Status: Post will come at random so do not expect chapters at a certain time frame

A Royal Slave

Transferring to a New Master

A child and only offspring of the King and Queen of Incutopia lay orphaned in a forest in Luciano after a vicious attack on them by Tiger Anthros only to be found by slave trading demons. Humans are sold as slave in to demons in Luciano and Luciana since they are ruled by demons like Inu, and Nekos, along with Anthros. Due to the fact, she was orphaned as a baby and sold into slavery she is referred to just as slave or girl and has been since sold to 5 master’s 3 of which since she was 4 started to have sexual relations to her. Her first one didn’t keep her much longer after she turned 1 because of what some slaves said about taking care of her and her second master kept her up until she was 4 but had to get rid of her because of urges. The next three would keep her for several year keeping her away from their wives and only when they found out would she be put up for sale again. Her last master a White Inu kept her from when she was 9 to 13 which is probably one of the longest she has been kept so far. In fact, he just had to sell her. So her cage look area is small and cramped for her because she was given back in the cage she was bought in and no time to replace.

“What is her name?” asks a male demon to one of the clerks nearby her cage since she is in a shop for slaves.

“She doesn’t have one,” the clerk replies. “But she has had good reviews with her masters so they would normally call her girl or just slave. In fact she was sold right after she was found and the first master never named her and had to get rid of her before some of his older slaves hurt her.”

“Why does she smell like a White Inu?”

“Her last master just sold her back. His wife forced him to sell her back in an effort to save their marriage along with her last 2 masters; her second master sold her back just to control his urges around her. But we still need to get her bathed and into a bigger cage since he kept, her for a much longer time than normal about 5 years when average has been 2.8 years. She still has the White Inu’s temporary mark. Which we don’t normally sell until it is off.”

“So she has been passed around for 13 years?”

“Yes, she has and we expect her to sell quickly due to everything.”

“May I ask why she has stars on her shoulders?”

“Birth mark most likely and that is how many people refer her to in here is her birth mark. Are you thinking of buying her?”

“Possibly, has she had any children by her previous masters?”

“No, she has just reached puberty and her last master said if he could have kept her long so she would have had some pup then he would have but he couldn’t. But if you want her are you thinking about since she is a sex slave? I wouldn’t force her into a new role once you have her or at least do it gradually but if you are keeping her role then it shouldn’t matter.”

“I need a son, a legal son that neither of my wives will produce with me but will happily produce with stray nekos. So in essence she will be a forced mate and my marks won’t be temporary, on her and my wives will have to get over it that she is mine. Plus she shouldn’t keep being sold back after her master’s tire of her. No one I have found are anything I would pick but she just might be it though I would love to get that White Inu smell off of her. What were her old masters besides the White Inu?”

“Her first master was a Grey Wolf, then a Tabby Neko, and 2 Kitsunes back to back.”

“What was the Tabby Neko’s name? And what did he buy her for?”

“Ah yes asking for similar demons, he was Nikolai and was to be a house servant in a permanent situation but as she grew he couldn’t help but smell her and have urges. He didn’t think that was fair to her and as much as he was sorry for selling her back and has continually visited her as he gets the chance and per his request, we aren’t to sell her fully until he sees her. What I can do with her for now is put her on hold for you and we will call you when she is fully available for you to take her. You can pay for her when we put her in the add within a week but we don’t normal sell for a month for any slaves.”

“Before I do that how much is she or will be? And has she been abused by any of her masters or other slaves?”

“We aren’t positive but will be expensive. As for the abuse, we know for sure that other slaves have abused her especially older slaves since the head of the slaves would look the other way. Her masters weren’t too happy about it and we have reasons to believe that the kitsunes abused her but it seems the other masters took her as a part of their family and wouldn’t stand for any abuse sustained to her. Even if Nikolai is visits, her on a regular basis the others try to visit her. The others were named in order are Falkor, Nikolai, Crevan, Aethon, and Ryuu.”

“I know everyone of those people you named and only Crevan and Aethon are my only enemies on the list. Falkor, Nikolai and Ryuu I’m good friends with and I know they won’t put up with abuse on any slave. I wonder why I didn’t recognize Ryuu’s smell first because he called me to come since he said he was selling a slave; I didn’t think it would be her.”

