Status: This is my first story that I am uploading onto here. I am only uploading the first chapter for now because I do not want anyone stealing it but I might put up the second chapter is enough people like it. Comments and tips are very welcome and appreciated.

The Dagger and the Crown

Chapter V: The Hideout

After about an hour of walking through the jungle, Azazel and Canis finally reach their destination; A group of ruins long ago abandoned by some ancient civilization from before the Shadow Wars. To an average person, they just look like piles of rubble. But Azazel and Canis know better, for they know that the secret headquarters of The Hidden Blades are established here. The two enter the ruins and Azazel grasps a burning torch that is hanging on one of the walls. They then proceed to walk down the hall until they reach a great chamber, the center of the old temple. All over the walls are ancient depictions of the Shadow Wars, an event where the gods, Ormazd and Diablo, and their allies faced off against the ancient demon, Umbra, and his armies before sealing him in his Shadow Realm, Mitternacht’s version of Hell. Azazel and Canis begin looking around the room until Azazel finds a lever. He pulls it down and steps back as a wall next to the lever pulls to the side. Azazel motions his head towards the door and enters with Canis following him as he pulls another lever on the other side to close it. The two assassins then begin to go down a large flight of stairs until they reach a door guarded by a massive man, easily 7 feet tall and full of muscle.

“Hello Monstrum. How is guard duty today?” Azazel says to the massive man.

“Boring,” Monstrum replies. “I don’t particularly see why I have to stand guard. First off, we are in the jungle. Hardly anyone goes into the jungle. And second, our base is inside of a ruined temple. Not like anyone really explores those anymore.”

“You know how paranoid Dominus can be. Always thinking that someone may follow us and discover our secret hide out.”

“And then I’d have to kill the intruder and feed him to the razor boars in The Pit. Yes, I know. Still, it is quite boring.”

“Yes, yes, I understand. Now then, are you going to let us in or are we just going to stand here all night?”

“Yeah, yeah, hang on while I open the door for you,” Monstrum pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the 4 locks on the door. “There you go. Be sure to give Dominus my regards.”

Azazel and Canis nod in respect as they enter the door and enter the hideout of the Hidden Blades. It is a rather elegant looking base, not as fancy as a kings castle but not run down either. There is a large, deep pit in the middle of the room that contain a pair of razor boars, fierce creatures that resemble feral hogs but much, much larger and much more aggressive, and various bones of past meals. Around the pit are various bonfires with chairs and tables surrounding it. As Azazel and Canis are walking towards Dominus’ office, they receive nods from various assassins except for one who gets up and walks over to the two and smacks Azazel on the back.

“Daemon!” Malum says with great happiness. “You have returned. I can see that you have rescued Canis. Excellent job.”

“Thank you Malum. I just want to get this contract over with so that I can get some sleep.”

“I hear you. Go deliver Canis to Dominus and share a drink with me. Then you can go to sleep.” Malum says with a laugh.

“Heh, fine, might as well.”

They then both nod to each other and Azazel and Canis proceed to Dominus’ office. When they reach the great oak door, Azazel pounds on it until he hears, “Yes, come in.” They do as they are told and enter. Once they are inside, they see Dominus, who is an older man with graying black hair and matching beard, fair complexion, multiple small scars, and eyes that one is blue and the other is brown. He smiles at the two and calmly says, “Ah, Azazel and Canis. Welcome back my boys.” The two assassin’s bow towards their master. “Now then, Azazel, if you do not mind, please leave the room for now and wait outside while I debrief Canis.”

“Yes master.” Azazel says.

“Thank you. I will tell Canis to let you know when you can come back in.”
Azazel bows in acknowledgment and exits the room, closing the door behind him. “What is so damn important that I can’t hear it?” Azazel thinks to himself. “A rival assassin clan. What can be so classified about that?”

Azazel’s thoughts are interrupted as Malum heads over to him, drinks in hand. “Hey there Daemon. They’re getting ready to feed the razor boars. Want to come over and watch?”

Azazel chuckles and replies, “Wish I could my friend. But Dominus requested I wait out here until he is done debriefing Canis so that he may speak to me.”

“You know what he will more than likely want to talk about, correct?”

