Life, Love, and My Chemical Romance

Most Mischievious Plan

I still cannot believe that Gerard Way said that I was amazing! Although he hasn't said anything to me since... Of course, that was almost a week ago. Over the past few days I have observed him. He is basically the shy and quiet kid who wants to be seen as a rebel so he does't take gym and and he talks back to the teachers. He sits alone at lunch and doesn't seem to mind... God, he is so cute!
I have devised a most mischievious plan to get him to notice me:
1. Don't take gym
2. Prank teachers
3. Laugh at his jokes
4. Find out what he likes
5. Sit with him at lunch

Tommorow my plan will take action.
Oh yeah, the song Dreaming by Blondie is in my head today...
"I'd build a road in gold just to have some dreaming
Dreaming is free
Dreaming is free
Dreaming is free"