Status: I probably won't get a chance to update this fast enough, but do keep a look out for the chs. and I hope you like it and enjoy it as much as the first part. =)

To Love Or Not to Love

To Love or Not to Love: Ch. 2

Prince's POV:

"Yeah, I bet you're pretty psyched for today, huh?" My older brother, Greg, nudged me.

"What do you mean?" I returned a blank look. "For what?"

He frowned. "Wait, you seriously don't know? Or is it just that you don't remember?"

"He can be such an idiot sometimes." My younger brother, Sam added.

I frowned at him and glanced between the two of my brothers. They clearly knew something that I was missing and even though they were dropping pretty straight hints, I still couldn't guess what it was that they were talking about.

Greg sighed. "You remember Rosaline? You two were the best of friends like nine years ago."

"Yeah?" I still didn't understand where all of this was going. "What about her?"

"She's coming to live with us for a while," Sam finished. "Weren't you here when her dad came over like a week ago and told us about it?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, maybe. I don't really remember."

Greg shook his head at me and immediately knew what he was thinking: That was so like him.

Yeah, my parents named me Prince, so why shouldn't I live up to the namesake? I ate, talked, behaved, and actually believed I was a prince.

When you're parents are the richest people living in your town, you start to get a bit of an airhead. And it wasn't like I was ashamed of my parents' money. I mean, we had a lot of it and we lived luxuriously. I had no complaints and lived my life the way I wanted. I was Prince Styles and I lived the happy style.

But, back to the matter at hand: My old childhood best friend whom I haven't since for nine years was coming back to Tampa Bay and going to be living with us?

"Well, why?" I wondered aloud.

"Aren't you happy?" Greg gave me a confused look. "You're going to be seeing your best friend after so long."

"I am happy." I told him.

"Well, you don't look like it."

"I wonder what she must look like now." Sam mused.

I scoffed and shook my head. Being the middle child in a family of three boys and a single girl sure has had its benefits. Greg was the oldest out of all of us, being eighteen. He was an ok guy, I mean sometimes he could really get on my nerves with his "noble acts of responsibility", but he was still like my best buddy.

I was born next and considered the apple of my mother's eye. Everyone loved me the best and the most, for reasons that were still unknown to me, actually.

Anyway, after me was Valentina. She was sixteen like me and I was also pretty close with her. Actually, needless to say, I was close with my whole family. We were a big bunch, sure, but there was always plenty of love to go around for all of us. Valentina looked the most like me; flawless features, great hair, perfect figure, but to top it all off was a giant brain placed in that tiny little head of hers.

Sam was the youngest and child, being only twelve years old. He was the only one who got his looks from Dad and he was also the closest to him than the rest of us. He was still pretty young, but he seemed to have known more about what went on in the house than I usually did. Like for instance, right now, he suddenly knew all about Rosaline, even though he was only three years old when we were friends.

"She probably is the same as she was before," I told him. "Not that you would know though."

Sam scowled at me.

"Well, I know more than you do!" he stuck his tongue out and stomped away.

"Yeah, ok!" I yelled back at him. I shook my head and my gaze fell back on Greg. His eyes never left mine. "What?" I wanted to know.

"You better not be mean to her when she gets here," Greg told me. I sighed and opened my mouth to tell him off, but he just ended up cutting me off. "I mean it, Prince. I know it's been a while since you two have last seen each other and I also know that a lot's changed since then, but you better not go ahead and try to mess things up with them. Rosaline and her parents didn't say how long they would be staying, but for as long as they do, you better behave. Got it?" Greg ended with a stern look.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I muttered.

I started heading out of the kitchen and towards the back door. I didn't get very far before Greg started up again and stopped me right in front of the door.

"Wait, where are you going, Prince?"

"Just going out for a little walk."

"But, Rosaline and her parents will be here soon and-" I cut him off.

"And I'll be back before that happens. I promise." I smirked and exited the house.

As soon as I walked over my backyard, I got a phone call. I answered it and was greeted by the familiar tone of one of my best buddies from school.

"Hey yo, Prince, what's up?" he asked me.

"Nothin' much."

"You busy?"

I looked back over my shoulder at my house before answering back, "Nah, not at all."

"Cool. There's a party over at Tam's house, wanna go?"

I hesitated before responding back and I knew I shouldn't have, but I could never pass up a offer at a party, especially if it was thrown by one of the cheerleader's.

"Yeah, sure. Be there in ten." I grinned and hung up.

I looked back over at the house one last time.

Well, so much for that promise, I thought to myself, then shrugged. Well, it's not like I was ever much of a promise keeper anyway.