Bad Love

chapter 3

Third P.O.V.

When Blaze herd the police siren, He said " Ahh , I can't believe they call the cops, Ahh whatever. "
He walked towards the bed and laid down so that his feet were hanging off the bed. He put his hands behind his head and said "Wake me me up in two hours miss
pocket." while closing his eyes.
Kiroo walked forward, and tripped. Somehow, her lips touched Blaze's. Blaze opened his eyes and was shocked.
However, she instantly pulled away.

She blushed, Blaze laid there and was bout to say something when her phone rang.

Aunto tune - Jason Chen

She walked to her desk and answer the call.

Blaze P.O.V.

When she was out of the closet with her robe on she said " your a pervert."

" What? you look so... how do you know my name... when I don't know your name?" I said crossing my hands in front of my chest.

" well .. do you ever think I pick pocket people."

Just as I was bout to say something I heard a police siren sound that was coming from the window.

" Ahh , I can't believe they call the cops, Ahh whatever. "
I walked towards the bed and laid down so that my feet were hanging off the bed. I put my hands behind my head and said "Wake me me up in two hours miss
pocket." while closing my eyes. As I heard her moving
I figured that she was about to tell me to get up. When I opened my eyes I was shocked that her lips were on my lips.

Kiroo walked forward, and tripped. Somehow, her lips touched Blaze's. Blaze opened his eyes and was shocked.
However, she instantly pulled away.

She instantly pulled away and blushed, I laid there and was bout to say something when her phone rang.

Aunto tune - Jason Chen

Kiroo P.O.V.
" well .. do you ever think I pick pocket people."

Just as He was was bout to say something a police siren sound was heard. He then said "

" Ahh , I can't believe they call the cops, Ahh whatever. "
He walked towards the bed and laid down so that his feet were hanging off the bed.
"Wake me me up in two hours miss
pocket." while closing his eyes.

I walked forward, and tripped. Sometimes I'm klutz. Somehow, my lips touched his's. When he opened his eyes he was shocked.

I instantly pulled away and was about to say something when my phone rang.

Aunto tune - Jason Chen