No Place for Women

Chapter Twenty

I had snuck away from my guards for the time being, and was currently sitting at a small pond just outside the perimeter of the land. It may not be safe, but it was worth it if I was wanting alone time... I needed time to think about everything that's been going on the past few days. I just wanted away from it all really. It's all driving me crazy!!

Lady Galadriel had confronted me last night. I could remember it all so very clearly.

"Ah Kila, there you are. Might I have a word with you?" She smiled, approaching from a few feet away from where I had been standing at the time. "Of course, my lady." I nodded my head. She held her arm out, as if asking me to walk with her, which I gladly chose to do. "What's on your mind?" I question shyly. I was confused as to why she would confront me about things this late at night. Was there something going on that I needed to be aware of?

"It's come to my attention that you've done all this on impulse. Because of something that dwarf, Thorin Oakenshield, has said to you. I wonder, might you be happier with someone else. No offense towards Lord Elrond, but I feel like you might feel happier, in a place like this. Or Mirkwood." What was she talking about? "I want you to consider something; but you must promise to consider it before I tell you what it is."

"I shall consider it." I nodded, as I continued to walk down the long hallway with her. The white dress that she was always seeming to be wearing, was dragging the ground behind her in a graceful manor. My dress on the other hand, the pale green one I had been given, was barely even toughing the ground and was very elegant. She came to a halt in front of the door of the room that I had been staying in.

"Haldir has come to me, and spoke of how you seem to be unhappy. In the morning you shall travel to Mirkwood with Lord Thranduil and his son Legolas, along with Haldir and his men." She paused. "More to the point, I want you to consider to either marry Haldir, or young Legolas in the place or Lord Elrond." At the end of her sentence, she walked away, leaving me standing in the doorway alone.

Morning would come in just a few short hours, and I still haven't slept at all tonight. I wasn't sure how to deal with what Lady Galadriel had said to me. Marry....Haldir....or Legolas. But I do not love either of these men? How do they expect me to marry either of them? They must be crazy to think that this problem was going to resolve it's self over the course o just a few days. It's impossible!!!

When the sun started to rise up over the trees was when I decided to make my way back to my room; I could do so without anyone even noticing, and they would never know. Most people were still asleep, or just now waking up. The guards on the other hand...well that's different. Some are just going on duty, while the others are just now getting to sleep. I would hate that kind of life. Or at least being the guard that doesn't get to go to bed until the sun was coming up. I would never get to sleep at all!!

On my way back to my room, I decided to stop by the little nursery, where all the young Elves slept. They would not be waking up for a few more hours. I closed the door behind me, and walked over to one of the beds. There was a small girl who'd I grown close to in my times here. She was squirming around in her bed, and looked absolutely pitiful. I sat down on the bed next to her, and placed my hand on her forehead; it seemed to calm her down instantly.

Lor, lora, neo linda hín
Lor nu núra elmenel
Cena manen i olorë cara son lia
Ar sino tinta yare i isil na per

Lilta com eleni or fanya ar hisië
Mí hwinyari ve uner is cena
Lilta com vendë ve mí i olorë le neta
Ar anta vandi ve uner is anta

I sang softly, trying not to wake her, or any of the other children up as I was sitting there.

Vanda ana anta rin rino i olorëon coa
Ar fallë or i falmar ninqui
Vanda rin ana i coi noruva ya már
Ar le rin mí i menel noruva tana

Vanda ana anta rin i isil mine aurë
Ar ana le noruva lala mí oio valin
Cena tennana rin quent ya axan
Yare rin ve mine már tári noruva heri

The young girl was calming down even more now. Her breathing had steadied out, and she was just laying there, peacefully asleep. I was now running my fingers through her long blonde hair, and it seemed like there was a smile on her face.

Ar yrae rin san anta lin mine laurea corma
Noruva lin coiva mí caima yo lin amil
Ar cena ana rin anta lin se anvane arin
Ar lin vanda noruva ya anwi

Ea, neo linda hín
Lin vanda noruva ya anwi

When i was finished with the song, it seemed that the young Elf was completely calm now, and was no longer having any nightmares. Hopefully she wouldn't have anymore after I leave. Because I won't be here to help calm her down.

I sighed, silently standing from the edge of the bed, and walked back out of the nursery once more. I made sure that the door didn't slam behind me once it closed. "And what were you doing in there?" A voice spoke, causing me to jump out of shock. When I turned around, I saw Haldir standing there with a smile on his face. His long blonde hair was pulled back out of his face, but it was still cascading down around his shoulders.

"You scared me! You can't sneak up on me like that!!!" I grumbled, pushing his shoulder lightly. His smile simply grew, before he looked at my eyes. "You haven't slept tonight, have you? You were outside of our boundaries! How did you get out there without your guards? They believe you're still inside of your room!" He stated simply, as if not even having a problem figuring it out. "How did you know that?" I was shocked.

"It's not that hard to figure out, young one. Like I said before, do not think me uneducated. And judging by the dirt on your gowns, and simply what dress robes you are currently wearing then it is not hard to figure out that you've not gone to bed." He sighed, "Kila, we have a long journey ahead of us once the sun comes up. Don't you think you should've at least gotten a little bit of sleep?" He questioned me, stepping a bit closer to me.

"I tried. But there's just so much going on in my mind, so I wasn't able to get any sleep. Who shall I be riding with for this journey?" It was now my turn to question him about things. "You shall be riding with me. And through out, if you wish to switch, young Lord Legolas offered that you can ride with him." I nodded silently, before looking up into my eyes. "I shall ride with you." I informed him before making my way to my room. "Where are you going now? You're not sneaking away again are you?" He stopped me.

"I must go change my dress robes. As you can see, these are very dirty, and it is not lady like to be seen in such a terrible manor." I joked, and saw a familiar smile come to join his features. "And you, young one are no lady. You cannot fool me. But go ahead and change, I shall be waiting outside of your quarters waiting so we can depart for Mirkwood. Mustn't keep Lord Thranduil waiting, shall we?" He smiled down at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the translation of the lullaby she sang:
Slumber, sleep, my beautiful child
Sleep beneath deep vaults of stars
Watch the dreams spinning its yarn
And its glitter when the moon is half

Dance with stars beneath clouds and mist
In swirls that no one can see
Dance with the girl you can win in your dream
And make promises no one can make

Promise to give her the castle of your dreams
And the foam of the waves of white
Promise her that life will be good
And that you will draw her in the sky

Swear to give her the moon one day
And that you will laugh in eternal joy
Make sure that her words will be laws
When she rules as a benelovent queen

And when she gives you a golden ring
Wake up in your cradle with mommy
And see that she gives you the fairest of dawns
And your promises will come true

Yes, my beautiful child
Your promises will come true

credit to NoctourneAngel on Deviantart!!