You Save Me

Chapter 6

After my coffee, I walked into my friend Kate's apartment. "Hey do you want some coffee?" She smiled at me whilst making herself one. "No it's fine I just had one thanks."
"Who was he?" She asked intrigued "He's cute!" She winked.
"He was the one who saved me, he kinda promised me coffee." I smiled. There was then a moment of silence.
"Jen don't get angry, but, Daniel called when you were out. He wants you back Jen."
"I don't fucking care, I wouldn't care if I never saw that liars face again!"
"Look he loves you Jenna."
"Do you know what he did to me?" I asked angrily that she was sticking up for him.
"Yeah he was sleeping with Julie, I told him to tell you and he was going to..."
"Wait you knew!" I shouted now standing up from the sofa.
"Only for a week. Jen I wanted to tell you, he promised me he would."
"So! Your my friend, you should have told me!" I stormed to the door where my bags still sat.
"Where are you going?"
"Like you fucking care!" I slammed the door behind me.

Once outside I sat on top of my bags. I felt tears brewing in my eyes. I grabbed my phone, "I told you, you couldn't get enough of my awesomeness, what's up?" Austin cheerily said down the phone. "You know how you said I could sleep on your couch, does that offer still stand?" I said,wiping the tears which had now escaped my eyes.
"Of course, where are you? I am coming to get you?" He said obviously noticing I was crying.