Sequel: Summer Nights
Status: One Shot!

My Chemical Snow-mance

My Chemical Snow-mance

Gerard walked into the living room to find his brother, Mikey, drooling over the weather lady. He stopped and stared for a while; this was not a rare occurrence. Mikey did it quite often actually. Gerard had to admit, the woman was pretty damn fine - if you liked that sort of thing. Mikey's eyes were glazed over, actual saliva dribbling down where his mouth was hanging slightly agape.

"Mikes?" Gerard asked inquisitively. He put a gentle hand on his shoulder, shaking him lightly to wake him out of his trace. "Mikes!" he squealed at his brother, shaking him harder with increasing violence.

"Gee," Mikey breathed in a small whisper. He was in a distant world, Gerard could tell. He rolled his eyes and left him alone, taking a seat next to his puppy-eyed brother. He plied the remote out of Mikey's hand, turning up the volume to a reasonable level that he could hear over Mikey's frustrated whines.


Gerard took a breath, the air hitching in his throat. He remember the last time he had seen snow; he had been romanced and left with a broken heart. He sighed, letting out the slight breath and turned off the TV, not the slightest bit impressed about the upcoming weather.

"Hey!" Mikey squealed, trying to snatch back the remote. "Just because you like dick doesn't mean you have to spoil it for me!" Gerard ignored his advances and plans to get the remote back.

"Back off," he growled, really not in the mood.

"Oh my god, Gerard! Stop being such a prick!" Mikey muttered under his breath, folding his arms and settling back in his seat. "You don't have to think about him all the time." He shot Gerard a look; he was brave even mentioning the subject.

"Okay Mikes, what am I supposed to do, jump up and fucking down because we have snow?" Gerard retorted back to his brother.

"Well no, but you could be the slightest bit excited," Mikey answered in an apology. He sighed, looking for something to say.

Gerard on the other hand was deep in thought; he was thinking about last winter, the relationship he had. He thought about the happy times they had shared, even for only three weeks. The guy had broken his heart and left him to die (metaphorically of course).

Last winter, Gerard and Mikey had been lugged off on a family vacation to the alps in France for a ski holiday. He hadn't liked the thought of it at all. He packed reluctantly with his brother a week before they left, refusing to get excited at all. He boarded the plane with no hint of enthusiasm; in fact, there was no enthusiasm until he got there, and then that glimmer of excitement was only so he could go to bed.
After three days of moping around, staying strictly in the hotel (only really venturing downstairs to breakfast), he went out to walk in the snow; his mother and father were moaning at him that the stuffed up room was no good for him or his health so he went on a walk. On this walk, he met a boy in a similar situation as he; his parent had dragged him off on a stupid ass holiday. His name was Lisandro (Andro for short). He was from Spain, but his parents were Italian and Portuguese. He spoke good English with a few missing words here and there. He and Andro had really hit it off and promised to keep in touch for the next three weeks.
Gerard spoke to Lisandro everyday; sometimes, they even did more than just talking. On the first Friday (Gerard arriving on the Saturday, not emerging from the Hotel until Tuesday morning), Andro had made his move on Gerard, kissing him nervously and tentatively. It was not Gerard's first kiss, but it was definitely his best. He and Andro spent more time together, doing more experimental things.
They had known each other two weeks by the time Andro had suggested they went further. Gerard remembered it vividly; they were sitting on the top of a snowy mountain, holding hands and looking at the people skiing when Andro had lent down to his ear and whispered "Let us... Make the love," then nibbling his ear whilst waiting for Gerard's reply.
He had to think for all of three seconds before agreeing to have sex with the boy. It was going to be his first time with anyone; he didn't confess that to Andro because he didn't want to seem inferior. He was 19 and still a virgin; it was embarrassing not to get laid by that age.
That night, in Gerard's hotel room, while his parents and brother were at the evening entertainment, Andro visited Gerard and brought a romantic picnic to share in the room. They had hardly got halfway through it when Andro decided he couldn't keep his hands to himself any longer. He started to kiss Gerard, slowly stripping him. He had obviously done this before, more than once, Gerard had come to the conclusion. He reciprocated, stripping Andro at the same time, slowly enticing him into bed. He was taking the sex he assumed, and pulled a condom and lube out off the draw that he had stashed there earlier and he handed it to Andro to deal with. Andro did, and entered Gerard with out any further preparation. He remembered the searing pain when the intrusion first happened, Andro going way to quick for his liking. It had tore him apart, and he had begun to bleed. He didn't speak up about the hurt Andro was causing, for he didn't want to hurt his feelings. Andro wasted no time, thinking Gerard was not a virgin like himself and tried to get off as soon as possible, not focusing on what was really imperative; the passion and the love. It was all lust.
He finished quickly, gathering his clothes and leaving, kissing Gerard lightly on the forehead goodbye. Gerard didn't move; he simply stayed in his bed, under the blankets, covering the evidence of what they had done. That night, and many other nights after that, he had cried himself to sleep, remembering the searing pain mixed with an unfair ratio of Andro's pleasure.
He went to see the Andro in his own hotel room, only to find him in bed with some other girl. She was Italian, so he was muttering in their own language of love to her. The image was scarred on the inside of his brain, not being able to forget the movements and moans of the cheater's intercourse.
This had made Gerard recoil back into the hermit shell of his room, not coming out until the holiday was over. On the way down to get the taxi to the airport with his family, he saw Andro with his arm around a different girl. He didn't even spare Gerard a look, as he went passed, giggling and in "love".

