Sex, drugs, and Rock N' Roll often isn't the best thing in life..

Do you ever use the head on your shoulders Mr. Way

Cassies' P.O.V
"Don't talk to me like that you whore!"

All I know is that after that, it all went black.

Gerards P.O.V.
Oh no, oh no, oh no. What have I done? I have to get out of here now.

I ran all the way home in tears. How the hell could I have done that?

A little while late I heard the front door open and close, and I knew Mikey was home. He stormed into our room with fury in his eyes.

"What the fucking hell did you do to her you faggot?!"

I've never seen him so mad in his life.

"W-what are you talking about?"
"You know damn fucking right what I'm talking about Gerard Aurthor Way. How could you? How fucking could you?!"