Status: Finished :D

Stay Away from My Friends


I woke up in bed with Vic, he was still sleeping, of course. I checked the clock to see what time it was, it was 6:05, I was still tired though, so I went back to sleep, feeling Vic's heartbeat under my palm.
I felt shaking on my arm, then Vic's voice, "Hey, wake up!"
I sat up and stretched, "What time is it?" I yawned.
"It's almost eleven, you have to be with your friends soon," he looked at me with sad eyes, sad about me leaving.
"I made breakfast! I made eggs and toast!" Vic seemed overly excited about that.
"Do you want some?"
"Sure, if there's enough."
We walked out to the kitchen.
"Did you have a good sleep?" Vic asked.
"Was the shirt comfortable?"
"Yeah, it really was," I said, hugging the shirt.
"You can keep it if you want," he offered.
"You sure?" I asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, like I said last night, it doesn't fit me anymore."
"Okay, I guess."
"You can have it as a reminder of me!"
I smiled, "Thanks."
"Hey, so, whenever you're free or whatever do you like, wanna see a movie or something?" he asked.
"Yeah sure, maybe tomorrow?"
"Yeah," he paused, "We could see Paranormal Activity or something."
Uh-oh, I don't do well with scary movies, "O-okay."
"And if you get scared I'll be right there with you," he kissed me gently, then put his hands on my hips. The kiss got harder, until I pulled away.
He served me some eggs and toast, and they were pretty good. But before I new it, it was 11:30, I had to be back at the hotel by noon, so I quickly gathered my things and Vic drove me to the hotel.
"Well," he looked at me, "Bye," he kissed me, his soft lips brushing up against mine, "Oh I forgot to ask you but what's your number?" I gave him my number, "Okay! I'll text you! Bye!" he kissed me some more, a little more harder than the last kiss.
As I started to walk out of the car a thought game into my mind, "Hey, do you want to walk me to my room?"
Vic smiled, "Yeah," he got out of the car and put his arm around my waist, walking me to my room.
I knocked on my door and he kissed my neck over and over again. By the time Nicole answered the door he was still kissing my neck.
"Ooooh!" she squealed, "Someone had a fun night! Huh?"
I looked at Vic, "You can leave now."
"Okay, text me later okay?" he kissed my lips, "Bye babe."
"Bye," I kissed him back, "See you tomorrow."
He nodded, then walked away.
"So, you got a date tomorrow?" Nicole asked.
"Yes, we're going to see Paranormal Activity," I answered in a precise tone.
"Well, before we talk about tomorrow, I want to hear about the other night! Come in!"
I walked through the threshold and sat on Nicole's bed, fidgeting with my sweatshirt. Elizabeth walked out of her room and smiled when she saw me, "Ah! Emma!"
"Hey Liz," I waved.
"Okay," Nicole started, "Now that Miss Pregnant is here we can talk about your night with Vic!"
Elizabeth playfully punched Nicole, then looked at me expectantly. I was feeling peer-pressured, so I started talking to try to ease up the tension, "Well, there's not much to tell, really. I mean, we did do... What you guys expected-"
"How was it?" Nicole interrupted.
"Good," I plainly stated.
"Just good?" Elizabeth raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, it was great, amazing, even," I looked at them, my heartbeat gaining speed with every word I said.
They looked at me, their eyes begging for more detail, so I gave them the detail. Their eyes were getting wider with very word spoken. After that was over with they crossed glances at each other, "Wow," Elizabeth said, "Sounds like fun."
"Oh it was," I winked.
"I talked to Vic," Nicole stated, "He seems nice."
"He is," I agreed, "He gives me nice kisses."
Elizabeth and Nicole giggled.
"Hey, where'd you get that shirt?" Elizabeth asked, noticing Vic's shirt.
"Oh, it's a shirt Vic gave me last night to wear to bed, he said I can keep it because it doesn't fit him anymore."
Elizabeth and Nicole both let out "Aaaws" with a stupid "lovey-dovey" look on their faces.
"So, are you liking this trip so far?" Elizabeth asked.
"Loving it!" I exclaimed.
"Haha good."
"Hey! Emma, didn't Vic just call you babe?" Nicole asked.
"Yeah," I couldn't hide my smile.
"That's so cute!" Elizabeth squealed.
"Yeah! And when I opened the door he was kissing her neck and stuff!"
"Okay, okay, yeah, he's a little clingy, but it's cute, it really is," I smiled again, "Anyways, what are we gonna do today?"
"Well, do you guys just wanna go swimming in the pool here?" Elizabeth suggested.
"Yeah that sounds like fun," Nicole said.
We put our swimsuits on and walked down to the room with the pool and hot tub.