"Gerard?" Mikey murmured, cocking his head to catch Gerard's eye level. He shook himself out of his flashback, his face softening into a smile.

"Right, better go and dig out those winter coats and snow boots!" Gerard chirped, jumping off the sofa and dragging his brother out to the closet in the hall to find the bad weather gear.


The Way household sat down to dinner at precisely six pm, after Donald and Donna had got back in from work and the dinner was cooked. The sat down, said grace and started eating; Gerard had made the dinner this particular evening, so they had something of foreign origin. This time, it was curry. They all tucked in with gusto, scoffing the poppadoms that Donna had got from her way home from work that evening as a result from a panicked phone call from Gerard.

"There's a new family next door," Mrs. Way commented. "The Iero's or something like that? Anyway, I went over to say hello. The woman's called Linda, and she has a son called Frank. They seem nice, though the boy didn't talk much." Her attempt at family dinner small talk settled around them, everyone taking in what she said with each new mouthful. Gerard especially perked up at this; a new boy next door? "Frank's around your age Mikey," she murmured around her food. Gerard raised an eyebrow. A minor. He finished his mouthful and started biting on his lip, wondering what they boy next door would be like.

Around the same time, the Iero's sat down to their TV dinner, Frank nodding to his mother as she handed him his plate of mac and cheese. "Thank's ma," he added, with a slight smile. He couldn't help feeling that something wasn't right at his new home.

He had just moved from Texas, somewhere quite hot and to move to New Jersey was quite a culture shock to the system. He had liked it in the hot weather, although he never tanned; he was as pale as a sheet, only burning in very extreme temperatures.
His mother had decided to move after a flood of reports from the school about bullying. Frank was a shy creature, a handful of friends. He had one close friend, Ray, who had let him down at the time he had needed him most.
Around a year ago, Frank had come to the realization after a long inner battle that he was in fact gay. He wasn't proud, only telling a few people and was very scared of rejection. He started with his mother, who was of course, fine with the fact that her son was gay and just pleased that he had decided to tell her that. Sharing the information brought them closer as a mother and son.
However, his dad didn't handle it all that well. He had only learnt through being told by Linda. He didn't want to believe it, confronting Frank about it and leaving him scarred for life when he didn't react all that well to the news. He had beaten Frank, leaving him limp in the middle of his bedroom floor. Linda had let him get away with it that night, in the hopes that she could keep her family together. It didn't stop though; the beatings became a regular occurrence, many of them behind Linda's back and kept secret from her for many months. It had only been when Frank's dad had done enough damage to break a rib that he decided it would be a good time to tell her. She threw him out the house immediately, protecting her son and bringing them closer.
Frank had decided to tell a few of his friends after recovering from his dad's wounds and scars, never fully leaving the distraught teen. He told his friend Bob first, who was cool with it. He also told his friend Ray; he had a crush on Ray for as long as he could remember and so naturally, as a confused teen, tried to make a move on him. When Ray reacted badly and recoiled, Frank was heartbroken, trusting that his old friend would keep this secret, which of course, he didn't. It spread around the school like wildfire.
The beatings at school became regular, forcing Frank back inside of his shell, ashamed of his sexuality. He hid it from everyone, including his mother, again. It came to the point where bullies had broken his fingers, and he taped them up without anyone knowing.
Frank persisted to stay strong through this; never once did he turn to alcohol or self harm to help him through his problems. Instead, he took it on his shoulders, the pressure eventually crippled him to the point where he didn't even want to go out with Bob anymore because he was so scared.
He eventually learned that Bob was a self injurer himself, and him staying inside and not wanting to see him was making him feel worse. His family had split up and feeling he was the one to blame, started feeling low himself and started cutting. Frank only found out about this a couple of days before Bob eventually lost his fight with himself and took his own life, leaving him distraught. He moped around for days, not going to school, not eating not sleeping.
When the school rung up to find out what was wrong with him, Linda learnt all about the bullying that Frank was being put through and confronted him. He recoiled from his mother, putting distance between them emotionally. He would not talk to her, or anyone for days. Linda left it three weeks before deciding to move somewhere. "A clean start," she had said to Frank the night she revealed her plan. He was sad, but also very grateful to escape the hands of the bullies.

