You Save Me

Chapter 18

Bang! Was this it, it wasn't as painful as i imagined, i thought to myself. "Jenna." i heard Austin's voice. I opened my eyes, it was the door, not the gun. Shit he was going to hurt Austin. Austin walked in, he wore his simple slipknot vest and his skinny jeans. "Jenna! What the fuck is going on here?" he shouted as soon as he saw me tied up. Daniel had now turned and pointed the gun at Austin, "You stole her from me!" he shouted at Austin, waving the gun as he spoke. "You deserve to pay!"
"Look from what i hear you were the who cheated on her, she left you all on her own. Now put the gun down and we can talk about this calmly, yeah?" he tried to convince him. Daniel wasn't backing down, he walked slowly over to Austin, "you think your so great don't you? You have the girl, the career, the money." Daniel threw his fist towards Austin, Austin ducked and tackled him to the floor. All i could do was sit and watch, tears still falling from my eyes. Austin grabbed a glass vase from the top of one of the boxes, and tried to hit Daniel with it, but Daniel was phased, the vase smashed againist the side of his face and he cotinued to fight Austin. I let out muffled screams, as they threw punches at each other. Then somehow they were both standing up again and Austin was pushed up against the wall, he struggled and pushed Daniel away, then all of a sudden i heard that dreaded bang, and Austin dropped.
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Thanks to everyone reading and thanks for the comments, however i will say one thing if you do not enjoy the way i write, please don't read it. Although thank you to everyone who is enjoying the story and i hope you are intrigued to find out more. :)