Status: So this is mostly for my pleasure, I liked writing it and I wanted to put it somewhere. I'm kinda proud of it but it's maybe not so fun to read, it's only my fantasies. Anyway, keep reading if you liked it! c:

I Love You, You Couldn't Care Less

He's mine

Emma's P.O.V.
"Hello honey. Can I talk to you?" I heard Martina saying from my door.
"Yeah, what's up?" I said and sighed. I was still angry about that she and Gerard were dating and why not showing that?
"Gerard told me something yesterday..." I gasped quietly. What did he say? "That you were in love with someone who were unavailible. He were dating your friend or something."
I sighed in relief. "Yeah, real bummer right?" I said and laughed a bit, but it was not funny at all.
"Yeah. And he said you loved him more than anything and that love can't be wasted on nothing! I think you should get a boyfriend and make him jealous!" She said and smiled a bit.
"Well... I don't even think he would get affected by that, since he don't have feelings for me..." I said. Sadly that was true. If I would get a boyfriend he would probably just be happy for me.
"Oh, what a shame. But Emma, you are beautiful, funny and caring. You could easily get a boyfriend if you tried. And when you have a boyfriend you could maybe flirt with the other guy, not right in front of your friend but you know... Give him intense looks. That would work!"
"Maybe... But I don't wanna hurt my friend if the guy now would start to like me." I said and sighed. If Gerard would start to like me, which he probably wouldn't, me and Martina would not be friends anymore. She would probably kick me out too.
"What do you value most, the guy or the girl?" You know, I have never given Martina any credit for being smart. She was really smart if you were talking about love, she spoke like a real poet.
"The guy, definitely. The girl and I are like frenemies." The last part was kind of true althought Martina didn't think of our relationship like that at all.
"Then the answer is kind of clear, isnt it?" She said and looked at me with a friendly smile. I had never liked her more than now, but if she knew what was going on inside my head she wouldn't act like this at all.
"I guess..."
"Get a boyfriend, I know you can. And then you flirt a bit with the other guy and eventually you'll be together with him in no time. And well, you'll probably loose a friend in the process, but you know what they say. In the war of love everything is allowed."
"Thanks Martina." I said and smiled to her as a thank you.
"No problem. And I'm glad that you're finally over Gerard, he's mine okay? Goodnight honey!"
"Goodnight." I said and laid down in my bed when she left. He's mine okay? Just wait... Just wait...

The next day...
"I can't believe that she isn't taking your feelings more serious!" Lisa exclaimed angrily. I had told her about the Gerard thing and she was all on my side, Elin too. We were walking in the school coridor and we had a free hour before our last lesson.
"I know... But if you think about it, I wouldn't let Gerard go either." I said and sighed.
"But still... I'm sure you'll get him in your hands if you try." Lisa said and smiled.
"I'm not sure. I gotta get a boyfriend first and make him a little jealous.And then I have to loose my virginity." I said the last sentence a bit too loud and at the wrong time. We were walking past the hottest boygang on school who were sitting in the coridor on two benches. They all started to stare at me. And then I went: What the hell? My life can't get more pathetic. So I said: "Whatever you thought you heard, that's correct. Any voluntere?"
They seemed even more shocked at my proposal but after a while they all started smiling.
"Sure, babe." One of the guys said, and I'm pretty sure his name was Karl. Not the hottest name but his face, and body, was hot.
"Uhm, not today tough." I said and smiled. I tried to look flirty and beautiful but I had no idea how it looked like from their view.
We three sat down at the guys and we started talking. I mostly talked to Filip. Before I thought he was shy and boring but no he wasn't. He was sweet and clever, but most important: hot. This was a guy I could show off in front of Gerard. We all decided to meet up after our last lesson and do something together. I saw that Elin and Alexander liked each other pretty much and that Karl definitely was intrested in Lisa. Although Lisa had a boyfriend. But she had talked about dumping Kevin, her boyfriend, anyway.

One hour later...
"Hey guys!" I said with a big smile. They all smiled back and said hello. We talked and drank Fanta all the time. I hate to admit it but I had a nice time with those boys and I maybe even liked Filip a bit. Just a couple of hours ago I didn't think I could be able to get Gerard off my mind. When the clock closened to 6 I got a phone call from Martina.
"Where are you?" She asked irritated.
"I'm with some friends. Nothing to worry about, okay?"
"Couldn't you at least give me a text so I knew what you would be doing?"
"If you really cared, you would have called hours ago." I said and got a egoscentric smile. I had said it correctly because she was now quiet in about 3 seconds which was a long time on the phone.
"Whatever, get home now." She said and sighed.
"Yeah." I said and hung up. About an hour later I were home. They had already eaten and I were actually glad. I didn't want to talk to neither of them so I took my food to my room and spent the whole evening there, like always.