He ate his mac and cheese gratefully, thinking about his new life here. Was it going to be any better, or would the jocks and others still beat him to death? He was snapped out of his trance when his mother piped up: "I met the new neighbors today." Frank snapped his head to look his mother in the eye.

"Oh Yeah?" he mumbled around his food.

"Don't talk with your mouthful. And yes, I did. Her name is Donna and she has a husband called Donald," Donna and Donald... Frank smirked. "They have two children, Gerard and Micheal. Donna was going on about Mikey's girlfriend Alicia and how she never sees her. I'm not really sure, I was just glad of the talk. She could be a good friend..." Frank wasn't really listening. He piped up about the thought of boys living next door, but then suck back down at the mention of a girl. He hung his head and moped. "Frank?"

"Oh yeah..." he replied nonchalantly, bring his last mouthful to his lips.

"Gerard is twenty and Mikey is around your age. Maybe you could make friends?" his mother suggested hopefully. He grunted in response, not wanting to socialize if avoidable. He took his plate out to the kitchen, running upstairs to his room, blasting his music out and laying down on his bed. It wasn't long until he fell asleep.

Gerard woke the next morning to an abnormally white light coming from his window. He rubbed his eyes, yawning, and rolled out of bed to look out the window. Outside, all exposed land and objects were covered in snow and it was still falling heavily. The light that it was reflecting was brilliant, bring and uplifting. The corners of Gerard's mouth curled, forming a genuine smile.

"Mikey!" He squealed, rushing to his brothers room like it was Christmas morning. He rolled his brother out of his bed and onto the floor, only to find him sleeping naked. "Oh Jesus Christ alive, put some underwear on!" Gerard said, leaving the room in a hurry. He hid around the corner until he had heard the elastic ping around Mikey's waste and he knew his brother was no longer scantily clad. He re-entered, pulling his brother to the window once he had put on his glasses. "Look Mikes, look at all this fucking snow!" he squealed again like a little girl.

"I know... The weather. Oh why couldn't you be excited yesterday and not at this time in the morning!" Mikey grunted, returning to his fort of sheets. Gerard just folded his arms and tapped his foot at the end of the bed, looking at him with a glare only a mother could master truly. Mikey rolled his eyes, getting out of bed and getting dressed.

Once Mikey had clothed himself and washed, they went downstairs to the kitchen where Donna was already making breakfast. Gerard gave her a warm smile as he sat down to his omelette and coffee. He inhaled the liquid caffeine and scarfed down his omelette, really just wanting to get outside. He retrieved his snow coat and boots, looking at them disdainfully. He shrugged, pulling them on and taking a shovel outside to do the path for his Ma while Mikey took a shower.

"Do you think we should invite the neighbors around tonight?" Donna asked Gerard on the way out.

"Yeah," He replied after a long thought. "Yeah, I think that would be good." Donna smiled, going back to her culinary tasks.

Once he got outside, he realized just how damn cold it was. He shivered, looking around at the covered street; it was really a beautiful sight for such a worn down site. He smiled to himself, picking up his shovel starting the mammoth task.

It wasn't long before he realized he was not alone in the cold air. He look towards the neighbors lot where a boy, presumably the spoken of Frank, was clearing their drive. He caught his eye contact when the boy had stopped for a break before continuing; he smiled warmly at him, offering his kindness.

Frank caught the boy looking at him; he clocked the smile, smiling straight back. The boy was very good looking; he had short black hair and he was quite tall (well Frank was very short, so anyone would appear tall to him) and he had nice eyes from where he was looking. He shivered, shaking his head and mentally telling himself not to be so stupid.

Gerard was in an exceptionally good mood that morning, so he decided to be mischievous; the boy was cute, and he tried to get his attention a few times before resulting to his plan. He picked up a hand full of snow and rounded it, making it the perfect weapon. He threw it with force at the boy, aiming for a small blow to the arm. He ducked quickly after, giggling in an inward way.

Frank jumped as the ball of snow hit his arm and melted away. He looked around in confusion and raised an eyebrow. He expected it was the boy, but he was nowhere in sight.

Gerard jumped as the door unlocked and out came Mikey, dressed like the Michelin man. He couldn't help but giggle and do a double take as his brother appeared before him in the ridiculous outfit. "Don't laugh at me, Gerard."

"Shh!" Gerard squealed, pulling Mikey down to where he was crouching. "I'm having a snowball fight."

"With who? Yourself?" Mikey retorted, rolling his eyes at his childish brother; he wondered sometimes how different it would be if he were the older one. He imagined it to be exactly the same.

