Status: So this is mostly for my pleasure, I liked writing it and I wanted to put it somewhere. I'm kinda proud of it but it's maybe not so fun to read, it's only my fantasies. Anyway, keep reading if you liked it! c:

I Love You, You Couldn't Care Less

The suffocation of tonight is killing me

"Martina! Pick up your fucking phone!" I said when the answering machine came on.

A while later...
"Hey, Emma! What was that?" Martina asked and sounded a bit angry.
"You got some serious explaining to do!" I exclaimed angrily.
"Uhm... What?" She asked confused.
"Come home soon, okay?"
"Yeah. I'll be home in an hour."
"Mhm, bye!" I said and hung up.

Three hours later...
"Hey! I'm home!" Martina shouted and came inside the house.
"One hour?" I asked irritated with a sigh.
"Sorry! Some things got in the way. What did you wanna talk about?" She said and sat down beside me in the couch.
"I saw a picture of you on the internet..."
"What? I've only put up pictures on Facebook. Where did you see it?"
"On a fanpage, about My Chemical Romance..."
"Oh... Haha, fantastic! Me and Gerard?" She said and smiled big. It made me sick.
"YES! What the hell is that?"
"Well... I wanted to tell you before the media did but I guess thats too late... I've started dating Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance. But how did you found out about it?"
"My Chemical Romance is my favourite band! I love them, even more than I love The Used, and that's a lot." I said depressed. I didn't know how to handle it. My dream husband dates my stepmother, who comes from hell. "You can't date him!"
When I said that, she all of a sudden got angry. "You can't tell me who I can date! I'm your mother! I actually like Gerard and when he comes over here to meet you, you're gonna act like you've never seen him before and that you're happy we're dating, got it?"
"You're NOT my mother!" I yelled and ran up to my room with tears in my eyes. I stayed there for the rest of the night.

A week later...
I had almost ignored Martina for the whole week because I was so angry. But now Gerard was coming over and I were terrified. I loved him and he probably loved Martina. The door opened and Gerard and Martina stepped in. He had a big and beautiful smile on his face and Martina smiled too but when she saw me it disappeared.
"Hi Emma! This is Gerard." She said when they had come in and put on her fake smile. I stood up from the couch and shook hand with Gerard.
"Hello darling!" He said with the most beautiful smile.
"Hi..." I said and I heard it sounded weak so I spoke up and said, "Hey!"
We three talked, or actually mostly me and Gerard which felt great, for a long time. I thought we became good friends, me and Gerard. And I kind of forgave Martina a bit, but I was still furious about what she said last week and that she was dating my dream man.

I was out with Elin and Lisa once and when I came home I heard Martina and Gerard fuck. It sounded gross and I just wanted to disappear. But no, I stayed and listened to it, how Martina seemed to fulfill Gerards wishes. And after that I stopped being friendly to them. I didn't talk much at all and I mostly slept at Elin, Sara or Lisa's place.
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First chapter here! Hope you like it. :)