Status: Active!

Moth to a Flame


Katsumi became worried and flustered; she has lost sight of the little girl and continued to search for her. She called out but couldn't hear any replies. She paused, and pondered upon the child's strange behaviour. It wasn't normal for a child to be alone in a park, but then she had gotten up and left like it was nothing. What was going on? Who was this strange little child?

Katsumi knew that it probably wasn't wise to try and track down a stranger; even if she was a small child it was dangerous. However Katsumi wanted to get to the bottom of the girl's behaviour. If her parents are neglecting the young one then they need to be stopped. Katsumi wasn't going to walk away from a situation that could save a child from being ill-treated by her family so she continued to search.


Akane sat on the porch of her run down home, looking around at all the passing people. She yearned to be a grown-up so she could explore the world. Alas though she was only 8. Akane got up and skipped off into her house, leaving her porcelain dolly behind. She ran into the kitchen and climbed up on the counters and got her favorite can of chips, Pringles Sour Cream and Onion, and after jumping down she ran back outside and sat on the porch playing with her dolly and little animal figurines. She sung 'Marry Had a Little Lamb' to herself as she played tea party and house with her toys.

Katsumi saw the young girl playing and started to rethink her original assumption of abuse. The girl looked happy playing with her dolls and toys but at the same time she looked unhappy with some deeper form of reasoning that was locked away in her precious mind.

“Hey there, what’re you doing?” Akane looked up as Katsumi approached and dropped her toys, she ran off into the abandoned old house.

“Hey wait! Don’t go in there it’s dangerous!” Katsumi ran inside the house chasing the little girl. She looked around and noticed that everything looked too nice. The cabinets were full of food, and there was electricity.

'Does she live here?' Katsumi thought as she continued to wander further until she tripped. When she looked around to check why she had dripped she saw Akane pull her legs back behind the couch curling up.

“There you are. Come on out, it's okay.” Akane climbed out from behind the couch nervously. No one had ever found her home and she didn’t want anyone to take it away from her. She liked living here.

“Don’t take away my home.” Katsumi looked shocked. This was her home.