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When You've Got Trouble

Chapter 3

Sidney Crosby couldn't focus, and it was coming through with all the missed shots. This wasn't him. He wasn't like this. When it came to game time he was always one hundred and ten percent in. People always told him he had this uncanny ability to block any extraneous thoughts from his head when it came to game time. Yet, he still couldn't get that little blonde haired little girl out of his head. That could be his daughter. He could have a daughter. He is twenty five years old for heavens sake, what could he possibly know about raising a child? How old was she? Eight? Nine? Ten? He shook his head. Focus. Game time.

He skated over to the referee and took his stance for a face-off. He carefully squatted and placed his stick in his hands parallel to the ice. Sidney looked into the eyes of his opponent. He knew that he wouldn't win this face-off. He didn't have that usual drive.

The puck dropped right in front of his eyes and it looked like it was going in slow motion, and his body wasn't responding to his brain. Then, everything was fast. The other team got the puck, and the coldness of the ice was touching his cheek.

Sidney skated over to the bench and proceeded to beat his stick on the side of wall until his stick was in shatters all over the ice.


The locker room was full of light hearted chatter that was always prevalent after a win over the Philadelphia Flyer's. He was glad that his team won, although that was no excuse for the way that he played tonight. He was sure that he was at least a minus 2 right now.

"Rough game tonight Captain?" Sidney didn't have to look up to recognize that voice. It was one of his great friends Pascal Dupuis. Everyone usually left him alone after a game like this, however Pascal didn't care and wasn't afraid of Sidney.

"Yeah, my minds just been really out of it lately."

"Anything particular that's bothering you?" He unlaced his laces as Sidney took off his smelly and very sweaty gear.

He didn't want to answer that question. He didn't know for sure that that was his daughter. She didn't look like him, she looked like her mother. She could be anyone's. That's what he was hoping anyways. He didn't know anything about girls. He knew about boys. Hell, all he would have to do with a boy is just give him a hockey stick and a puck and that little boy would be set. Do all girls like to play hockey? His sister plays hockey. He knows nothing about little girls.

Sidney took a seat in his stall and tried to figure out a way to phrase this question without coming out really creepy.

"What are your girls like?"


"What do they like to do? I mean are your girls totally different from Kody?" Pascal was confused and it was evident on his face.

"Is this some sort of subtle hint that you knocked someone up and now they are pregnant with a baby girl?"

"No. It's just I'm thinking way into the future you know. I want to settle down someday." Okay, he wasn't entirely lying to him.

"Well, they are like boys except they have long hair and like to play dress up if that's what you wanted to know." Sidney thought about that. So they are just like little boys who like dresses. God, what was he thinking. He needed to find her. He needed to know if she was his. He just couldn't believe that Evelyn would never tell him about this. He thought he knew her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay guys! Thanks for all the love!! I can't believe I have seven recs! Anyways what do you think about Sidney? I tried to portray him in a way that most people wouldn't expect! So, comments always gives me more incentive to update so please comment!!! I love you guys!

ps. more on Sidney and Evelyn next chapter!
