Life, Love, and My Chemical Romance


"I-I'm fine.." I said quietly on the floor of the previously crowded hallway hoping he'd forgotten about the song.
"Yes. Well," He grabbed my hand and helped me off of the floor (what a great guy...),"Now tell me how you know the song." He had calmed down a bit. I tried to act ignorent.
"W-what s-song?" apparently I wasn't doing a good job...
"Don't act dumb," not a good job at all... "how the hell do you know I'm Not Okay?"
"How do YOU know it?" I said, impressed with my sudden burst of confidence.
"I freaking wrote it, that's how." And he didn't say freaking...
"Do the words My Chemical Romance mean anything to you?" he gasped.
"How the... What the..." he seemed flustered. He took a deep breath and started again, "Well okay. I had this dream I was the lead singer in a band called My Chemical Romance, and we were singing the song I'm Not Okay. I heard the chorus in my dream... and afterwards I sort of added onto it. It was amazing... does this make any sence to you?"
I put my hand on his sholder, "Gerard, it makes a lot of sence." he smiled at me. He smiled his adorable toothy smile. A smile that sent shivers down my spine, goosebumps down my arm. A smile that I couldn't help smiling back at.
"Well, it seems that I'm late for gym... but that's okay, I don't take it anyway..."
"I have gym too, I never take it either." I actually do take gym... but Gerard doesn't need to know that...
After that me and Gerard walked to gym together, hand in hand.