Kiss You

s a m

"You can't keep me here forever, you know," I hissed, squinting at the shadow that hovered beyond the closed door. "You can't keep me hidden like some sort of ransom prize. My brother will pay you nothing, I can promise you that."

The shadow, like always, simply stood there - hidden by the large wooden panel that stood between us, quiet as a mouse. I tried again, anger powering an irrational outburst. Hitting out I grabbed the nearest thing I could, a lamp, and threw it at the door. The glass shattered hard against the wood, falling in tiny crystal droplets onto the carpeted floor.

"Let me out!" I screamed this time. I no longer feared this man, this stranger who'd kept me holed up in this god forsaken room for hopes of getting my brother to pay some sort of ransom for my return. He had hidden me here for far too long now, long enough for the crippling fear to grow into a murderous hatred, and he had never once let me see his face. The meals he delivered were always left by the door; brought over when I was sleeping and the small CCTV that hung from the corner of the room I was in provided him with an ample view of his prisoner. No, I rebuked the thought, not prisoner. I was no body's prisoner, least of all this stupid coward's.

For about the umpteenth time since he threw me in there, I paced the length of the room; desperately trying to figure out how to get out. There was an iron bed to the side, a door that led to the bathrooms beside the bed and a small side drawer that barely reached my knee beside the door. It had formerly been holding the study lamp that I'd thrown so viciously against the bedroom door.

"I hate you!" I screamed into the empty room, swivelling so that I could face the CCTV head on. "You're going to pay for leaving me in here! My brother is going to make sure you pay!"

There was, predictably enough, no reply. I screamed again, mostly because I was too frustrated to do anything else. This place was going to drive me crazy! Furious, I dragged my eyes over the room for more ammo. The pillow on the bed flew across the room, falling just a few meters short of the CCTV.

"LET ME GO!" I sobbed now, my voice breaking in an uncharacteristic display of emotion. I didn't cry, I didn't break. I was strong, I was stronger than this. I couldn't let this man break me!

But it was too late. The exhaustion of screaming, of scratching at the walls, of utter hopelessness and being trapped was too much. My knees buckled and I fell forward, shoulder hitting the carpeted floor with a dull thud. Sobs wrecked through me, my breath refusing to calm down. Wrapping my arms around myself, I let my own cries lull me into a restless sleep.

I could try again tomorrow. There was always tomorrow.
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I don't usually switch POV's around but I couldn't for the life of me, write this plot out using my normal narration method. Anywho, this one shot has been officially declared a three shot. To prevent confusion, see.