Status: So this is mostly for my pleasure, I liked writing it and I wanted to put it somewhere. I'm kinda proud of it but it's maybe not so fun to read, it's only my fantasies. Anyway, keep reading if you liked it! c:

I Love You, You Couldn't Care Less

Do you even care at all?

I got a text from Filip saying: "Hey u and ur friends wanna hang out? xx"
Right now I was at Lisa's and Elin were here too. I replied: "Sure, see u in an hour at Roslags? xx" Our school's name was Roslags, if you wonder.
His answer were: "Yeah. See u then! xx"
Elin, Lisa and I did our make up a little extra and then we fixed our hairs and dressed up a bit, not like dresses but a little hotter tops than before. After that we were off.

"Hey! Emma, Elin, Lisa you made it! We weren't sure but here you are!" Emil said and smiled big and laughed. Right, I forgot to tell you who our new friends were. There were Filip (my future boyfriend), Alexander (Elin's future boyfriend), Karl (Lisa's future boyfriend), Emil (just some funny guy who would suit good together with Sarah) and Erik (another funny guy who could date Sara).
We bought some energydrinks, beer, wine and vodka. Karl knew someone at the liqour store so it didnt matter that we were too young. After that we went home to Filip's place because his parents weren't home. There we just drank and half-watched a movie on tv. We talked and laughed all the time. These guys were actually really nice, I thought they were egoscentric and selfish. I hadn't thought of Martina or Gerard on the whole night until Martina called, or I thought so.
"Hey darling! Where are you?" I heard Gerards voice saying in the phone. Was it really Gerard or were I just drunk? It was Gerard, he always called me darling.
"Oh well, hello hottie!" I said before I thought. When I were drunk, which I wasn't that often, I turned happy and flirty.
"Emma, where are you?" He sounded really anxious and a little angry.
"You don't care anyway!"
"Martina asked me to call." He said to my disappointment. So he didn't even care?
I sighed and answered angrily, "Why didn't she then?"
"Emma... Where are you?" He repeated.
"I'm at my boyfriend." I said with a smile. Filip looked at me, he had heard me. He just smiled and kissed me.
"You don't have a boyfriend."
"Yes I do. Filip, say hi!" I said and gave Filip the phone so he could say hello and introduce himself shortly.
"What is this Emma? You don't have a boyfriend." Gerard said with a sigh. I could tell he was tired and wanted to sleep. The clock was 1 in the night.
"What is what? I have a boyfriend, you heard him. And by the way, I'm staying here."
"No, Emma! You have to get home now!" He yelled on the phone.
"Isn't it better that I'm safe here during the night than walking home alone and maybe get raped?" I asked and smiled. I was going to win this.
"Sleep at Elin or Lisa, okay?" He said and sighed. Damn it, he didn't seem to care at all.
"Nah! I'm gonna stay here, with Filip. All night."
"Emma! Dammit, where does he live? I can come and get you home!"
"It's okay, I'm fine here." I said satisfied by his angry outbreak. He did care, right? With that I hung up the phone but before he said, "Emma! Don't do this!"

The next day...
I slept over at Filip, so did everyone else. Me and Filip slept on the couch, nothing else happened than making out. I don't know where everyone else left but I guess they slept in Filip's bed, his brother's and his parent's.
I left before anyone else woke up but I left a note. A classic... But I wanted to get home to Gerard and show him my sexy outfit and tell him that I had spent the night with Filip. I really hoped he would get jealous.
I sneaked in through the door. Gerard was sleeping on the couch but Martina wasn't there. Strange... He looked so peaceful. His mouth were slightly open and his eyes were lightly shut. He didn't snore either, even better. I believed he was perfect. But I wasn't. One of my downsides was my clumsiness. I stepped in and almost fell into a chair so it fell down and I yelled quietly "Shit!" to myself. Gerard woke up in a second and just looked around. I really wished Martina hadn't woke up, I guessed she was in the bedroom sleeping. I looked at the clock, 09:23. It was very early for me but very late for Martina.
"Goodmorning darling." He said. I've always thought a boy's morning voice is the sexiest shit ever and I wished I had stayed a bit longer at Filip to hear his. But Gerard's morning voice was so sexy and that he called me darling was just too much. I couldnt help but to smile.
"Goodmorning hottie." I said and smiled big. I wasn't drunk anymore but I wanted him to think that so I could call him hot.
"I'm glad you're alive." He said with a charming smile and then he sat up in the couch.
"Thanks, I guess?"
"What have you been up to?" He asked and his smile disappeared.
"Just hanging out with Lisa, Elin, Filip and his friends."
"No drinking or smoking, right?" He asked and looked deep into my eyes.
I avoided his eyes and said, "What do you think?"
He sighed and walked to Martinas bedroom. He looked inside it and then stepped out of it again. "Martina is already at her hairdresser."
"Okey..." I said and walked to the kitchen. I made myself a sandwich and ate it at the dinnertable. Gerard just looked at me the whole time. He had sat down in the couch again but didn't do anything special, except staring at me. It made me nervous.