“Toga, you finally made it,” I here Ryuu my last master and I can’t believe he’s selling me. “I was getting her a bigger crate since I was hoping I didn’t have to sell her she is one of my best slaves. The kitsunes before me did a number on her that she didn’t want to talk right away or warm up but she is sweet and actually did what she was told. But my wife said to sell her if I don’t want a divorce. This will be her 6th master before she is even a legal adult since that is where the main trades come in. My main worry was the easy trade off and I didn’t ask any questions why.”

“None of the new masters seems to have been her fault or at least majorly at fault it is the masters and everyone else in the situation excluding Falkor since he thought she would end up dead if left in his care. This isn’t you to sell a slave so easily and I don’t like it though for wife makes perfect sense. But you hardly bend to her will. Haven’t the other mistresses you found a different role?”

“Yes, but with the abuse she has sustained by my other slaves also has me worried about her safety. The slaves even if I protected would try to beat her and so much that if I left her in the care of the master slave she might be dead in matter of seconds without my protection. She was always in my room at night for safety and after I got her, I talked to everyone else and the whole reason to sell her when the wives came up was to keep her safe minus the kitsunes. The kitsunes said they had their fun and now was tired of her and didn’t want her in the home.”

“Still the many masters she has had in her short lifetime are doing more damage to her more so than the abuse. She needs a stable home which maybe another reason she won’t open up right away to her masters since she doesn’t know if she will be sold right away.”

“What are you proposing? I’m only allowing you to see her because you said you were looking for another slave that you could mate with. Meaning you are looking for a Neko that is sold into slavery by her parents not a human, your two wives if they found out would do more damage to her than anyone of our wives combined. They will eat her.”

“You mean my wives that are never home and have been cheating on me and refuse to even have my children? At this point I would rather have a faithful mate even if that is a slave who is a human in fact that a human might be better since humans are much more faithful than most demons Neko anyways. Once they are in heat they want sex and want it now but my wives have said to me before that they only married me for money and not for the sex. I need it and I hate masturbating since it seems I’m the only one Neko that I know who is faithful to the wives I got. Even out of my family I’m the only one who is faithful.”

“So what are you suggesting?”

“How much are they paying you and I’ll double it? It isn’t unheard of masters selling to other masters directly especially a friend sparks interest in a slave and they are willing to sell or about to sell unless you haven’t sold her yet.”

“Well I said to watch her for now because I was going to finish the transaction once I got a bigger cage since I hardly had a chance to get prepared because she had to be out now. I just filled in things that they needed to know since the stores prefer to have us resell or return the slaves here since they know their history. It is just easier this way to actually sell to the store so they can notarize it and get the marks off before they go to a new master. I suggest you wait the time they suggest.”

“In other words you don’t want to get into a legal battle but you can say that I’m her new master making her off limits for selling to another customer.”

“I can very well do that and I am willing to do that so things can be recorded and you can pay when you get her or in a few weeks when the add is up. Really that is your decision.”

At that there are papers being handed off to the two people before I’m able to get in the bigger cage as this Toga goes and Ryuu ruffles my hair before he leaves.

“Be good for my friend,” he states. “Not that you wouldn’t be but I’d hate to hear that you did something stupid and so forth not that you didn’t cause some trouble yourself but nothing major. He also needs some loving his wives aren’t the best and I’m sure they will turn a blind eye to you even when they find out. Girl, you are now his and it is best to remember that. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Lord Ryuu,” I reply curtly. I get mostly in trouble for not talking and being more anti-social than anything does something that Ryuu hated and punished me a lot for.

“Good, and try to warm up to him faster than you did with me.”

At that, Ryuu leaves after getting his money and the clerk moves me into the back before opening it back up so I can get cleaned and the painful process of removing the mark starts. I hate that I’m pretty much a ragdoll and can be passed down from one master to another even despite that my owners say about me I get a new owner it seems every 2 years. Only what they say about me is how I get a new master so fast then once their wives can’t turn the other way to their husband’s antics, I’m sold. Or so I’m told.

