Status: So this is mostly for my pleasure, I liked writing it and I wanted to put it somewhere. I'm kinda proud of it but it's maybe not so fun to read, it's only my fantasies. Anyway, keep reading if you liked it! c:

I Love You, You Couldn't Care Less

Ripped in half

The next day...
"EMMA!" Martina's voice woke me up. It was Sunday and the clock were only 08:16. But that was normal for Martina to be up.
"What?" I said and sighed. I was exhausted. Yesterday night after my little conversation with Gerard I called Lisa, Elin and Sara on Skype. We had talked to 4 o'clock in the morning so this was way too early for me.
She opened my door and I saw tears in her eyes and that she was very angry. "Gerard left me!" She cried.
"What do you mean?" I already knew what she meant, I just wanted her to explain.
"He left me this letter on my bedroom desk saying he didn't feel for me anymore and that he couldn't be stuck in the suburbia for all eternity! It's just bullshit." She said and sat down deside me on my bed.
"What? Is he gone?" I couldn't think clear right now. He left us?
"YES! That's what I told you! He's a fucking idiot to leave us two. Isn't he?" She asked and cried. She tried to hold it in but it kept streaming down her cheeks.
"Yeah." I said and hugged her. I was still angry with her because she hadn't taken my feelings more serious. But no one deserves to be left alone like that. Not even Martina.

Monday morning...
"So he just left? Just like that?" Lisa asked confused when I told her and Elin about that Gerard left Martina.
"Yeah. I think it's my fault... Or no, I know it's my fault." I said and sighed.
"He's a jerk..." Elin said and sighed too.
"No! I'm a jerk! I scared him off!" I said angrily to them. They had nothing to do with this but I just needed to let go of my feelings for a while.
"Emma, don't take this so hard. It's not your fault. You can't hold in your feelings for him forever. He was probably going to leave anyway." Lisa said and tried to calm me down. It almost worked since I didn't want to be rude to them.
"Yeah, maybe. But not now. I made him leave faster." I said and sighed again.

Four years later...
"Are you sure you wanna do this, sweetie?" Sara asked me carefully. I've been extra emotional this month. Probably because I knew Gerard had now turned 34 and it's been about 4 years since I last saw him. I missed him so much but I had moved on, kind of. And he had probably moved on too. Why would he be thinking of me?
"Yeah, of course." I lied. I knew I needed to marry him. I had already said yes, and I couldn't take it back. We were trying on dresses to the wedding and I had just found the right dress, although not the right man.