Birthday Surprises

Birthday Surprises

A smile instantly graced my lips the moment a hand tightened around my waist. I rolled over and my eyes instantly fluttered open to stare at the beautiful creature next to me.

“Harry,” I whispered softly, gently playing with a curl of his dark hair. He mumbled something in response before burying his head further into my neck.

“Harry.”I tried again. This time earned me a reaction.

“What time is it?” He mumbled into my neck, trying to block the sun out from his vision.

“Um 9am.” I answered glancing towards the clock. Harry’s head instantly shot up narrowling dodging my chin before he spun around and practically threw himself out of bed. I watched him confused as he threw on the first clothes he saw in the cupboard and bolted into the bathroom.

“Harry?” I called out confused.

“Sorry love, have to go.” He barrelled back out of the bathroom, placed a kiss on my cheek and ran out the door.

“But you’re forgetting...” I trailed off as I raced after him into the living room only in time to see him shut the front door. “My birthday.” I finished and sighed, falling down on the couch.

He forgot my birthday, he actually forgot my birthday. He hadn’t mentioned it once, hadn’t even asked what I wanted but I didn’t actually think he had forgotten my birthday.
My phone buzzed as my hopes rose thinking Harry was calling to apologise. My best friend’s name flashed across the screen. Trying to keep the disappointment out of my voice, I answered the phone.


“Thanks Layla.” I replied smiling softly.

“All right, what’s wrong?” She asked instantly. I stared at the phone strangely before sighing.

“Harry forgot my birthday.” I mumbled to her.

“What? Are you sure he’s just not cooking you breakfast right now or something?” She asked me. I shook my head even though she couldn’t see me.

“He’s left. Didn’t tell me where or why. The moment he knew the time he practically ran out of here.” I told her.

“Oh sweetie. How about we spend the day together? Do some shopping, go to a fancy restaurant and have lunch?”

I agreed and instantly went to get ready. Just because my boyfriend of three years didn’t remember my birthday doesn’t mean I was going to sit at home on my birthday and wallow in self pity.


By the time we headed back to my place it was late. Extremely late and the fact that Harry hadn’t called or texted me all day made me willing to be even more late. My disappointment and hurt was slowly turning to anger at him.

We reached the door and by the looks of the house, Harry wasn’t even home yet. Rolling my eyes, I slid my key into the lock and pushed the door open before fumbling for the light switch the moment I stepped through. Dropping my bags to the ground I flicked the light switch on.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” A scream left my mouth as I jumped backwards into Layla. My mouth fell open in shock as my green eyes travelled around the room taking in the amount of people filling the hallway, peaking out of side rooms and lining the staircase. In front of all these people was Harry and my family smiling largely just behind him.

I stayed still, completely frozen and willed my heartbeat to work it’s way down as everyone clapped and cheered. Harry approached me.

“You didn’t think I forgot your birthday did you?” He asked me softly. My mouth snapped closed and I turned a glare on him before lightly smacking his arm. He chuckled lowly before bending down and pressing his lips to mine softly amidst the loud cheers throughout the house.

“Happy Birthday my love.” He said to me softly. I smiled at him happily.

“You knew didn’t you?” I asked turning to Layla who shrugged and smile innocently before disappearing into the crowd of people.

“Honestly you two.” I groaned at them both. Harry linked our fingers together and smiled at me before pulling me over to my parents.

“Happy Birthday sweetheart.” My mum said pulling me into a hug. I happily hugged her back.

“You looked genuinely surprised.” My father commented as a laugh fell from my lips.

“I was! I thought he had forgotten,” I pouted at Harry and poked his side. He inched away before wrapping his arms around my waist.

“You’re two important for me to forget you Karen.” I blushed at his words and ducked my head slightly so my blonde hair covered my face. Harry chuckled and lifted my chin.

“You better go greet the rest of your guests.” My mother suggested, pushing us away slightly before going to talk to Harry’s family. I waved at them all and planned to head back to them soon after Harry finished leading me around the house.

I was shocked at the amount of people Harry had invited to the party. He had invited my whole family, my school friends and my current friends. Even my old next door neighbour that I used to be really close to but hadn’t spoken to in years. His family was here of course as well as his band mates and so were the other mutual friends we had gained since going out.

I was greeted with presents, hugs and kisses all night as I whirled around the house unable to hide the smile that constantly split across my face, especially every time Harry placed his lips against mine.

“I can’t believe you did all this without knowing!” I exclaimed to Harry as he pulled me away from all the crowds, so we could take a break and get a drink. He smiled and handed me my drink.

“It was hard trust me. I haven’t mentioned your birthday at all because I knew I would blurt it out or you would know I was keeping something from you. You always know.” He mock glared at me. I smiled largely. “And then this morning I had to leave the house so Layla could get you out and then I spent the rest of the day setting up with our families.”

“Thank you so much.” I said to him, blushing at all the trouble he had gone through. “I’m sorry for all the mean thoughts I’ve had about you today and the curses I muttered under my breath.”

Harry laughed loudly, eyes twinkling, before letting me know I was forgiven.

“Happy Birthday Kristen. I love you.” Harry said tenderly before pressing a kiss to my lips once again.

“I love you to Haz.” I mumbled against his lips.
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So sorry it was such a long wait!! I planned to have this to you so much earlier! Sorry and I hope you liked it :) - Rayne xx