

I spent the rest of the day exploring the ship. I did not find many to talk to. So I just continued back to my room and dressed for dinner. I looked in the mirror at myself. I was not one to dress up, it was rare actually. To be dining with other first class passengers was odd for me. To be honest, I did not understand why my father bought me a first class ticket. Most trips, I settled with anything under.

I exited the room and continued on my way to the Reception Room and looked around for a familiar face. For about 20 minutes, I stood alone; curious as to when I would see the friends I had made earlier. Finally, my eyes fell upon the dark haired girl I had found myself fascinated with. She stood at the top of the staircase her hands at Harry’s neck as she straightened his bowtie. She smiled at him, her lips moving slowly as if she were scolding him like a child. He gave her a mocking look and laughed as she pulled back.

I stepped forward as they descended. “Good evening, Mr. Tomlinson.” Clara greeted me. “My cousin should be down shortly. Walk with us to the table?”

“Of course.” She held her arm out as I wrapped mine around it. “I must admit, I don’t normally dine in first class.”

“Where do you dine?” Harry looked over from the other side of Clara.

I shrugged lightly and looked at the vast dining room, “With whomever I am with or nearest to. Usually middle or third class.”

“Well you have missed out on some wonderful meals, my friend.” Clara laughed as we arrived at a long table. An older couple sat at one end, as an older man sat at the head of the table, beside them. “Daddy, meet my new friend Mr. Tomlinson.” I reached forward and offered my hand to shake his. Clara’s elbow found my side and I recoiled instantly.

“Mr. Tomlinson, welcome. Sit. Eat.” He turned his unshaved face away from me and looked back to the couple that sat beside him. “Meredith always said they were tempting fate, the promise of an unsinkable ship.”

“God rest her soul, she was very superstitious, my sister was. She would have a heart attack if she knew you brought her daughter on this ship.” The woman sighed and looked at Clara.

I sat down beside Clara. She smiled slightly at me and turned her attention to the entrance. Harry sat opposite to her, leaving a seat opened for Liam beside him. “I think I would have to agree with your late wife, sir.” Everyone turned to me as I spoke. “Forgive me for eavesdropping, but fate is unkind to those who doubt her.”

“If you think she is sinkable, why did you board her?” Mr. Westlin asked as he folded his hands and lightly placed them on the table.

I licked my lips and sighed, “Well, why does one board any ship? All ships are likely to sink. Why should I be afraid now if all I do is sail? If I didn’t board the ship, simply because I believed it was tempting fate, then I have no right boarding another ship ever again. The ocean is my home, I am comfortable on it.”

Mr. Westlin didn’t speak for a moment. He just looked at me. When he found the words, a small smile found his lips, “You are clever, Meredith would have liked you.”

Clara turned to me and nodded her head. “It’s very hard to make my father smile.”

Liam soon joined the group and dinner started. When we had all finished eating, I excused myself and left for my room. Though, my leaving so soon could have been taken as rude, I had an early morning meeting with the captain. They all understood and Harry asked to join. I smiled and told him where to meet me when he woke. So far, this trip was looking to be one of the best I had had in a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Allllllllllllright, getting back into the swing with this one.

I sort of looked at all the old plots I made with my best friend a few months back and was like "Dude, I NEED TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN!"

So yeah. Let's hope I'm not failing at this. xD

xx Bambi

P.S OMG 8 MILE IS ON! Yes, that is worth caps lock xD