Sex, drugs, and Rock N' Roll often isn't the best thing in life..

Every day's a new day.

Daddy, No. STOP IT!"

was the reason we had to move. He was the one deserving the punishment. But no.

Social services put us here. They moved us to New Jersey, away from our sexually abusive father.

"Now," they said, "you can have a fresh start."


I took a deep breath as I walked into my newest school. It was the first day after the Christmas Holiday's, and I was looking to make a new friend.

-SMACK- I'm knowcked down by a body moving at a very fast speed. I start picking up my things. As I do, I notice a boy headed straight for me. Damn, he's cute.

"Hey klutzilla! Watch where you're fucking going."

I stand up.

"H-Hi. My n-name's Cassie."

He has a look on his face. I can't tell if it's admiration, or hatred. He spits on me, and walks off.
I guess the look was hatred.


I glanced at my schedule. Block A / Math / Rm 210
Hooray. Math definetly wasn't my greatest subject... I'm more of the artsy type, you know?

I found room 210 just as the bell rang. I walked into the classroom, and took the seat at the very back, next to the window just as kids came piling into the room. That's when I saw him again... The cutie with the long black hair, and the hazel eyes rimmed with liner.

He walked up to me and said, "Oh great. Hi klutzilla. This is my seat, and my desk, understood? So scram."

I looked around the room, and couldn't find another seat, other than the one next to me, so I grabbed my text and my bider and slid over.

"Hello class, and welcome back. We have a new student in our class. If you look behind you, she's sitting right next to Gerard!"

She then started explaining the lesson, and I opened my binder, and began to sketch a scene, where a young boy was having an autopsy done by a creepy looking doctor.

I suddenly got a shiver down my spine, and felt something slithering up my fish-netted thigh, getting closer and closer to my skirt. I looked down and saw Gerards' hand. I slapped it away, and went back to my drawing.

I felt his hand again, only this time he quicky put his hand onto my crotch area, looking for a way to get into my panties. I yelped.

"Cassie, detention at 3:00! You too Mr. Way for laughing! Now back to work."

Great. Another half hour with the asshole.