"The boy next door, you idiot," Gerard hissed, slapping Mikey playfully on the shoulder making him fall over into the snow on his behind.

"Gerard!" He whined, the snow soaking through to his trousers. Gerard just snorted and returned to stealth mode.

They hadn't realized, however, that Frank was preparing for battle. He picked up a ball of snow and rounded it, waiting for someone to appear to throw it at. When he looked up again, it was a different person dressed in a laughable number. Frank held in a chuckle and decided not to throw. He looked back at the shovel, suddenly not feeling very up to his task. He looked back up, and both the boys were gone.

Curious, he decided to make his way around to their drive, investigating. When he drew nearer, he heard muffled whispers and whine coming from two voices. "The Way brothers," he thought to himself. He clutched his snow ball tighter, making it crunch slightly. He turned the corner that their hedge had made, to find the extremely attractive man and the crazily clad person crouching and sitting down in the snow respectively. He smirked, throwing the snowball at the attractive guy and hiding behind the other side of the hedge.

Gerard squealed, the sudden attack making him fall back into the snow, the same as his brother. Mikey snorted and Gerard threw him a dirty look that told him to shut up. "Karma's a bitch," he muttered, glowering straight back at his sibling.

"So are you," Gerard shot back. He got up off his aching backside and went around the long way of the hedge to investigate.

Frank of course, was looking the short way, the way he came, for the any sign of the Way brothers. He tried to calm his breathing, but the affect that the older brother had on him was indescribable; he was so beautiful and cute. He jumped at the sudden tap of his shoulder from behind him.

Gerard giggled at the boy's paranoia and smiled, looking down. He looking up at Frank through his lashes to find him staring at the most beautiful person he had seen in a long time. "Hey," he said after a while, finding his voice.

"Hey yourself," Frank murmured, acting equally as shy and shuffling his feet in the snow. He joined his hands together at his back, slightly bent over and looking down at the ground.

"I'm Gerard," Gerard announced, looking up and smiling at the boy properly. He had the most beautiful eyes...

"Frank," Frank shot back, looking up and returning the look.

"And I'm Mikey!" called Gerard's sibling over the hedge. Gerard blushed and rolled his eyes whilst Frank giggled. Gerard offered his hand for a handshake and Frank just stared at him. He cocked his head after a while and knitted his eyebrows into a "The Fuck man?" expression. Gerard laughed it off easily, running the hand through his hair and blushing outrageously.

"Well, just so you know, I'm freezing my ass off, so I'm going in. See you fucker's later!" Mikey chortled and Gerard waited til he had heard the front door shut to say anything to Frank.

"He's a drama queen," he said softly, walking over to the wall at the front of the house and brushing some snow off big enough for Frank and him to sit and motioned for Frank to join him. Frank obliged, the look that Gerard gave him making him go weak in the knees.

"Yeah, I guessed," Frank replied, not really wanting to comment on the actions of Gerard's brother, more just wanting to talk to Gerard himself.

"He's always been like that," Gerard said, pulling his cigarette pocket out of his coat. He lit one up, taking a long drag. Frank looked up at the cigarette longingly. He had always wanted to try one. Gerard caught Frank looking and raised an eyebrow. He retracted the cancer stick from his mouth. "Oh no, don't even go there. Don't want this ruining such a pretty face now, do we?" he chuckled, making Frank go deathly red and hot. He opened his mouth to reply, but he couldn't think of a suitable reply to throw at him, so he settled for sitting comfortably in the silence. "Do you like snow, Frank?" Gerard asked quickly, filling the silence with noise, even if it was his own voice.

"I-I've um... Never seen it before," Frank said nervously. He looked down, fingering holes in the soft stuff with his index finger. Gerard smiled, looking down at the petulant teen.

"Where are you from?" Gerard asked curiously.

"Texas," Frank replied, not looking to meet Gerard's looks. He didn't want to look him in the eyes in the fear he might forget how to breathe.

"Explains it." Gerard put out his cigarette and jumped to his feet. He offered his hand to Frank, helping him slide off the wall.

"I don't know about you, but I've always wanted to make a proper snow man. Frank, would you do the honors of being my snowman buddy?" Gerard proposed, bowing low, looking up at Frank. He giggled, going yet another shade of pink. Honestly, he wanted to do a lot more with Gerard than just be his snowman buddy. He took his hand, not wanting to let go.

"Okay," he said, giving Gerard a smile. Gerard smiled back, squeezing his hand and leading him over to the perfect spot to make the snowman. Frank followed, holding his hand tightly, leaning into the guy's side.

A couple of hours later, and they were both tired and out of breath. The snow man looked rather jolly; he had coal for eyes and buttons, a scarf and a hat borrowed (or stolen) from Gerard's father and two arms from sticks. Frank and Gerard stood in the winter afternoon, admiring their work.

