Status: New, currently being constructed as I go


When You Look Inside of Me?

I said nothing, just smiled and cuddled into her more. I draped one of my long arms over her shoulder to get comfortable. She adjusted to clean my arm lovingly. Thing were back to the way they should be. I was in control of my pride. Scarlet and I were no longer fighting, nor thinking about our stupid fight. This was the way things should be. Normal. The kids would be going to school tomorrow, and I’m going to work. I’m a manager at a large distribution center, so the work is purely physical. I do have my manager type things to do, going to meetings, setting schedules. Fixing my departments problems, but I do still work side by side with my workers. This has helped my department excel across the boards in the whole building. My workers see that I am doing exactly what they are, and it shows them that even I have to work for my paycheck.

Being a manager has its perks. I have control of my workplace too. And one of my favorite things is that when we run out of work during the slow season, when we leave early I still get paid for a full day. But, being a manager also sucks too. Since I don’t do the hiring, I can’t sift through the people that I know I don’t get along with from the get go. So I have some problem employees. Some of them won’t last long anyways, being a safety risk to the company, but I have to wait for the general manager to tell me enough is enough. Some of them just complain the whole day that their job is too hard. It is beyond me to why they still work here if they can’t do the job. But, being a manager is worth the stupid trouble because then Scarlet does not need to work.

This was a great job for us, especially when Junior was just a cub. We didn’t worry about a baby sitter, and him shifting wherever he went. He was easy to train about our secret, and has kept it ever since. Genevieve was the same way. She learned at a very young age what it meant to keep our secret, and neither of them have stepped out of line. This has made our family much safer and easier to do normal people things. Hopefully our next one is just as good as our first two.

+++ +++
Monday mornings are usually easy for our family. No one has a problem getting up in the morning, everyone gathers around the island in the kitchen for breakfast together, and then we go our separate ways for the day. Except this morning, something was wrong in my house. When I was finished in the bathroom and made my way downstairs, only Scarlet was preparing orange juice for us.

“Where are the kids?” I looked around the kitchen.

“I haven’t heard a peep from either of them this morning.” She sighed, though continued to set the island with cereal bowls and small plates for toast.

“That is odd…” I turned and headed for the stairs, adjusting the belt on my jeans. When I got to the top of the stairs, I could see the light on in the bathroom under the door. So one of them was at least getting ready…. Genevieve’s door was open, so she was the one in the bathroom. I knocked on Matt’s door, sighing gruffly. “Matt. Get up.” I had never done this before! I had never had to beg these kids to get up. “Matt, god damn it-“ I opened the door to his bedroom to find it empty. “What the fuck?” I looked around, approaching his bed. I ruffled the blankets around to make sure he wasn’t here. I left his room and went to peek into Genevieve’s, finding hers empty as well. I knocked on the bathroom door.

“Hang on one second.” It was indeed Genevieve.

“Have you seen your brother?” I asked, not waiting for her to open the door.

“No? Why, is he not here?” she opened the door in only a towel. It made me jump, I hadn’t expected her to be that okay with me seeing her in only a towel. I couldn’t stop my eyes from quickly darting around her small frame.

“Uh-um no, he isn’t.” I shook my head and looked away from her. “Please don’t open the door in only a towel.” I sighed as I walked away. “And if you know anything about your brother, tell me when you get downstairs.” I raced down the stairs, going into the kitchen and wrapping my arms around Scarlet from behind. “Why did Gen just open the door for me in only a towel?” I mumbled in her ear, resting my chin on her shoulder.

“She what?” Scarlet jumped around to face me, concern on her face. “How much did you see?!”

“Enough… she is going to have a body like yours, I'm assuming…” I let my voice trail off. I was freaked out by it! I wasn’t sure if I should be scared, happy that my daughter is comfortable with her body, or turned on, I felt like a confused little teenager!

“Oh, God Matt…” she sighed softly, running her fingers through my hair. “Let me go talk to her. Your toast is almost ready. Don’t wait for it to get cold before you eat it.” She moved past me to head upstairs and have a word with our daughter. When my toast popped out of the toaster, I sat at my place and started to eat. I glanced around my glass of orange juice to see Junior walking through the house, coming from the front door. I almost dropped my juice as I raced toward him.

“Matthew!” I growled just as he hit the stairs. “Were you out all night!?”

“It doesn’t matter if I was.” He sighed, knowing he was in deep. “I wasn’t here for ‘family breakfast’.” I was getting very annoyed with his constant mocking of our family.

“I guess that answers that! Go change, get your ass down here for breakfast and go to school. I’ll pick you up when you get out.”

“But dad, you’ll still be at work. And I don’t need a baby sitter. Especially my father. That’s embarrassing.” He started to go upstairs.

“I’ll just have to leave early, to control my deviant son.” I hissed. “You have five minutes and you better be down here ready to catch the bus.” I went back into the kitchen to finish my breakfast. It wasn’t long before I heard a shriek come from upstairs. It was scarlet.

“Matthew Charles Sanders Jr.!” she sounded pissed! “That better come off with soap and water!” I placed my dishes from breakfast in the sink, going upstairs to find out what was going on. I went into Matt Jr.’s room, only to find him with his shirt off, and a tattoo at the top of his left arm.
♠ ♠ ♠
Some background information sprinkled into the drama of having a teenage son and daughter!

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I can even open the discussion by saying to tell me what you want to see happen in this story. I can leave it completely up to the people (Well, to an extent obviously) but if you want to collaborate, i will indeed give you credit for your ideas :)

Thanks guys! :)