The main lady takes over and gets me in a scolding hot bath causing me to scream in pain. Through it she just stays silent doing her job to get me clean when I can do it myself and have been taught by Nikolai to do it myself even with his supervision. She gets me out of the water after an hour and has a random demon sniff me.

“Well does she still smell like an Inu?” she asks.

“Somewhat,” he replies. “But for the first wash of a beloved sex slave it is pretty good, it should go away in time. So how much longer is she to stay with us this time? If anything I can take her with me and make her mine since I have no one and from what I heard she is good in bed.”

“She is going to be Chief Toga’s in over a month since Lord Ryuu and Chief Toga came to that agreement which is why I asked you about the smell. Do you think I need to do it again today?”

“No, it will be gone in a week tops. But Chief Toga’s girl eh, I wonder how long he will have her?”
He leaves and the lady hands me the towel so I can dry and wrap myself in.

“Come, we still have the detail of the mark,” she states. “I know you know the drill of it but I can’t have you standing there if you are dry.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I reply quickly following.

Following her, she gets to the pain room and she does this herself but I really want pain relievers for this. It hurts way too much not to have some relief.

“May I ask something?” I ask.

“You may,” she replies. “It is weird you are speaking let alone asking a question.”

“Is there anything for the pain when you are doing the removal other than the gag that you put in my mouth and the chains?”

“That, I’m afraid that it can’t be done because it won’t be as efficient as doing without you drugged up. Now if this was an injury I would be more than happy to oblige that request but I can’t with a removal of a mark. If Lord Ryuu were smart with you he would have kept, you hidden from his jealous wife and you wouldn’t have to go through this and slink into yourself. It’s a good think Chief Toga sees that all of this hoping around isn’t good for you even with the abuse you get from other slaves and the kitsunes. I can give you a treat after this if you want though, you are normally good through this and don’t even fight it. You’ve been here way too much and you deserve something for going through all of this.”

I shake my head no at the offer.

“You are getting a treat if you want it or not, you need one. Have you ever received a treat since you left Nikolai’s care? Ryuu may have liked you but from our understanding that he never gave you treats or rewards.”

Again, I shake my head no.

“I thought so, what do you want as a treat?”

“A good dinner for once,” I reply. “I hating eating the scraps that they would give me and sometimes it wasn’t enough.”

“That will be easy to do and I know we give you guy’s scraps as well but never to children who are still growing or to adults that wants a reward.”

At that, I get on the wooden table with the gag in place and the chains. I only squirmed a few times when I was younger and not knowing what was going on and it hurt so much worse than if, I wasn’t squirming. After the procedure is done for the day, I’m put back in my cage and I stay there for a long time of me not wanting to leave it. My very curly black hair is in my face, I just want a permanent home, and I’m sure this new guy will keep me for and why he would even offer to pay for me before anything was off.

•Toga’s POV•

I get home and my wives, Mitsuko and Izanami, seems to be packing for something since I see their clothes scattered.

“You aren’t to be home yet,” states Izanami. “You said you were going to get a new slave and that it might take awhile since this is your day off. And then we thought you were going to hang out with Ryuu for the remainder of the say since you were meeting up with him.”

“Only to see his slave then he had to get back to his work so I had no reason to stay away from my house. And if you are going for months on end again, do you, guys need any money? You always seem to take some even if you came back just weeks ago from another reason,” I reply.
“No, we are good for this trip,” adds Mitsuko as her brown hair falls over her green eyes. “We had money left over from the other trip and this was sprung on us last second.”

“Another mystery destination that you can’t even tell me what it is right?”

“Correct and if you knew we had to kill you which is why we only marry you for the money. People in our profession are all what we marry for to have a stable income if these trips take long to come by. And no we don’t know when we will exactly be back but the person said the earliest we’ll be back is 6 months but it could take longer than 6 months. Get a mate in that time frame so you can have from, since it seems we aren’t actually wives to you. I heard Ryuu is going to sell his sex slave that his wife didn’t want in his house and I’m sure she’ll make a good companion for you and she needs a stable home.”

“That is the girl on sale now and we arranged she will be coming here and how did you know he was selling her?”