"Good," Gerard said between puffs and huffs. He had got to know Frank all afternoon, and honestly, their has never been someone so interesting. Frank had let his walls come down about everything and told Gerard all about how he ended up in Jersey and the bullying and Bob and Ray. Gerard listened, sometimes commenting with "Oh you poor thing" or "It's okay," when Frank looked like he needed cheering up. At one point, Gerard had pulled him in for a hug, only to feeling his stomach being attacked by violent butterflies.

Frank settled into Gerard's friendship very quickly, He stole glaces at the man while he worked, his jeans having the most incredible affect on his ass. He went red at thoughts of him and Gerard doing things... Things that would never happen.

"Gee?" Frank asked once they had returned their breath. The excitement of the snow and their creation had given Frank more confidence in himself and not so trapped by the people around him.

"Yeah," Gerard replied with a smile, pleased at the nickname the Frank had called him, usually reserved for his family and close friends.

"What shall we call him?" Frank asked, averting the true question he wanted to ask.

"I don't know. What shall we call him?" Gerard shot the question back, raising an eyebrow. Frank crossed his arms and hummed in thought. He went through many combinations of their names and different versions of it. He couldn't find one that fit perfectly, so he shrugged. "How about... Jeff?" Gerard suggested, chuckling a little.

"What kind of name is Jeff for a frigging snow man?!" Frank exclaimed, giggling also.

"Do you have any better suggestions?" Gerard retorted playfully, punching Frank's arm lightly. Frank blushed, looked away and wrapped his arms around him for warmth. He shook his head and looked back at Gerard who was in exactly the same position.

"Jeff it is then," Frank confirmed, wanting nothing more than to be in Gerard's arms in their playful state. He gulped his feeling and smiled in an inward way. Gerard tapped Frank's nose as an omen of acceptance and gathered up the tools that they had used that afternoon. He placed them by the shed and turned back around, only to find Frank inches away from him.

"Um... My mom said that... um... do you and your mom want to come round tonight?" Gerard asked, feeling the boy's body heat from where they were standing so close. His breath hitched in his throat and his stomach tied itself in knots. He blushed for the first time in the boy's company, usually being able to hide his inner feelings.

"Yeah, sure. She'd love that," Frank said, smiling at how cute Gerard's blush was. "You're... Nothing." Gerard frowned slightly, a smile playing on his lips.

"What?" he asked nonchalantly. Suddenly feeling awkward, he swung his arms backwards and forwards, burning energy; he blushed slightly again when his finger tips brushed against Frank's, his bare skin meeting with the smaller males for only brief seconds.

"I said, nothing," Frank murmured in a small voice.

"Okay," Gerard replied. "Well, I should probably take a shower before you and you're mom come round. I think something died. Goodbye, Frank," he said, smiling and brushing Frank's cheek slightly with his finger tip. He walked away, breaking the moment and leaving Frank with dirty thoughts of him in the shower.

It was seven pm and it was coming to the end of the Iero/Way family get together and the adult's were slightly drunk whilst Gerard, Mikey and Frank didn't touch a drop of alcohol and were completely sober. Frank winced slightly at his mom's actions, sometimes laughing and sometimes wanted to bury himself alive. Gerard watched the boy from the other end of the table, taking in all his body language and actions, studying him and getting to know him on a deeper level.

"Right, I'm going to Alicia's," Mikey announced, getting up and taking the plates to the kitchen. He was nervous on the inside. Alicia hadn't been well for weeks, and he was beginning to get worried. He kept it together though, not telling his family and putting on a brave face when all he wanted to was run tho her side and be there for her.

"Okay," Gerard accepted on behalf of the intoxicated adults. He helped take the condiments and glasses to the kitchen before giving Mikey a hug. He knew about Alicia's illness briefly from what his brother had told him. "Give her a hug from me, okay?" Mikey nodded, fetching his coat. "Stay safe. Be home around half ten."

Gerard went back to the "Party", saving Frank from his mother's antics. "Do you want to go outside?" Gerard offered; he wanted to see if the snowman had melted away. He grabbed his and Frank's coats and headed outside.

"It didn't melt then," Frank commented, crossing his arms around him for warmth. They stood in front of the man; admittedly, it did look a bit more lopsided than it did earlier and one of the buttons had dropped to the floor in front of it. Gerard couldn't suppress a giggle.

"Seriously? It looks like it went out on a night out in hell!" he exclaimed and blushed at his extremely bad metaphor.

"I suppose. It's freezing out here though! I can't see how it did!" Frank whined and looked at Gerard for some sort of answer.

