Status: Completed

Mad World

Before I Pull This Trigger...But Does Anyone Notice There's A Corpse In This Bed?

I couldn't stop screaming.
My throat was practically going to rupture and my vocal chords were sto strained...

Blood everywhere.
So much blood and screaming.
The door flying open,
My leg in pain,
Burning flesh,
I was being lifted...

"Can you move?" a woman asked me asa man held me up. Then, she turned to another man and said, "We need to get them to the hospital."

"Save him." I weakly moaned to the woman. Everyone's eyes were on me. "He's my boyfriend. He...he's been shot in the chest. Save him."

"We will. Right now, the ambulance are on their way. The best we can do is keep pressure on your leg and make sure he stays awake." the woman explained.

I leaned over to the guy who was supporting Gerard. "Hey, Gerard, stay awake, babe. Stay with me."

His head lolled and his body went limp. I was expecting the worst. I was out of tears, but I still sobbed and moaned in grief. "Is his heart beating?" I asked the man. He touched two fingers to Gerard's neck and paused.

"It's faultering. But, don't worry, I can guarentee the EMTs can keep him alive when they get here."

Why were they taking forever? Gerard was dying and my leg was killing me.

Gerard's mom, Donna, came through the open door looking startled. When she saw me, my leg, and Gerard, she ran to us.

"Who are you people?" she shouted at the people who found us. "What happened? Why're you in my house?"

"We heard gunshots and screaming." the woman supporting me replied hastily. "We ran in and found them on the floor covered in blood. There was a gun beside the one with the long hair." She meant Gerard.

Donna's eyes landed on Gerard and she ran to him. She pulled him out of the arms of the man supporting him and stumbly to the ground with him in her arms. She cried, the sobs racking her body hard. She stroked his hair and tried not to touch his bloody chest, repeatedly whispering "Oh, baby, Mama's here. Stay with Mama, you'll be okay. Stay with Mama, baby boy." Then she looked at the gun and up at me and asked "What the fuck happened?"

"I walked in on Gerard attacking his therapist. He made her leave, but I refused to go when he commanded me to. He went in the hall closet, pulled out a gun and shot my knee. He wrote a note and then shot himself." I explained, fresh tears coating my cheeks. "I'm so sorry this happened. I should've just left."

"No!" she sobbed, shaking her head. "Thank you for not leaving." Donna picked up the balled up paper that was in my bloody hand and read what Gerard had wrote. She closed her eyes, covered her mouth, and cried on Gerard's shoulder. His eyes were glazed over and his breathing was loud and uneven.

When the ambulance finally arrived, the EMTs dug the bullet out of my knee and wrapped it up. Easy as that. Gerard was in need of severe medical attention. The bullet was lodge deep into his sternum and punctured his left lung. At the hospital, they strapped Gerard to a gurny, hooked him up to a bunch of ivys and wheeled him away, Donna following. Because I wasn't family, I was ordered to stay seated in the waiting room, where I waited for the verdict of whether my lover was dead or alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
short, i know.
part 3 soon.
thanks so much for reading, y'all.
i love you all.
I can't wait until y'all read what's happens next. ;)