Status: Wanted to bring all the things I really like together, so here it is. :)

My... Our little secret.

Chapter four.

After my aunt gave me that big and so fucked up talk about how I have to take care of myself because no one else will and all that crap; I went to bed, I didn't even change my clothes, I was too tired for even doing that. I couldn't get sleep very easily because I was thinking about Alex and how he really cared about me, or it looked like it. I remembered when he was asleep and all I wanted to do was kiss him, to feel his soft, warm and lovely lips against mine, but even though he's actually all into guys, I knew that I would never happen. Just friends. And that's how it'll always be, sadly for me. I sighed, really wanting to fall asleep but I knew it wouldn't be that easy since the only thing in my mind was Alex and Austin - Austin! Damn it! I stood up from my bed and searched everywhere for my phone until I remember he probably has it, as well as my keys. Thanks to every supernatural thing out there that was kind of helping me that Mara kept the door unlocked. I thought that call him and offer him an apology would be the best thing to do, but I didn't even know what time it was by now so at that moment, the best thing was to wait until we were at school or something and give him some kind of a gift.

I went to bed after a long time and got to finally sleep. My eyes couln't handle it anymore and they just closed by themselves. It was the first time in more than six months that I didn't have a nightmare, to be honest; and I was sad about it though. The nightmares made me feel real and alive, but I guess I just had so much today that my body couldn't take anything else anymore. It was a nice sleep after all until some lips crashing against mine woke me up. I was confused, I even thought it was a dream because I really didn't find anything else that it could be and my aunt would never, ever kiss me on the lips. When I realized it wasn't a dream my eyes went wide and white as eggs, or something. There was actually someone kissing me but I couldn't tell who it was because we both were so close to each other, I have to say, I was scared some creeper or I don't even know what it could be was kissing me. I pulled away from the kiss and fell off my bed as I tried to be as far away as I could from this creature God knows who it was! I quickly stood up and pressed my back against the wall looking at this misteryous creature. I turned the light that was by my side on and it groaned. It wasn't that much of a light but it still hurted to both of us.

"I..." it was quiet for a minute, then I realized it was a girl who was wearing all black clothes with long sleeves and was as pale as me or even a little more, she had black long hair and deep brown eyes that almost looked black as well. "I'm sorry," she finally got to say and I was still nervous and scared. "I'm Ana." She tried to smile but I guess she was nervous too.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked strongly and then shook my head. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I said more calmly now.

"Words, please."

"How do you want me not to speak like this if you just broke into my house and kissed me?" I strongly whispered to make her know I wanted to yell at her but I didn't want to wake my aunt up.

"Sorry, I didn't exactly broke and I shouldn't be here." She sighed. "Look, I just wanted to know what you were like in-"

"Yeah, I'm gay." I just wanted to make her know I didn't want anything to do with her. "And I don't even know you".

Her jaw opened in surprise, I guess she wasn't waiting for that. "So you're really gay... And your aunt haven't talked to you about me." I could feel sadness on her voice but I just didn't get where she wanted to go with all of this so I just nodded. "Will you let me finish now?" I nodded again. "Whenever you are ready - and I don't know when that will be - you will be sent again to where you belong, to our world. I'm a vampire too, and when you go there, I am the vampire you are destined to marry to. Unless you find someone else here who is okay with you biting then and marrying you for the rest of their long lives."

I was in shock, I couldn't. I just couldn't marry her. I am gay. Is that too hard to understand? I think she knew what I was thinking about and she just went out by the window. I stayed sitting in a corner of my room just thinking about it until the sun was about to rise, I went to the bathroom and used extra anti-sun soap and also a lotion that would help because I didn't want anything weird happening again. As I went out my aunt was already awake and I had to ask her everything about Ana, I didn't care if I was late for school because it was Wednesday and I had my first period free.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me about her?" I asked angry and she was just confused, I haven't named anyone yet.

"What are you talking about, honey?" She said in a sweet voice.

"Ana. Why didn't you fucking tell me about her?"

She swallowed hard, I've found out and she just stared at me with wide eyes. "How-how did you know..." Let's say, I wouldn't say it sounded like a question.

"Oh well, she came in the middle of the fucking night and told me I fucking have to marry her" I smiled sarcastically.

"Go to school." She demanded. "We'll tall about it later."

I sighed and picked my bag up, I went to the door and before opening it I shouted "Only if you didn't know; now you do - I'm..." I took a big breath, I knew I had to tell her. "I'm gay" I let the breath I was holding out after I said that. It seemed like if all of a sudden I was walking and instead of greeting people I just told them I'm gay. I walked out of the house and ran to school, I knew I'd found Austin there, I went to him and hugged him.


"I'm sorry" I pulled away from the hug. "Look what I got you" I smiled widely and took a self-made squidgy. "I did it myself" I handed it to him still smiling.

"Oh my God, Jack!" he was now making little jumps around with the squidgy on his hands, not that anyone really noticed or cared. "Thank youuuuuuuuu" he hugged me and I could almost hear him smiling, he was so happy it was contagious.

"Give me my phone back now" I laughed. He looked for my phone inside his bag and handed it to me, still holding the squidgy in his hands, he refused to put it on his bag.

He was still smiling and playing with the pink octopus as we walked, I saw Alex some feet away from us and I decided I would go and talk to him; asking Austin to stay there and wait for me. I was still angry about Ana, but maybe Alex could make me feel better.

"Hey" I said as I stood in front of him who was closing his locker.

"Hi" he answered smiling. "What's up? You look kind of down."

"Yeah, uh... I just-" Yeah, I'm gonna tell him. I think I trust him, even if we just have two days talking. "I just found out that my family want me to marry a girl named Ana and didn't even ask me, like, they got it planned from years ago." I sighed sadly.

"But aren't you gay?" He asked confused as we walked to where Austin was once standing and I realized he wasn't there anymore, he must be with Alan or something.

"Yeah, that's what I say" I groaned loudly and he just laughed.

"Isn't there a way you could change that?"

"Yeah" I said nervously. "I have to find someone who is up to-" I can't tell him that. "who is up to do anything for me." I just couldn't tell him he truth and that was the closer to it.

"Anything?" He asked biting his bottom lip. Oh, how I wanted to kiss those red and beautiful lips. I just nodded to his question. "Oh, well".

He walked towards me still biting his bottom lip and that just made me feel weaker, he's so perfect it hurts. He put his hands around my waist and looked up to me just because I'm a little bit taller than him. He smiled and pressed his lips against mine, I wanted to smile so bad but I didn't want to break the kiss. Was he reading my mind or what? The kiss got only a bit deeper until we were gasping for air and had to break. I was smiling and there was nothing that could takr that smile off my face.

"Ehem." A teacher we just realized that was there said, breaking our little moment.

"S-sorry." Alex said and took my hand, going out of the room fastly and dragging me with him, both really embarrassed. We just didn't talk about it anymore in the day and it was pretty normal; me with Austin, Rian and Phil and Alex with his group of friends, which curiously included Alan.

Nothing else of that was talked the rest of the week, only with Austin who kept saying we looked really cute and who was really excited, but I didn't really talk to Alex what was left of the week. But I was decided to go to his house on Saturday, and I know I would.
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do you guys think i should make and Alex's POV? i don't want him to be that misteryous haha.
i wrote this on my galaxy because i dont have anywhere else to, so, sorry for any mistake. :)

it's actually sad how i've been losing readers, but yeah, i'll keep going anyways. :)

btw, just curious, who's going to warped this year? :D and please, comment about the story and shit.