"Do you want to go inside?" Gerard offered. Frank nodded, walking in step behind the boy to the door. "OW!" Frank looked up to see Gerard holding his head with both hands, spluttering all sorts of profanities and stumbling through the snow on the ground. He slipped on a patch of ice as he was walking in reverse and fell on his behind. He took his hands away from his forehead to reveal a slight cut and trickles of his blood. He rubbed his sore behind, laughing at a joke that someone had once said about falling on his bottom.

"No taking for a while then!"

It was Andro's voice in his head, reminiscing about the times they had shared. He shook the voice away, calming his laugh and looking up at Frank for sympathy. He rolled his eyes, offering his hand. He pulled Gerard up; he nearly landed on the smaller male with the uneven weight distribution. He fell into Frank's open arms, his hands on Gerard's elbows to steady him. "Thanks," Gerard grinned, wiping the blood away from his forehead.

"No problem. Let's go inside. Try not to slip," Frank retorted playfully, pulling Gerard's arm around his shoulders to help him inside. Gerard rolled his eyes, but accepted the boy's help gratefully. He slipped off his jacket, dumping it in a pile in the hall. He flew upstairs, turning round at the top to see Frank at the bottom, standing awkwardly. He motioned for him to come up with one hand and went into the bathroom, fetching a plaster and wipes. He turned around to see Frank trying to work out which room was his. He motioned to the second door on the right and Frank wrapped his small hand around the door handle and went inside.

He was greeted by the smell of coffee, cigarettes and cologne in one room. He smiled; were covered with band posters, some of which he knew, some of which he had never of heard of. Gerard had a double bed in the middle of the room, covered in a black bedspread. He decided to take a seat at the end of it, whilst Gerard went to a small dressing table to attend to his head wound.

Gerard meanwhile, was making a pigs ear of wiping the blood away, ending up just couriering the red liquid around his head more. He flailed, whining softly. Frank stood up and went over to him, taking the wipe from his hand and assisting him to help wipe the mess up. Gerard let him gratefully, leaning into Frank's touch.

"How old are you, Frank?" Gerard asked nervously. He steadied himself by putting his hands on the curves of Frank's hips. Frank wiped the last of the blood away and quivered under Gerard's touch.

"Sixteen... why?" he answered truthfully. He threw away the used wipe and took the band aid in his hand, peeling off the adhesive paper. Gerard raised an eyebrow, gulping. There was a four year age difference between him and the smaller male, but he held a candle for him all the same.

"I see," Gerard said in a small voice as Frank's expert hands pushed down the edges of the plaster. Frank's heart sank; he didn't want Gerard to know he was so young. He bit his lip, nibbling slightly. Gerard stood up, towering a head and shoulders above the other male once again. "Thank you," he breathed, moving his hands from Frank's hips to wrap them around his waist loosely. Frank's breath hitched in his throat, his own hands reaching up to place themselves around Gerard's neck. He leaned down, placing a light peck on Frank's red lips. Frank tingled all over with happiness from Gerard's first move. He leaned into the man a bit more and dug his nails into the back of his neck lightly. Gerard pulled away, smiling softly. Frank's lips suddenly felt cold at the loss of contact, and he pouted slightly. "Just tell me when this goes too far, okay?" He said and waited for Frank to nod; he did and Gerard leaned down once again. Frank met him half way this time, stepping on his tip toes to reciprocate.

Their lips met quickly, pecking each other with more force. Gerard opened his mouth, massaging Frank's lips with his own. He ran his tongue along Frank's lips, parting them partially, begging for entrance. Frank granted with enthusiasm, their tongues battling for dominance, which unsurprisingly, Gerard won. He explored Frank's mouth, probing at certain sensitive bits of skin. Frank moaned into the kiss, his hand moving down to rub small circles on the Gerard's shoulder blades. He shivered at Frank's touch and withdrew his tongue, letting Frank explore his mouth. He started to sway them both, rolling their hips onto one another's, creating friction. Gerard groaned, suddenly feeling the space in his jeans becoming increasing small. He blushed slightly, pushing them both towards the bed were he pulled away.

Frank gulped for air, like a whale coming up from the deepest blue sea. He looked at Gerard, searching his eyes for some sort of clue for what was coming next. He wanted so badly to have him here and now, but he wasn't even legal yet. Meanwhile, Gerard settled for kissing Frank's neck and being content with the vibrations coming from deep inside the boy's throat.

"Gee?" Frank half whimpered and moaned, feeling pleasure wash over him in irregular portions.

"Mhm?" Gerard hummed against his partner's neck.

"Do you want to...?" Frank didn't need to finish the question; he thought Gerard wasn't clueless.

"God yes. Do you?" Gerard murmured in a seductive voice. He pulled away from Frank's neck to look him in the eyes. Frank thought about it for all of 0.3 seconds and nodded furiously with as much force as he could muster. He could feel his head disagreeing, but the power and confidence his heart had gave him, he was more sure of this than anything in his life. "Okay."

