Status: Wanted to bring all the things I really like together, so here it is. :)

My... Our little secret.

Chapter one.

Jack woke up that day not wanting to go to school but really eager to go. He didn’t hate school but he didn’t love it either. He only went there to see this guy he has always had a crush on but pretended to hate. He loved how this guy tried to talk to him but he hated himself for saying stupid and hateful things to him and making him go out of his way. What Jack most hated about waking up early and going to school was the fact that his mother wasn’t there how she was before he started high school- and now, almost finishing it he missed her so bad. But she was in the middle of a mission and he could do anything but wait until she gets back; meanwhile, his aunt was taking care of him. He finally went out of the bed and sighed, opened the door and went out down the hallway to the bathroom.

“Jacky!” a woman’s voice came across the hallway. “Remember to wash yourself with that special thing – Oh God, I forgot the name again!”

“Yeah auntie Mara, I know” he sighed. “Anti-sun soap” Jack added and went inside the bathroom, doing everything he needed to.

After almost fifteen minutes, Jack goes down and to the kitchen.

“Want something to eat?” the woman asked.

“Don’t need it.” He said and kissed his aunt on the cheek. “Love you” he was walking towards the door and her aunt’s voice stopped him again.

“Remember to take care of yourself, baby” she smiled.

“Auntie, it’s not that hard to be around humans” he put a hand on her shoulder comforting her “I’ll be fine”

“Y-yeah. It’s just that I don’t want to see you biting everyone everywhere” she sighed.

“I won’t” Jack closed the door behind him and started walking to
school, knowing he was already late.

------Jack’s P.O.V.

“First day back to school and you’re late, Barakat!” a strong man’s voice said with anger as I walked in.

“I’m sorry; it won’t happen again, Mr. Garamond.” I walked faster and sat down behind Austin, who was my only friend that was on the biology class with me, at least this period.

“Take” Austin whispered and handed me a note behind the table.

“What is it?” I whispered back a bit confused before opening it.
I knew he wasn’t going to answer so I cautiously opened the little piece of paper, trying to make as least sound as possible. “Party tonight at my house, wanna come?” was what the note said, I took a pen out of my bag and wrote at the back of the note. “Are you fucking crazy? It’s Monday bro.” I hissed to call Austin’s attention and give him the note back. He didn’t answer anything else after he got the note and we were silent the whole class. I didn’t pay much attention to the class because I was worried for Alex, he didn’t show up and he’s very responsible, so it was something to get worried about.

“What were you thinking about?” Austin asked after the class was over.

“Nothing… really” I faked a smile.

“It was about Alex, right?” he giggled. “You two would be so cute”

“Shut up” I said as we walked out of the classroom.

“Go talk to him” he spitted out.

“Are you crazy?” I stopped out of the classroom and looked directly at him. “He thinks I hate him, I mean, I can’t”

“Yeah, whatever. Gotta go.” He waved me a goodbye as he walked to his next class.

I stopped at my locker and left all my books there, taking with me only a small notebook, my bag and my sweater. I walked through the crowd and went inside the bathroom without anyone noticing, I put my bag on the floor taking out a one inches glass with less than a half full of blood, I drank a bit and left it inside my bag again, I was hungry but obviously I didn’t want anyone to notice. I stayed there with my hands on the sink and looking myself into the mirror, I am really fucking pale and it was weird how anyone didn’t really notice, but anything foundation couldn’t hide. I was going to wash my face but the foundation would just blow away and I didn’t bring mine to put it on, so I had to stay that way, all tired and like I really wanted to die. What’s the good thing about vampires? Why did everyone like them? It’s the worst thing ever, for real. I can’t find anything exciting about living thousands and thousands of years, and being pale, and the fact that in any moment I could lose all my self-control and go bite someone, like, that’s not cool, at all. I sighed while I put my sweater on, why couldn’t I just be a normal person? An actual human. All I wanted to do was go all crazy and punch the mirror, break it all and run away, but my thoughts got interrupted by someone opening the door, and yeah, it was Alex, only making it worse. My cheeks were now burning red, he found me in one of my most miserable moments. I cleared my throat when he walked past me and the mirrors straight to the back corner of the restroom. I looked away from him, again to my reflection in the mirror and the sink, getting my hands a bit wet and then pressing my back to the wall, looking at the floor.

