Status: Completed

Mad World

I Bet You're Not ***ing Pretty On The Inside

I didn't know what to think or how to feel throughout the rest of the day. I'd practically admitted my homosexual tendencies. I could see it in his eyes though he had an inner-homosexual as well. That's why I'd said what I said. He carried on with his day. We didn't bring it up in Chem class. I'd managed not to get so excited when I saw him.

Curse this boy. Curse his adorable smile. Curse his lush black, rebelliously tousled hair. Curse his deep voice that kick-started my heart every time I heard it. Curse you, Frank Iero. Curse you.

"Gerard, Stacy, um, told me to have you call her after school. She's really upset about something, I don't know." my little brother Mikey said as he walked in the kitchen. I had been sitting at a bar stool, absently eating Keebler cookies in my Batman pajamas and thinking about Frank.

"Yeah, okay." I said, wondering what it was that she wanted now. Maybe she wanted to get back with me. I was still hurt, but, getting back with her would drive the inner-homosexual away. Which I desperately wanted. I picked up my iPhone off the bar counter in front of me and found Stacy's contact information.


She picked up after the second ring. "Hello?" she answered, sniffling and coughing.

"Hey, are you okay? Mikey said you need to talk to me." I explained, worrying it was serious if she was crying.

"I don't know how to say this. I don't want to seem like an attention whore, or a slut, or whatever. Please don't get mad at me. Please don't be upset with me!" Stacy sobbed.

"Of course, I won't be upset, Stacy. You can tell me anything."

"Oh, God! It's so bad, Gerard! I've sinned."

Did she have an inner-homosexual too?

"Did...did you, um, kiss a girl?" I asked, feeling embarrassed and guilty.

"WHAT?! NO! Ew! That's disgusting! Why the hell would I do that!"

"Okay, sorry, jeez. You just seem seriously torn up over something and nothing can be worse than that."

"Gerard, I had sex! I'm pregnant. That's nothing compared to being a lesbian."

I suddenly felt dumb-struck. I sat there, silent and staring at my half eaten cookie.

Pregnant?! Stacy had sex with Kaleb and not me?! What does that guy have that I don't? A big ego?

"Gerard, are you listening to me?!" she screamed.

"Partially." I admitted sarcastically.

"Kaleb dumped me when I told him."

I scoffed and laughed. "Typical."

Stacy gasped and groaned such a angry-girl groan. "Aren't you angry?"

"I mean, I'm sorry. But, you made that choice. And you kinda deserve it for being such a slut." I was just speaking on autopilot now. I wasn't thinking.

Shut up, Gerard, shut up!


I laughed even more at her sad excuses and decided not to comment.

"Why're you being so mean to me?" she cried.

"Because karma's a rotten bitch, Stacy. Have fun being an unwed teenage mother." I said before hanging up in her face.

"Gerard, that was rude. How could you be so heartless to that poor girl?" Mikey asked.

"Well, Mikey," I began. "I almost expected this to happen. After dumping me the way she did, heartlessly, she deserves this pain."

"You don't wish something like that upon people."

"I never wished for her to break up with me, fuck Kaleb, and ruin her life." I retorted. "She's made her path and now she has to walk it."

"I hope she gets help."

"Her parent's rep is on the line. The mayor doesn't want his daughter to be known as a baby-bearing prostitute. They'll make sure she either gets rid of it, or keeps it a secret."

"Good point."

"Yeah, I have lots of those." I mumbled as Mikey walked off. I brushed crumbs off my shirt and sighed.

The next morning, I went out to my car to warm it up before I drove off to school. I couldn't believe what I saw.

FAG was graffiti-ed on the hood of my black car in bright red spray paint.

I groaned in anger and bit my tongue, trying not to scream. Looks like I was taking the bus to school. But before I left to the nearest bus stop, I grabbed my own can of red spray paint.

If they were going to play dirty, I was going to play dirty back. I also grabbed a hammer, just in case there were some windows that needed smashing.

Once at school, I snuck toward the student parking lot as best as I could.

"Hey, Gerard!" Frank hollered to me. I ground my teeth and turned to him. "I've been looking for you."

"I took the bus." I replied, not wanting to talk about it.

"Oh. Why're you going out to the parking lot?"

"To do some damage. Don't follow."

And of course, he followed.

"Damage to what?" Frank asked. "Gerard, what are you doing?"

I ignored him, pulling the can out of my bag and scanning the lot for Stacy's little pink Punch Buggy. She'd have to get bigger car if she was having a kid. As I made my way to her car, Frank kept asking questions. I then pulled out the hammer, and, without a word, banged it against her driver side window. Frank exclaimed in surprise as the glass shattered and sprinkled everywhere. On the back window of her car, I graffiti HARLOT in capital red letters.

"Gerard, whose car is this?" Frank asked. "Why're you doing this? Is this Stacy's car?"

I wheeled on Frank and stuck my finger in his face.

"Don't you EVER say her name again!" I snapped. "She is nothing but a filthy whore!"

Frank pretended to zip his lips shut and stared back at me with saucer sized eyes.

I smashed a back passenger window and smiled grimly.

"Okay," I sighed, stuffing my items back in my bag. "Let's get to class."
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good or no?