Gerard pushed Frank gently down onto the bed, his head hitting the pillows with perfect accuracy. Frank grinned, bringing his hand up to tangle in his own hair. Gerard snaked up from the bottom of the bed, looming over Frank on all fours and staring down at him. He leaned down, pecking a line from his mouth down his neck to his exposed collar bone, where he searched for a bit of sensitive skin. He licked around on the bone where he found a patch where Frank hummed in pleasure. He started to suck and nibble at this spot for a while, his hands playing with the hem of Frank's shirt, lifting it further up his torso. He puled away, a purple blotch forming where his lips had been just moments ago. He smiled, looking up at Frank, who's face was once of pleasure.

Gerard put both hands under Frank's t-shirt, pushing it over his head and discarding it on the floor. He took in the pale pasty skin that his clothes had been concealing. He pinched his nipple lightly, chuckling softly as it grew harder. "Fuck," Frank cursed, his hands reaching down to pull Gerard's t-shirt over his body. He flung it to the other side of the room and ran his hands over his torso, making invisible patterns that only he could see. Gerard hummed in pleasure, gratefully letting Frank touch him. He had not been touched in such a long time.

Frank put his hands on Gerard's hips, slowly tracing their way to the button on his jeans. The breath in Gerard's throat hitched, and nodded as permission for Frank to continue. He did, unhitching the button from the loop and sliding the waistband over his skinny hips. Gerard sat up and helped Frank along, eventually letting the boy drop him pants somewhere else. He started his quest on the smaller boy's own jeans, succeeding. The only thing that stood between them now was the thin cloth of their underwear.

"Are you sure?" Gerard asked, palming Frank through the thin cloth. Frank moaned quietly.

"Fuck... Yes Gee, just hurry up!" he squealed, wanting Gerard right now. Gerard did as commanded, toying with the waistband of Frank's boxers. He put three fingers from each hand under, pulling down over his hips and exposing his member. Gerard flung the underwear somewhere else, focusing on what was important. Frank felt awkward and self-conscious under the man's watchful stare. Gerard's mouth curled up at the corners in appeasement.

"Beautiful," Gerard breathed, smiling wider. Frank subconsciously played with the other male's underwear while he was being watched, not meeting Gerard's eye contact. He slowly pulled down the boxer's over Gerard's hips, much the same actions as done with his jeans. Gerard obliged, and soon they were both naked. Gerard blushed in his nudity, not having been naked in front of anyone else in a long while. He let out a shaky breath. Frank ran his hands a long Gerard's smooth back.

"Hey, I've got you," he whispered, looking up for the first time to meet Gerard's eyes. They smiled softly at each other. Gerard kissed a line from Frank's neck all the way down to his pubic bone, licking a line slowly to the head of his dick. Gerard wrapped his fingers around Frank's member, pumping slowly before adding his mouth. He licked a line from his balls to the tip, swirling it slowly with his tongue. Frank's breathing became more rigid, closing his eyes and concentrating on Gerard's actions. Gerard sucked harder, humming gently. This sent vibrations up Frank's length, causing him to arch his back off of the bed. "Fuck," he whispered, clenching his fist in Gerard's hair. He pulled softly, motioning for Gerard to meet his mouth. Their lips crashed together, the hand that Gerard still had on Frank's dick starting to pump faster as they deepened the kiss. Frank pulled away, holing Gerard's forehead to his own, their sweats and breaths mixing. "I don't want... Just fuck me, Gee."

Gerard obliged, pumping his dick a little slower, and pulling away so he could concentrate fully on not hurting his love. He lined a single finger up at Frank's hole, pushing in slowly. Frank winced, closing his eyes and trying to with hold the pain. Gerard entered fully, stopping and pumping Frank's dick so he could get used to the intrusion.

"Okay," Frank breathed once the pain had subsided. Gerard withdrew his finger to the tip and moved it back in again, creating a steady, slow rhythm. When Frank was getting harder by the minute, he decided to slow down the dick action and concentrate on the fingering, speeding up and adding another finger, slowing down slightly. Frank squeezed his eyes tighter, tears rolling down his cheeks at the discomfort. He whimpered to signal to Gerard to slow down; he did, wiping away Frank's tears with his free hand.

"It's okay," Gerard said, speeding up the pace when he felt Frank relax. He pulled in and out steadily, scissoring them gently. He let Frank have one finger in his mouth too, to bite on as a distraction for the pain. When the biting stopped, Gerard entered another finger, but Frank's body rejected it, letting him know he was too tight for that. Gerard pulled out completely, kissing Frank's lips and lining his own hard length at Frank's hole. "Ready?"