“Skipping class, aren’t we?” Alex asked while he washed his hands on the sink in front of me.

I smiled and stood properly, staring at him while he closed the water. “Yeah, I guess so.” I sighed. “What about you?”

“Same. I think you’d have realized because I wasn’t at the first class.” He said now facing me.

“I don’t know; I was falling asleep” Holy shit, obviously I realized.

“Hmmm” he hummed slowly taking his phone out of one of the pockets of his skinny jeans and just letting the music sound.

“You have good taste in music” I whispered, I was barely audible and after saying that, I really hoped that he didn’t hear me. And he really had good taste; out from his phone it played some Blink 182 songs – I thought.

“Uh, thanks?” he giggled. “I don’t know, I just- Yeah, I don’t know”
I weakly laughed. “Yeah, I guess you just like it”. He smirked and nodded.

We spent what I could call the rest of the day like that, in the bathroom, just doing nothing and hanging out like if we were friends from a long time ago. We even ate there and played some silly games, I really didn’t want to leave, but then the last bell rang and we knew that it was time to go, but I really, really, didn’t want to leave. I just hoped he just asked me to go out, but I mean, not like in a date but to keep talking and shit.

“I-” he said obviously nervous, holding me by my wrist when I was about to open the door to leave. I didn’t want to, but I had to and made him go off my hand. Maybe there was still hope? “I-I’m sorry” he said walking to the door to leave, this time I took him by the wrist, making him stop.

“It’s okay, but, like, what did you want to tell me?” I smiled, making the moment less awkward, or that’s what I thought.

“W-well. Just asking why’d you treat me so good today if you always say I’m a bother for you, or that’s what I think” he asked looking to the floor and barely blushing.

He totally got me off of my guard, I didn’t know what to answer and now I was the nervous one. “I” I sighed. “I don’t really know, Alex. Look, you’re a nice guy and I’m so sorry for treating you bad before”

“But like, I-I always wanted to talk to you and you just didn’t give me the chance, and when I played the music earlier I did it because I know you liked it” he shook his head and put a hand covering his face, obviously embarrassed. “I mean, I like it too but, you could just leave at that moment if I’m a bother, but you kept talking” he said quietly.

“I-I’m so sorry, Alex, really. I just- ugh. Are we friends now?” I sighed and he just nodded, we went out of the bathroom and waved goodbye to each other as I went with Austin and Rian and he went with his friends, who I didn’t really know.

God, I’m so stupid. I’m so fucking stupid, idiot, moron, just- how I wished that at that moment some kind of super natural vampire took me because I could finally see my mom or just that the earth opened apart and I fell to hell. While we were going home I just didn’t talk about anything, I was only thinking about how much I wished that I never kept talking to Alex today or that I have never met him nor have a crush on him. Austin actually understood me, he knew how I felt and everything, but just didn’t know about me being a vampire, I had told him that I’m a vampire when I was 8 or something, but obviously he took it as a joke only. I’ve known Austin since we were children because he’s my neighbor and when he saw I didn’t really want to talk he gave me that “you have to tell me everything” face and didn’t force me to talk at the moment because Rian was there going to Austin’s. We bro-fisted or whatever before I got home and they both went to the next house. I just walked in and kissed my aunt on the cheek, went directly upstairs to my room and gave up onto my bed, falling asleep as fast as possible.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sci-fi romance? Well, I had time without writing and this is the best I could do.
PS: I don't like Twilight so this is not out of that and I don't want to make it similar. It has NOTHING to do with that and won't be even a little like that.