Status: Finished for good.

Being Broken

Being Broken

“You’re an amazing girl but…”
The line we’re all dreading. The line you grit your teeth and smile through because it’s not his fault that he doesn’t feel the same as you but after the hundredth time of hearing it, you’re starting to think that you’re not that amazing. No matter how tough you pretend to be and how much you tell yourself that you don’t need a man to be happy it still tears away a little piece of your soul.
They can’t even use the “it’s not you, it’s me” line because let’s face it, you’ve heard it so many times now that it’s got to be you. There’s no fathomable reason for it not to work so there must be some invisible sign saying “this girl is unlovable, run away” somewhere. We had the same taste, the same sense of humour and had all of the same interests; what went wrong?
And then you’re all alone again, wondering how to go about picking up the pieces. You don’t want anyone’s sympathy; it’s tragic to be moping after someone who doesn’t love you. So you do it on your own. Slowly putting yourself back together until you’re content with what you are only to be torn to pieces again. Still, you tell everyone that you’re fine and that you’ll get over him. Maybe you will. You’ll come to realise that there plenty more fish in the see and you get over him, but the hurt stays much longer. That feeling that you will never be good enough lingers like a bad smell, slowly destroying you from the inside out.
Why do we do it to ourselves? We set ourselves up for the inevitable fall but still hold this glimmer of hope that this time we will walk off into the sunset without a care in the world. How about we all just give the fuck up? Let’s just get a dog and a job, surround ourselves with good friends and just accept that men are not for us. We all need to accept that they’re only made for story books and those pretty girls in magazines, which, all need to be thrown in the bin to stop little girls getting romantic ideas in their heads. Come on, let’s just get over it. It’s all a big lie.
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It's been one of those days.