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When You've Got Trouble

Chapter 4

At two o'clock in the morning, Sidney Crosby is supposed to be in a deep hibernation. Yet again, he was plagued with another sleepless night. He should really tell someone about this, it has been a few weeks since this uneasy sleeping started.

He tried to stare at dull dark ceiling hoping that it would lull him to sleep. However, he felt wired right now. Sidney knew that he would barely get a few hours of sleep in tonight. Maybe this is why he is playing like shit.

The light of the moon reflected off of his laptop that sat in the corner of his room. His mind was telling him, "Do it, Do it. It will ease your curiosity." His hands found their way to his eyes, and before he knew it he was rubbing his eyes while getting out of his seemingly uncomfortable bed. Which was pretty weird because he spent a couple thousand dollars on this mattress.

The computer screen was bright when he opened up his laptop, so he adjusted the brightness to his surroundings. His fingers typed the password that he didn't even have to think about, and then his screen was open to google. "Just type her name in. It's not creepy." His mind told him. He just couldn't shake this feeling that this was an invasion of her privacy. Well, if it's on google it's probably not private.

He typed Evelyn Cartier into space, and had to wait a second to get the search results. A lot of things popped up, and almost all of them were about the dance studio she worked at. He clicked on the images, and waited a second for it load.

The first picture was one of her and her daughter. It was the same picture from the newspaper. In color, he saw the little subtle differences between her and her mother. He clicked on the picture to enlarge it. When he saw it bigger, he saw that she had brown eyes just like him. He looked a little closer, and he saw that she had full lips just like he always got teased for. It wasn't a strong resemblance, but he could see a little of him in her.

Sidney slammed the screen down so hard that he thought he broke it. He didn't care about that. He was just mad, and confused. It seemed like he was asking himself the same question over and over again. How could she keep this from him? To that he didn't know. However, Sidney knew that he would have to ask her himself.


Weekdays at the dance studio were pretty boring for Evelyn. For starters, there were only mommy and me classes during the day, and she didn't teach any of those classes. So, for most days during the week, she resorted to desk duty. Usually, she spent the time looking for music to choreograph to.


"What, I'm busy doing a crossword!"

"Fine, then I won't let you listen to Arden's music for nationals." Evelyn could feel her eyes bore into the back of Evelyn's head. Lena had been asking for weeks what music Evelyn was going to use.

"I guess I can make an exception."

"Okay, it will be Can't Help Falling in Love."

"The Elvis Presley song?"

"No, the cover by Ingrid Michaelson." Evelyn could hear Lena's footsteps behind her until Lena was standing right next to her. Lena was one of the first friends Evelyn made when she moved to Pittsburgh. They both had been teaching at this dance studio for seven years. For her, it started out as just a part time job when she was attending college. However, Lena loved it so much that she quit her corporate job and decided she wanted to teach dance.

"Play it!"

"Fine! You don't have to be so pushy."

After they listened to the song, they both sat there in silence. They were both thinking of choreography.

"So you want Arden's solo to be more mature?"

"Yeah, I think that will place her high." However, they didn't get to finish their conversation. The bell rang meaning someone was coming in, and Lena told Evelyn that she would deal with whoever walked in. Evelyn didn't mind, she really didn't feel like talking to anyone today. She was content with playing solitaire on her computer.

"Hi sir, is there anything I could help you with today?" Evelyn noticed the change of tone in Lena's voice. Obviously whoever she was talking to was somewhat attractive because her voice always got a little higher when there was a decent looking guy. Whatever, she could use a boyfriend.

"I'm looking for Evelyn." Right when Evelyn heard that voice, she knew who it belonged to. She could feel the coldness wash over her, and undoubtedly her face had gone pale. What was he doing here? Why was he here?

"Hey Ev, he wants to talk to you." Evelyn met his eyes, and stared into them with her cold hard stare. Did he think I didn't remember him telling Charlotte that he wanted nothing to do with Arden? Why the hell does he think that he can waltz in here expecting to talk to me?

"Lena, could you give us a minute?" She looked at Evelyn as if to say what the hell is going on. As soon as Lena left the room, Evelyn wanted to explode. However, she knew that it wasn't the right thing to do. But her mind had other plans.

"Who the hell do you think you are for coming here."
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Sorry for the no post! For everyone that stuck with me I love you all!! So they finally meet, and we obviously see there is a miscommunication between Sidney and Evelyn. Tell me what you think will happen!! Comments= more updates!! Love you guys!
