Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up and turned over to see if Emma was still in the bed.
She wasn't.
I was kind of worrying if she ran off, that would suck, I felt like I really connected to this girl.
I shook the thought off and got out of bed and got dressed. After I put a pair of boxers on and some pajama pants I walked through the door to the living room.
I was surprised to see Emma on the couch, she looked up at me and smiled, "Good morning Sleeping Beauty."
I laughed at the joke, "Morning."
"Well, I guess I should say 'Good afternoon', considering it's three o'clock."
"Yeah, how long have you been up?" I asked.
"Since six this morning," she casually said.
"Yeah, I'm used to getting up early."
"I could never imagine getting up that early!"
"Believe me, Vic, I'm not quite a morning person either, it's just a habit. Like doing drugs, you hate it, but you can't stop."
I laughed at the strange simile, then heard some noises from the TV, "What are you watching?" I asked.
"Scooby-Doo," she answered.
"Really?" I laughed.
"Yeah! I still watch old cartoons!"
Wow, I'm starting to like this girl a lot more.
I went over to the couch and sat by her. I put my arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on my shoulders.
She yawned, "I'm tired."
"Take a nap," I suggested.
"On the couch."
"Okay, um," she started to awkwardly try to get in a comfortable sleeping position.
I noticed her struggle, "Here," I said, "Get up real quick," she stood up and I started to lay down with my back against the couch, "Now you lay down."
"O-okay," she laid down with her back against my front and I wrapped my arm around her and held her close. I could feel her belly move with every breath she took. She was so close. Her hair smelled good, like roses.
At first her body was all tense, but then she started to ease up against my body.
I kissed her cheek, loving this closeness. She twisted her neck so she could see me, she smiled and kissed me. I think it was the first time she actually kissed me first, it was always me.
She kissed me again, then again, then again, "Ow," she yelped.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My neck's hurting," she twisted her whole body so her front was against my front, "You're not wearing a shirt."
I nodded, "I'm aware."
"Aren't you cold?"
"I am."
I took that as a hint, I reached for the blanket I keep at the end of the couch and draped it over us and cuddled up with her, "Is that better?"
"Yes," she kissed me and then rested her head on my chest, shutting her eyes.
I played with her hair for probably like ten minutes until her breathing pattern was a lot more gentle and peaceful. I could tell she was asleep.
Then I heard a vibrating noise from a phone on the end table. For some odd reason I thought it was my phone so I picked it up and answered it, "Hello?"
"Hey, who is this?" the voice from the other line didn't sound like any of my contacts.
"Vic, who is this?"
"Oh you're Vic! I'm Emma's friend! Nicole!"
At first I wondered how she got my number, then I realized I had Emma's phone.
"So what makes ya think you can just answer her phone?" Nicole asked with a sarcastic attitude.
"Sorry, I thought this was my phone."
She laughed, "That's okay. Anyways, where's Emma?"
"No, she's been up since six this morning, but she only had about five hours of sleep, so she's taking a nap."
"You guys stayed up till one?"
"What did you do?"
"Like what?"
Wow, this girl was awfully nosy, "I'm sure Emma will tell you all about it."
"Okay, I'd rather hear it from her anyways."
"So do you like Emma?" Nicole asked.
"Yeah she's cute."
"Yeah she is. I'm cute too."
I'm guessing Nicole was the blond one, "I'm sure you are," I said sarcastically.
"You got a friend for me?"
"No," I lied. Jaime's single, and so is Tony, but I really don't like this girl.
"Oh, well when Emma gets up tell her to come back."
"Kay well bye Vic."
"Bye," I tried not to hide my happiness.
She hung up. I muttered "Thank God" under my breath and watched Emma until I fell asleep.
"Wake up, Sleeping Beauty," I felt soft tugging at my arms, then a soft kiss on my forehead, "Wake up!" it was Emma's voice, that shot me up like a rocket, "You sleep a lot," Emma bluntly said.
"I need my beauty sleep," I joked.
"Well it's working," she kissed my lips.
I smiled under her lips and she kissed me again, then she threw a shirt at me to put on.
"You hungry? I made grilled cheese."
