Status: Tell Me What You Think!

Guitar Riffs & Candle Sticks


Tony woke up to the sounds of his friends in the hallway. He got off his bed and walked towards the door. Once he opened it he saw them wandering around.
"Ey!" He hissed at them
"Tony!" Jaime looked thankful to see him, he pointed him out to the other two and they made their way over to them.
"Where are we?" Vic raised an eyebrow
Tony led them in and closed the door behind them.
"Yeah this isn't the cabin we saw online..." Mike looked around the large room. It was decorated modernly with steel furniture.
"Dylan canceled on us," tony started, " this girl at the gas station overheard so she invited to stay with her."
" what the fuck..." Jaime whistled sitting down in the closest chair, " this girl a millionaire?"
Tony shrugged, " apparently her parents are..." He rubbed his eyes trying to get the grogginess out.
"You left us in the van!" Vic complained
"You guys were passed out. I couldn't carry you up here... And the chick weighs like 90 pounds, I wasn't going to ask her to help me."
"True." Vic agreed
"Well I stink" Jaime frowned smelling his shirt, "lets go get our things."
Tony nodded, "One of us should at least go get breakfast."
"I'll go" Vic smiled "it's just one girl?"
"Two." Tony said while handing Vic the keys, "but we should take our things first, I need to shower too."

Naomi creeped out of Lupe's room quietly, trying to avoid the guys.
" seriously insane..." She heard a voice laugh. She looked over a couple rooms down, the four guys were coming out of the room.
What perfect timing she scolded herself.
"Hey!" Jaime waved
"Hi" she smiled embarrassed
"Hey! Snow angel girl!" Mike laughed, "this is your place?"
Naomi turned red, what had happened last night, "No... It's my friends place..."
"Nice to meet you." Vice smiled reached his hand out. She shook hands with him and greeted the others.
"I'm actually on my way to bring my stuff up," she said
"Oh we could help you." Tony smiled following her down the flight of stairs.
"Uh, thanks" she managed to say.
Bag after bag had been placed in Lupe's room without her being present. She had been hiding in the bathroom until her toiletries showed up.
"Thanks again." Naomi smiled thankfully.
"What about this?" Mike smiled widely holding a box of jack Daniels bottles.
"You could put that in the white room, take some if you want, cups are in the kitchen." She said before closing the door.
Lupe came out of the bathroom looking more than perfect. Her dark hair had been straightened making it fall just under her shoulders. Her make up was minimal, a light brown eye shadow and mascara. And it seemed she picked her favorite outfit for today. Dark washed jeans with an off the shoulder black shirt hugging her stomach.
"Well damn girl, it's not fair that you're making an amazing first impression..." Naomi huffed taking a towel out of one of her bags, "now go be a host or something."
♠ ♠ ♠
To my loyal readers: I have horrible writers block, this is a story I finished a while back but never posted.
Please enjoy it while I think of the next chapter for each of my stories. Every comment from you guys gets a new chapter!
Again, I apologize :(