to do this on the weekends because I'm at my dads and my laptops at my moms and I only bring my laptop to my dads when my annoying little stepsister isn't there so she doesn't bug me. Which is like every other weekend.
I at least wanna get the next chapter done before Friday because it's gonna be a smut chapter and my dads a little more stricter than my mom and he probably checks the history on the browser thingy and if he sees that I'm writing sex I'm gonna be in big trouble. :P
But if I don't get this thing finished by this week it will definitely be by next week because there's no school on Friday and Monday :D