This chick is awesome, "Oooh that sounds good!"
"Okay, you want anything with it? Like macaroni and cheese? I can make some."
"You don't have to make any if you don't want to."
"Well I'm gonna make some for me, so it's no bother."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, it's just a little extra."
"Okay, I'll have a little."
She seemed satisfied with that answer, "Okay!" she kissed me and went to the kitchen.
I remembered what Nicole told me, "Hey, your friend said she wanted you back when you woke up."
She looked at me, "I know, but Elizabeth called me and said for me to just be there by seven."
"Oh," I checked her phone that was still on the end table to see the time, it was 5:02. I had two hours to spare.
I walked over to Emma in the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her from the back of her, "Guess who?"
"Hm, well there's only one other person in the room, so..."
"You don't know that," I joked.
She looked at me and kissed me. I tipped her down like people do when they're dancing and bit her neck, I remembered that she liked that.
"I'm gonna start calling you a vampire," she stated.
"Then I'll call you a cat cause you got fucking claws."
"Huh?" she said with a confused look.
"Look," I stood her back up and took my shirt off and turned around with my back facing her, "See those scratch marks?"
"Oh my God," she whispered, "I did that?"
"You're the only one I've had sex with in the past week."
"Wow, do they hurt?" she asked with a caring tone.
"No, they're like cat scratches, from a domesticated cat, not that painful, but they did hurt like hell when you gave them to me."
"Oh, I'm sorry," she walked over to me and kissed me, putting her hands on my chest. Then she turned away to cook the macaroni.
I put my shirt back on and sat on the counter next to the stove, "So what are you going to college for?"
"Teacher, well, and I'm doing my four years of basic college stuff."
"Is it hard?"
"Not really, I get straight A's."
Straight A's? She must be really smart, "I tried to go to college before."
She looked up at me, "Really?"
"Yeah, but I dropped out."
"I was struggling with math."
"I love math!"
"Yeah, I loved it ever since fourth grade! I was in advanced math in seventh grade all the way to high school, I did a college math class in my senior year."
"Are you like Asian or something?"
"Vic! That's just terrible!" she laughed.
"I know," I leaned over and kissed her, "So when will you be out of college?"
"I think in two years," she answered, "When will Pierce the Veil come out with a new album?"
So she was a fan, "We're thinking of something, but it's not official yet, but I promise it will be a lot better than A Flair for the Dramatic."
"I don't know, that album was pretty good," she smiled and kissed me, then turned back to the macaroni.
After a few more minutes of talking and kissing the food was done. She put some macaroni and cheese on a plate and put some on another plate and put grilled cheese sandwiches on both the plates.
We sat on the couch and ate our food while watching Lord of the Rings.
When we were done we were laying on the couch together, with her back against my front, occasionally saying something.
"One time when we were twelve my friend Elizabeth and I would talk on the phone all the time, I'd be playing Legends of Zelda and she'd be watching Lord of the Rings and we'd just talk about it," Emma said.
"You play Legends of Zelda?"
"Yeah! I play all sorts of video games! I used to kick my ex-boyfriend's ass at Mario Kart!"
"Maybe that's why he broke up with you," I smiled.
"Haha maybe," she turned her body towards me and kissed me, "I'm glad he broke up with me."
"Because if he didn't I would've never met you," she kissed me.
I smiled, "That is a good thing, isn't it?"
"Yeah, hey what time is it?"
I checked my phone and it was a quarter to six, "It's 5:47."
I'm not sure but I think she growled, "I don't want to leave."
"I don't want you to go either."
She nuzzled her head into my neck and kissed my collar bone.
"If your friends are fine with it you could stay the night again," I said.
"Yeah, I don't care."
"Okay! Let me call Elizabeth," she picked up her phone and dialed the number, "Hey Liz, Vic said I could stay the night at his place again, can I?" she asked, "Okay, bye," then she hung up.
"She said I could but I have to be back by noon."
"Okay," I smiled, I tried to hide my happiness but I just got too excited.
I kissed her and she kissed me back. I kissed her neck and then her collar bone, and was softly biting it. She smiled.
After some more kissing she fell asleep in my arms, with a content smile on her face.