Bad Love

Chapter 8

Kiroo P.O.V.

Just as he was about to say something, my phone rang.

Boyfriend- Justin Bieber

I taped the screen and saw that it was a text from my boyfriend.

After I read the text, I called up Lexi.

On the second ring she picked up.

" YOLO?"

" Lex, what's up."

" what's the cancel text say."

" Lexi, Ake's not cheating on me, I have faith in him anyways what's the them at the bar. "

"sexy nurse costume."

" okay , I'll see you tonight."

When I hung up, I said " Blaze, When your I bail out friend, don't ever come near me go near me. Got it.

When he didn't answer me, I snapped to get his attention.

" What?"

" did you hear what I said."

" uh? No?"

I sigh and said " just get out of the car, I have to meet my friend."

Saturday night around 8 at night.......

Kiroo's P.O.V.
When I got out of the shower, I got dress in a sexy mini dress. Just as I was about to up on my shoes, my phone rang.

Boyfriend- Justin Bieber

" Hey boo,"

" hey.. cough."

" aww, I'll come over and make you some soup."

" no babe, I'm sorry.. I don't want you to get sick."

" um... okay."

" love you."

Just as I was about to say something, the line went dead. After I hung up the phone, I made some soup for him.

When I got to my boyfriend's house, I took out the spear key that was under the flower pot. When I was in the house, I took off my shoes and went into the kitchen.

As I went into the kitchen I place the thermal mug on the counter and went upstairs to his room. When I opened the door, I notice that it was dark.

aww he's sleeping.

As I went to the bed, i pulled out the covers and was shocked to see him in bed. He wasn't alone. He was fucking his ex-girlfriend, Mandy.

I immediately and quietly shut the door and headed outside. I was furious.

How the hell could he do this to me, after two years. And last week was our anniversary. I was mad that I drove to the bar really fast.

Ake's P.O.V.

When I had finished calling my girlfriend, I was just about to call Erica, when my doorbell rang.

As I opened the door, I saw Mandy crying. After I let her in, we talked about how she wanted me back and I didn't want her back.

When I was leading her to the front door she kissed me. I pulled away and said " Mandy, I just told you that we can't get back to - Ahh ~"

I let a small moan escape. She then said " just one more time please."

I sigh and said " fine. last time."

She jumped on me with with her legs around my waist and started to suck on my earlobe.

When we were in the bed room, I laird her on the bed and started spread her legs. As I was rubbing her thigh she moan.

I smirk and and said " how about this." I said I pulled out her underwear down and stuck my finger in into her vagina.

"Ah!" she moaned.

I then started to fuck her. I eventually had to stop and catch my breath. After I got the condom on, I heard someone turning the knob, I figure it was my brother going to ask me for money. So I threw the blanket on us and picked up my speed. Ten minutes later I laid next to her, breathing heavily as if I has just run in a marathon.

Kiroo's P.O.V.

As I was at the bar, I sat there and waiter to be severed. When Lexi saw me said " hey aint you spouse to be -

" I'm sorry your right."

She gave me confused look, and then got all mad. After I calm her down, I said " Its okay."

" No, its not okay, why that Argh... he took your v-card how can you saw its okay."

I said " shit happen, anyways. Can I have your spear key to your office."

" why? do you want my keys to my off- fine, but your cleaning up the mess after your leave."