Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I sat across from Emma on the bed as she pulled clothes out of the dresser and packed them up. She wouldn't look at me, she wouldn't dare. She was too afraid. What would I do? What would I say?
"Sorry," I awkwardly said.
She looked at me, confused.
"Sorry for... flipping out on you."
"You had a right," she murmured.
"I know but I went over the top. I usually don't flip out like that."
"It was different though, it was with Vic. Don't apologize, please." Her voice was cracking and her eyes were getting teary.
I walked over to her and put my hands on her waist and made her look at me. I stared into her cloudy blue eyes, getting lost in the color. "Please don't leave," I whispered.
She struggled out of my grasp and resumed packing. "Don't do this Tony," she sniffled. "You broke up with me. You left me at Jaime's. Vic took me, I'm with him."
I hated the way she said Vic took her, it was like she was a toy that Vic took from me because I wasn't playing with it, or lost it and he found it. Metaphorically speaking, I did loose her, and he was the one who found her.
I sat back down on the bed as she walked to the bathroom to grab her toothbrush and stuff. I ruined it. I had the girl I was so in love with when I wasn't with her, and now that I had her, I payed no attention to her. Maybe I deserved it. Maybe I did have it coming. I just wanted things to be the same again. That's all I want.
I grabbed my phone and called Vic.
"Yeah?" he answered.
"Hey, I'm sorry about the other night."
"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry for what I did," he replied.
"I did have it coming."
"I still didn't have a right to do what I did."
"Let's just have things back to how they were."
"I couldn't agree more. But I have one addition to that."
"What?" I asked.
"Next time we date someone, and break up, we have to stay away from the girl."
"Couldn't agree more," I smiled.
"Awesome. You wanna come over later to work on songs? Mike's coming too."
"That sounds awesome."
"Great, see you at five." He hung up and I set my phone down.
Emma walked back in the room and sat on the bed next to me. "I'm done packing."
"Do you need help bringing the bags to Jaime's place?"
"I'd hate to be a bother," she shrugged.
"No bother."
"Thanks." She gave me a surprise hug. "Can things go back to the way they were?" she whispered.
"I was thinking the same thing."
She let go of me and smiled.
I helped drive the stuff down to Jaime's and helped set them in Vic's room.
"Thanks man," Vic said as he gave me a bro-hug.
"No problem, you would've done the same thing." I walked out of the house and into my car and drove back home.
Emma's gone, and hopefully she'll be gone from my memory, too. She's not gone gone, though, we're still friends. But I don't really care about that, what I'm really focused on is restoring mine and Vic's friendship, if it was ever broken. It will be hard, but we're trying to forget all that happened the other night. It'll be hard for Emma, especially. The way I treated her, the things I called her, it was all terrible and could leave a deep emotional scar. But she's too strong for that, and with the help of Vic, she'll be okay.
I'll be okay if she's okay.
We'll all be okay
♠ ♠ ♠
AAAAAH YOU GUYS IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!!!! It didn't really turn out the way I hoped it to, but hey, it turned out \_(ツ)_/
This was my first story thingy, so cut me some slack. Now I've been on here longer and I know how things work out here. I'm gonna write a new story, and it's original fiction, about a girl in a band and a boy in a band and they fall in love and there's drama and stuff. If any of you guys are interested I'll have it up soon :)
Now I just want to say thanks to all of you guys who are reading, commenting, subscribing, and of course recommending! I promise you guys that my next stories are gonna be 10x better! :D