"More than anything I've ever wanted," Frank answered truthfully. Gerard pushed the head of his dick in Frank's ass, his breath hitching at the good feeling. He had only topped once or twice, but it had never felt this good; Frank was tight. He breathed shakily, taking hold of Frank's hand and squeezing it. Frank winced at the pain of Gerard's intrusion. He gulped down air, nibbling his lip. Gerard stopped once he was fully inside Frank letting him get used to the feeling. He leaned down to brush the hair out of Frank's face and kissed his lips lightly. Frank kissed back gently, not wanting to move that much. He brought his hands up to stroke Gerard's back gently. They pain had subsided and he pulled away to hope Gerard would get the message.

Gerard returned to his position and started drawing out gently. He pulled out until the head, where he slammed back inside gently, not wanting to cause to much pain. He did this a few times before creating a slow steady rhythm. Frank lifted his legs to wrap them around Gerard's waist, guiding his thrusts gently. Gerard's breathing became rugged at the clenching and unclenching that Frank's body was doing naturally. He closed his eyes and bit his lip, as he took his thrusting onto auto pilot.

Frank whimpered at each of Gerard's thrusts and arched his back at one particular hit. "Gee," he moaned breathlessly. "D-Do that again." Gerard opened his eyes to find Frank in a state of pleasure so he tightened his grip on Frank's hips and guided them onto his length, angling to hit the spot again. Frank's spine arched, knowing he had hit his prostate. "Whoa," he breathed, with a bunch of curses. "Gee, keep doing that. It feels... so..." he was cut off as Gerard was hitting the right spot repeatedly. Frank knew that he wasn't going to last long if Gerard kept doing that to him. He clenched unintentionally, signaling to Gerard that he was close. Gerard breathed and nodded, guiding his hips quicker to meet with his thrusts.

Frank reached down to grab hold of his length, stroking himself tenderly. Gerard noticed, and replaced the small hand with his own. He pumped along with the rhythm of his thrusts and spread Frank's precome all over his hands. He moaned hoarsely. "Frank, baby... So hot," he encouraged. the faces Frank were making could get him off just like that. He moaned again, louder this time. He just prayed to god that their parents couldn't hear them doing the deed.

Frank must of had the same thought because his hand flew up to hush him; he had a hard time restraining his own noises of pleasure, but he was doing it. "Sh, Gee! What if they can hear us?!"

"Will you please stop talking about our parents right now?" Gerard chuckled, speeding up the pace to take Frank's mind off it. He wanted Frank to moan like his whore, and he wanted it bad. Frank did after a few hits; he let out an almighty moan that might of resembled "Gee" if he wasn't so drunk on pleasure.

"Gee, I'm... I'm close," He said breathlessly. He was; he came into Gerard's hand short moments after, muttering his partners name. Gerard continued to pump his dick until he rode out his orgasm and he himself came, filling him up. He thrust a few half hearted strokes, before pulling out and flopping on the bed next to Frank, pulling the sheets around them. Frank opened his eyes and found himself looking at a sweaty Gerard.

"That... was..." Frank murmured, not able to find the right words. Gerard traced his thumb across Frank's cheek, chuckling softly.

"It was as good for you as it was for me then?" he asked, raiding and eyebrow and grinning.

"Yes," Frank replied, biting his lip at the feeling of Gerard's seed dripping out of his ass. He blushed, leaning forward to kiss Gerard's lips gently. Gerard reciprocated; they basked in the glow of their activity, their juices all over the sheets and their sweat dripping off their foreheads.

"You're going to be interesting, honey," Gerard commented with a smirk. Frank grinned back, running his hands along Gerard's arms.

"And why is that?" he asked with fake innocence. Gerard let out a chuckle and smiled.

"Well, considering I can't keep my hands off of you for all that long, as demonstrated today, I think you should be careful," Gerard murmured. He kissed Frank's lips once more before putting his arm around the smaller male and dosing off.

Gerard awoke the next morning to find that he was in bed alone. He sat bolt upright in bed, hoping that he hadn't been dreaming. If he had, he had made a lot of stains for one person in a night. He looked around the room: his clothes folding up neatly on his chair, a note left on his dressing table. He rolled out of bed, grabbing his boxers on the way over to the note. He picked it up. On the front it had his name printed in eloquent swirly hand writing. It read;


Sorry I couldn't stay to wake up with you. My mom went home and I had too as well.

Thank you for an amazing night. As first times go, I don't think it will be one I will forget for a long time.

Please don't leave this unanswered. Call me, we can sort something out, right?

Anyway, thanks again and I really hope to see you soon.

Love, Frank.


Gerard grinned. He pulled on yesterday's clothing and tucked the note inside his jeans. He found his mobile and sat on the end of his bed, dialing the number.

"Hey, Frank, it's me, Gee."
♠ ♠ ♠
All I can say is I had snow.
I didn't enjoy it.
I thought of Gee and Frank.