The Break (Up)

The End (Of the beginning)

A brown haired girl lay on her bed, her hair feathered out. Her laptop laid on the desk across the room on full blast. Her favorite song ‘Who Knew’ by Pink was filling up the room covering up her sobs. She pulled her pink blanket up over her head so she could block out her own thoughts.

The door is locked, not that anyone would bother her right now, and her curtains drawn. Pictures of them were scattered all over the room one turned over ‘Hailey and Wes: London 2016’. Love notes were falling out of the trash bin all of them signed by him, all of them made her feel special at one time, but now they were just painful memories. Hailey pulled her blanket off to look in the mirror.

She walked past her T.V. which was playing her favorite movie, their favorite movie. She could quote every line and each and every one was another memory about him. Why she didn’t just stop watching it and leave his memories behind was beyond her. Hailey sat down at her desk muting the music and finally, actually hearing the words to the movie.

Her favorite ice cream was sitting next to her. The container, which her mother bought and gave to her less than an hour ago, was already half empty. Her hair was everywhere, she looked like she had Hermione Granger hair and wasn’t too fond of it. She closes down all her music and her background, a picture of her and Wes at the graduation from high school.

After seeing this she reached her hand up to wipe the tears and saw her fingers stained with eye shadow and mascara. Someone knocked on the door. “Hello? Hailey, can I come in?” The familiar voice of her older sister came from the door. She walked over and unlocked it. “Are you okay?” The red headed, short girl hugged her sister. “No.” She broke down again. “Oh, you will be, I know it seems horrible now, but just give it a little bit.”

“I can’t, Brandi, I love him, he was amazing. I can’t believe I called him an ass and told him I couldn’t believe I wasted two years on him.” Her sister rubbed her back as her green eyes began watering again. “It’s not like he didn’t say anything, you can’t entirely blame yourself. “

“Why not, I am to blame.” She thought she would never get him back. “No, no you’re not; it takes two people to ruin a relationship.” All night long tears stung her eyes, she finished off her ice cream and cried some more until she settled into a deep sleep.

He sat on the edge of his bed, thinking of her. He could see her green eyes every time his blue ones closed. His older brother banged on the door, “Hey, Wes, open up. What’s going on?” Wes wouldn’t respond, he couldn’t, because then his brother would know that he was broken, and he would get made fun of forever about it.

His room was pitch black so that he didn’t have to see his face and how red it was. Had anyone else been in there they wouldn’t have been able to see their hand right in front of their face, but Wes wanted it that way, he knew if he saw himself then he would think of how bad he messed up their relationship. He didn’t want to think of how he had ignored her for their last month together, or how they had lived together without even really knowing each other. He didn’t want to think of the good times either, like how she looked when she wore his favorite shirt or when she flew all the way from her hometown to London just to see him after his first concert in 2016.

His video games were all put away, he couldn’t even think about playing them right now. For so long he had played those games instead of paid attention to her. He refused to listen when she told him she was leaving and once she came back he didn’t care about anymore than he did before. Now he would trade everything just to get her back, just to tell her he was sorry.

There was a hole in the wall next to his door where he punched after she left. He wanted to go back in time, he knew that there was a bigger reason they were fighting than about video games, but he just didn’t know what it was. He missed her though, he knew that. He missed the fact that she made him feel like no one else could, for so long she was the only one who knew many of his secrets, now she was gone.

His music was so loud that he thought his ear drums would burst. It had to be loud though, so that no one could hear him cry. He never cried when he was with her, she made sure of that. Anytime he felt sad Hailey would, at least try to, take it away by telling jokes.

His blond hair was horribly messy from him running his hands through it. He wiped his eyes on his red shirt which smelled like her, because she slept in it last night. He began thinking, what if he had just listened to what she had to say? Would he still have her?

“I can’t believe that I did that.” He mumbled. “I told her she was a bitch; I said that of all the girls to choose I chose the worst.” He lay back on the bed and pulled the blanket over his head. “I am the stupidest person in the whole world.”

A light glowed, waking up the young man. His eyes fluttered and he sat up, looking at his phone. ‘Can we talk?’ A message on the screen said, was this it, did she want him back. He told her yes and instantly got up. What if this was his one and only chance, he had to make good with her.

He turned the light on and his eyes burnt; he turned to the mirror to see the puffy redness around his eyes. “Great.” He groaned leaving the room for the first time in, what felt like, weeks. The bathroom was right across the hall, and he was relieved that he didn’t have to run into his older brother.

After taking a shower the phone rang and he ran to answer it. “Hello?” He tried not to sound too excited. “Hey, Wes, where do you want to meet?” Meet, he gets to meet her again, to look into her lovely eyes and remember what he loved and beg her to come back again. “Um, let’s meet at Sunnydale.” He was hoping that seeing the place where they first met might trigger happy memories for her. “Okay, see you there.”

Sunnydale was a small café, it was across the street from his house; it was also Hailey’s favorite place. Once he laid eyes on her he remembered every feeling he ever had, how happy he was when he was with her. They sat down at a table close to the door, she insisted, mostly so that if this goes wrong she could run away. “So, what’s up Hailey?”

“I just wanted to say, um, I just wanted to say, I’m sorry.” She stumbled over her words as she tried to choke them out. “Why are you sorry, it was my fault.” He found it odd, he was always the one who was wrong, how could she say it was her. “No, I’m the one that started the fight.” She looked down and began to cry. “I-I have something to give you.” She pulled a little box out of her bag. “I hope you like it.” He opened the box to reveal a green shamrock.

“I love it, but I already have one, Hailey.” He said quietly and she looked down. “It’s not for you.” She confused him, why would she give it to him if it isn’t for him? “Who is it for then?” Her sad green eyes looked at him, hoping he would be okay with what she was about to say. “Our son” His eyes grew wide. “O-our son’s shamrock?” She nodded.

He walked over to her hugging her. “That’s why you have been so weird.” He kissed the top of her head. “I just wanted you to be more mature for him.” She was quiet, because she was still unsure what he would do. “I will, I promise. You can count on me.” He let her go and they left. “So are you going to come back home, now?” He smiled down at her, his icy blue eyes staring at her. “Yes, but if you go back to your old ways then I will leave again.” He wrapped his arm around her. “I won’t, ever, I love you.”