Status: This is based on a manga that I'm currently drawing! ^.^


Arianna.-Chapter 1

"Woah!! Hey, dude!! Check out that chick!"

"Hey, cutie! 'Sup?"

Sigh. Here we go again.

"Hey, hey! Why aren't you saying anything?"

I'm tired of this. Slowly, I turn my head and stare directly into their eyes.

"Do you have a problem with me? I'm a person, not an animal at the zoo... I'm not here for your entertainment."

I said slowly, yet surely. Knowing fully that my voice was filled with sarcasm that not all could comprehend and that it had the bitter sense as if I were daring them to answer.

"Wha..?! Hey, w-we were only..."

"Yes?" I glare now, scrunching my eyes and eyebrows just enough so that I can get the feel through to their insolent and ignorant minds.

"Whoa, man! Her eyes! Their freaking me out... lets scram!"

Ah yes. The topic of my eyes. People say that even though I have these looks, My eyes apparently ruin them. For compared to my tan skin, and my dark black hair, my greyish, almost albino type eyes, freak the people of my society.

"Dude, her eyes are creepy! S-she... C'mon! Let's go!"

Saying so, the lanky guys disappear right before me.

Well, not exactly.

I hear some bystanders whispering about their opinion on the matter. I glare at them in the same way as before, daring them to speak again.

"If you have anything to say," I tell the group of college girls waiting in the bus stop, "kindly tell it to MY FACE."

I stress on the last two words. I increase the intensity of my glare and fixate it on their heads, so that they would think I'm looking at them, when the plain truth is, I cant even look at their faces.

I despise people who talk behind others back.

I mean, if you have something to say, why not say it to the person's face? Is that so hard?

They don't say anything and turn away from me, their faces having showing looks of contempt, anger, frustration etc,.

Like I care.

Such annoying BRATS.

One of them, a girl with an apparent small build, continues to look at me. But this time, I can see that she sees me with fascination.

A small smile threatens to split my face.

"Remember..." a small voice in my head whispers.

"Remember... they are merely mocking you..."

The small smile disappears as soon as it appears. Instead only my fixated gaze on the girl remains. I turn my head and continue my walk to school.

But I couldn't help thinking...

"Why couldn't I smile?"

But I quickly shooed the very thought away. No. No. No. I wont let myself fall for those petty tricks again. They are scums. They despise my looks. They wish I was ugly. They want my looks.

Well... they can gladly have them.

If I could give my looks away, I would have given them away on a silver plate with gratitude to the person who wanted it and could deprive me of it.

But the fact of the matter is, that's the only reason I love my eyes.

They keep annoying people away, though it attracts annoying rumors.

My looks are honestly a burden.

Why was I born with it?

If only they knew.

Nothing good EVER comes out of my good looks.
♠ ♠ ♠
This series, was based on the manga that I'm currently working on! :) YAY! Rate, comment, message, etc,.!!