Status: active♥

Stomach Tied in Knots.

Chapter One.

Kellin POV.
Well it’s the first day of my new school. A boarding school. My mum got a new job which is quite far away, so she decided to send me off to this school. I don’t mind of course, I love my mum, and I hate my old school. My mum’s always been really supportive of me, even when I told her I was gay. My step-dad didn’t like it and she told him to leave. I loved her even more for that, I mean, how many parents would get rid of a marriage just because of the fact that her husband didn’t like the fact that her son was gay? She told him that nobody is going to tell her son what he can or cannot be, and he didn’t like it then he should leave. And he did, she didn’t seem upset at all, kind of relieved, either way, I was there for her and she was still there for me.
Anyway, I got bullied at my old school for being gay, and I hope this new school is more accepting of it, I don’t see why being gay is such a bad thing, but anybody who finds out about it, like at my old school will bully you to the point that you don’t even want to live anymore. So I guess a fresh start with the new school.
“Kellin! Come on, we don’t want you to be late chick!” My mum called up the stairs. I took one last look around my almost empty room. There were a few old band posters left on the walls, a few thing I didn’t need anymore and some rubbish bags in the corner. My mum had packed all my stuff into the car earlier. This was the last time I’d ever see my room again… I breathed in deeply and grabbed my iPod off my desk.
When I got downstairs my mum was waiting for me at the door, “Come on then, let’s get you to your new school.” She smiled at me. I smiled back as I made my way to the car.
Well. Bye house…
The drive went pretty quick. Not as long as I expected it to be, my mum kept on making small talk with me and she let me have my music on so I was okay. I wasn’t gonna lie, I was pretty nervous. What if they didn’t like me there? What if it was worse than my old school? What if they didn’t allow gays or whatever?
Breathe Kellin. Breathe.
♠ ♠ ♠
ilya xo