Our Little Secret.

Spring Break.

Lexi and I had just gotten home from college for Spring Break. We loved when we got to be home and spend time with our family and friends. We were born and raised in Las Vegas but we moved away for college. As much as we loved coming home we hated sitting around the house so we invited our friend Jazmine over.
"We should go to Urban Outfitters!" Lexi suggested as usual even though she knew that I hate going there. "Really?! You know how much I hate going there!" I said for what had to be the millionth time. "Oh come on please, it's not like we have anything else to do." she pleaded. "Ugh, fine let's go." I said I headed out the door grabbing my keys. Being the only one who drives could be the best and the worst. Lexi and Jaz walked behind me in excitement because they love going to Urban and more than anything they just loved shopping. We head to Mandalay Bay because going in to the heart of the Strip sounded like death. We got there are walked around and as we were walking we saw all the signs saying that said "Maroon 5: Live in Concert." This made me sad because I wanted nothing more than to go to this show but I haven't had a job in a couple months and I just didn't have the money for tickets. So I just moped around while they looked for clothes. I became bored of Urban so I decided to walk around a little bit.
"I'll be back in a little while." I informed my friends. "Mmhmm." They mumbled at me while sifting through mounds of clothes. I walked out of the store and took a little stroll around the hotel, as much at I hated the Strip I had a soft spot for Mandalay Bay. I loved the look, the events, the pool, the Shark Reef and even the smell. As I was walking around I noticed a sign for a bathroom so I walked inside and fixed my hair and adjusted my clothes, I was kinda bored so I was just wasting time in there. I finally walked out texting my friends asking them if they were ready and BOOM! My phone went flying across the floor, my glasses nearly fell off my face and there was pain in my shoulder.
"Oww!" I said as an automatic response to the douche bag who just ran into me. I know I wasn't looking but dang he hit me SO hard! I adjusted my glasses and went to reach for my phone but he picked it up first and began to hand it to me. Well was kind of nice of him.
"Thank you." I said finally looking up at him. He took off his sunglasses and I almost passed out. Could it be? No I was just imagining this right? I was face to face with Adam freaking Levine!
"I'm so so sorry!! Are you okay?" He said to me with his angelic voice.
"Oh no you're fine, it was just as much my fault." I some how managed to say trying to keep my cool. I didn't want to freaking him out with any 'I love you's' or any 'you're even hotter in person' comments.
"Are you sure you are okay? Is your phone okay?" He asked. It was kind of nice to know that he was so concerned because growing up in Vegas you encounter a lot of rude individuals.
"Yes, Me and my phone are doing fine. Thank you for asking." I responded maintaining my calm voice.
"Of course! My name is Adam by the way." He said extending his hand toward me.
"I know. haha. I'm Lily, it's nice to meet you." I shook his hand. He had a firm grip, I liked that. You can never really trust a man with a weak handshake.
"It's nice to meet you! Are you from here?" he asked. I answered him and that lead in to a fifteen minute discussion about my home and him home, our hobbies, our families and a few other little thing. I was still shocked that I was talking to him. It's not everyday you get to talk to perfection. We continued talking and then he brought up the topic of music.
"So are you a big fan of music?" He asked.
"Yes, I enjoy listening to music but I don't play any instruments or anything like that." I responded. I kind of hoped that he didn't think less of me considering he could pretty much play anything he picked up.
"What type of music do you like?" Ohh God. Now he's going to know that I'm obsessed with Maroon 5 and think that I am a weird freak.
"I grew up listening to the Beetles and mostly old school rock and roll but now I am more into pop. My favorite band is actually Maroon 5. Ever heard of them?" I laughed trying to make it light hearted.
"Yeah I've heard some of their stuff, they are pretty good. Oh and that lead singer he's quite the looker isn't he?" He played along with me.
"Oh yes, he's a cutie!" I smiled at him. Did I just say cutie? Who am I? I've never said that to anyone before.
"So since you are such a big fan will I be seeing you at the show tomorrow?" If it wasn't bad enough that I had to stare at the signs and listen to it all over the radio not Adam Levine himself was reminding me that I can't go to the show.
"No." I said quietly as I hung my head down.
"What?! Why not?" He asked. He actually seemed kind of sad. Weird.
"I don't have enough money because it's been sold out and to by ticket from people is crazy expensive." I'm pretty sure he heard the pain in my voice.
"Well that simply will not do." he smirked. What does that mean?
"What are you talking about?" I was completely clueless at this point.
"How about I get you some floor seats?" The smirk grew bigger. *speechless*
"Are you serious? Because seriously if you are messing with me it's not funny." I was not joking around anymore if he is messing with me my heart just couldn't take it.
"No! Of course not. Let me see what I can do. I can't promise anything except that I will find you some tickets." He reassured me. Why was he doing this? What did he get out of it?
"First off thank you so much! And I don't mean to be rude but why are you doing this?" I hate to say it but I had to know.
" I don't think that money should be an issue, if a fan wants to come to the show they should be able to with out going broke. And plus I like you, you're funny and you didn't scream in my face so that was nice. If I can help you get into the show I'm going to." I laughed and blushed a little bit, he said I was funny!
"Well thank you, I don't know what to say." I was speechless yet again.
"You said your friends are here too right?" He asked.
"Yeah it's me and my two friends." I didn't know why he cared.
"Okay if you can wait like a half hour I can go talk to the band and get some tickets and then meet up with you so that I can give them to you."
"Okay sounds great! Where am I meeting you at?" He literally could have said anywhere and I would have gone.
"Umm i'm not sure yet. Hmm how can I get in touch with you? Uhh phone number is not going to work. Privacy issue. Maybe payphone? Nah. Intercom page? Nah." he said thinking out loud. "I got it! Do you follow me on twitter?"
"Duh! haha But how does that help?" I asked.
"What is your twitter name?" I responded by telling him but I still had no idea what that had to do with anything.
"I just followed you so when I am done I can DM you and tell you where to meet me." I'm not going to lie that was a really good idea.
"Okay cool see you soon!" I said still fully taking in all that just happened. He hugged me and walked away. This was to good to be true, I needed to find my friends.
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Sorry this one is kind of boring I was trying to get some of the back story out. But please let me know if you like it or not. Should I go on?