“I have a feeling that it is about Lillian.”

“Probably. And I assure you; you have my full support, along with a few of our friends as well. But that is only a small group still. Unless you have Dominus’ support or approval, this would not end well. You have to convince him that you can still be an assassin and not be distracted by her, that she has no idea who you are, and most importantly, that you will not abandon the guild. For you know the first rule here.”

“’The only way out of the guild is death’. Yes, I remember, and I thank you for your support my oldest friend.” Azazel says with a smile.

Malum smiles underneath his mask as the door behind them opens up and Canis exits. He looks at Azazel and says, “Dominus says that you can go in now,” he then looks at Malum and asks, “Are they getting ready to feed the boars?”

Malum nods to him and both he and Canis head to The Pit to watch the feeding as Azazel goes through the door into Dominus’ office. Dominus looks up, notices Azazel, and smiles, saying, “Ah, Azazel, I am glad to be able to speak to you alone. First off, how are you this evening?”

“I am well Dominus.”

Dominus makes a short chuckle as he says, “Azazel, how many times must I tell you, just call me Arnold when we are alone like this.”

“Yes Domi- I mean Arnold.”

“Now then, on to what I was originally going to talk to you about. Can you guess what it is?”

Azazel stands there for a few seconds before answering, “I suppose it is about the princess.”

“Yes. Miss Lillian I assume. I wish to discuss about her.”

“What do you wish to discuss?”

“What is your relationship with her?”

Azazel freezes at this question. What can he tell him? Dominus is a master at detecting lies so he can’t say that they are ‘just friends’ but what happens if he tells him that they are in love with one-another? Will Arnold be fine with it as long as he performs his duty or will he force him to break off the relationship? During this inner-monologue, he doesn’t realize that Arnold has repeated his question. “I’m sorry sir, what were you saying?”

“I asked you; ‘what is your relationship with Miss Lillian?’ And I wish to hear the whole truth.”

“Well master Arnold, you see, Lillian and I first met on my contract to kill the kings steward. I saved her from having her innocence being taken from her by him. She was very grateful for my help and she repaid me by giving me a… kiss.” Azazel says the last word with some hesitance.

Arnold looks at Azazel with observing eyes. He has known him nearly the young mans entire life, back to when he first found him scavenging on the streets 16 years ago when Azazel was about 5 years old at the time. He took him in his arms and practically raised him as his own son, teaching him the ways of the assassin. Now, he is looking at this young man who looks like he just got caught sneaking out to go on a date. Arnold smiles as he asks, “Oh, a kiss huh?”

Azazel nods as he continues, “Yes, a kiss. And then about a week later, when I was waiting for Anguis, I saw her money bag get stolen, so I intercepted the thief, knocked him out, and returned it to her. We then made plans to go on a bit of a… date after I received my contract from Anguis.”

“Really now? And tell me, does that mean that she knows that you are an assassin?”

“Err, yes sir. She does.”

“I see. Well, I want to make a deal with you.”


“I will allow you to continue seeing Lillian.”

Now Azazel can barely contain his excitement. “Really?”

But before Azazel could go any further, Arnold holds up his hand. “But, you must continue to do your services to the guild, no matter what the contract is. Be it stealing something from the castle or even killing one of the guards. You MUST NOT let your relationship with interfere with your duty. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes sir.” Azazel then bows to make his point clear.

“Very good. Now then, you may take your leave,” He then looks up at Azazel with a smile. “And if I’m not mistaken, they are getting ready to feed the boars. That is always an entertaining event.”

“Yes, it always is.” Azazel then proceeds towards the door but before he opens the door, he turns around, looks at Arnold, and says, “Oh yes, thank you very much Arnold. I promise you that I will remain faithful to the guild.”

He then quickly opens the door and exits the room. Dominus chuckles as he leans back in his chair, smiles, and thinks to himself, “You may say that now Azazel, but I know how your heart is. It will always choose those you love and care about over the guild. And yet, I have no real problem with it.”

Azazel sighs to himself as he walks over to The Pit to watch the feeding, but, however, his mind is on others things, specifically a beautiful blonde with amazing blue eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, I am at a major writers block right now. Which means that I may not be able to update the story for a while. Please be patient and I will update soon.