Life, Love, and My Chemical Romance

Tears & Terror

By now I’m afraid if I cry any more I’d be crying blood. I’m surprised I haven’t dried out and withered away like a raisin yet. How my body is able to produce so many brackish tears, I will never know. Why I even care, I don’t. I’m just trying to keep my mind off the moribund Gerard. Still in his plaid boxers, afraid he will be for all eternity.
I feel like I’m in some sort of trance, only faintly aware of my surroundings. Only able to feel my mother’s comforting words barely. My parents are here, as are Gerard’s. His are being strangely brave, me and Mikey being the only two crying, me being the only one in hysterics. Ray has come, but he is confused of his purpose. He sits next to a perplexed and anxious Frank. The doctor says he does not know of Gerard’s ailment, but fears it is fatal.
Bob Bryar was my last hope, but he failed me. He failed Gerard and he doomed the world to be without My Chemical Romance for ever and always. But it really was not his fault. It was mine and I am just crazy. It was absolutely okay for him not to come, it was expected. If he had appeared in this grim place I would be surprised. Now all I can do in my numb state is cry and wait for my one true love to die. Star-crossed lovers we are, and are doomed to be forevermore.
But then something happened. Something broke me free of my mindless state. It was a strange squeaking noise, like that of a pair of damp sneakers running across a linoleum floor. The door then slammed open, and I saw what I thought was an angel.

It was Bob Bryar.