“We have our ways. And our kids will be with our parents so they won’t be a bother to you even if you said you could take care of them.”

At that, I go into my office and wait until they are done which is when they leave and I start to search suitable names for the one I’m getting with having no names and any stories pertaining how her parents died. Nothing helps since I hardly have her actual name but there are two stories around the time she was found about a rural couple and the Queen and King on Incutopia both dying of Tiger Anthros attack. They both had children and both were found the same way but one was found did have a named pinned on saying Veronica because of a note on the swaddle and when I click and it isn’t who I’m getting. In fact, Veronica when I search for the late King Kyle and Queen Hyun Jung Veronica look nothing like them but the one I’m getting looks like a good match but still without DNA proof from a living relative I won’t know for sure. I even try to look into the Incutopia birth records and when they left for the vacation with their only child, they didn’t even release their name. I then search for the star marking to see if that will get me to an answer and that is said to be the mark of an Incutopian but it is spread throughout the classes so it doesn’t narrow that search down anymore so I just give up.

As for the name, it takes me hours of searching and making a list of which I think will be best than just calling her girl or slave. As I’m deciding, I look at a way to legally change it when she is in my care and if something were to happen with me, they will have a name to call her. I get the legal documents saved into my computer and finally settle on a name after 4 hours of searching, Star, her name shall be Star. Sure, it is unimaginative but it seems to be the only one to fit her and if I gave her a name with the meaning of star, nothing seemed to fit there. I do kind of chuckle though because it is a stripper name or a pets but I guess I can’t complain because in our demons view sometimes humans are pets as well. But unlike the slave or the pets where they are different status in the family and the pet is only one step above the slave the highest step and definitely part of the family is a mate. Sure, she will hold the slave status but I will make her my mate so our offspring won’t be illegal and if my wives change, their mind things will be much more complicated to get rid of her. In fact, it pretty much looks like a divorce since I have to petition for that the mate and it will have an official ceremony something I will do when I finally pay for her when I can so I can do it soon after I get her in the house.

The month goes slow and in 2 weeks, I can finally pay for her since the shop called me so I go down and before going, I can see her. I’m taken to a back room, which they put her in and until I pick her up that is where she will be for a very long. I see the black tightly curled hair hanging around her chocolate brown skin and obsidian black eyes which from what I saw when she was with Nikolai was more of an ebony due to the softness. She didn’t have time to harden. I have to cut her hair so it can be healthy since it doesn’t look healthy right now.

“How has she been?” I ask the clerk before going further.

“Great,” he replies. “But she needs socializing bad even at the humans’ free time she slinks off to a corner and stays there. It has gotten worse while she was in Ryuu’s care and when we asked him about it, he said he had to punish her for not socializing which was the wrong way to go. We told her to give her treats for that since that helps considering all the shuffling and the abuse she has sustained. It doesn’t negate the fact that the other slaves for sale also bully her nearly all of them do, which probably makes it hard for her to trust anyone. It seems her race is not something people want. She will talk to us when we talk to her but then again we are the few people that is somewhat a constant in her life even then when it is just us she will be quiet but not to the point of being shy.”

“Can I see her outside of the cage before I pay for her? I want to see how she reacts to me.”

“Yes, I was going to say to do that.”

“Also what does she love for treats so I can have some at my house and for reaction now?”

“Really she loves a good dinner something most slaves or pets aren’t allowed to have but she loves seafood as a close second. We can give you some of the cooked shrimp we have since she hasn’t had them in a long time.”

At that, I go to the area that the slaves go to see reactions and I don’t know what I’m hoping to accomplish right now other than seeing what I need to work on with her. The clerk gives me the shrimp before her cage is brought in and left open.

•Slave’s POV•

The new master talks to the clerk about something before going somewhere and a few moves before the clerk comes down to me. His red eyes is soft instead of the burning that he does to the other slaves that rebel or try to harm me.

“Chief Toga wants to see how you react to him,” he states. “He keeps his slave for a very long time and hardly sells them back. Not only is that he a kind master.”

“Whatever,” I reply.

He gets my cage off the ground and I still can’t believe how strong these demons are or at least most of them are. After being taken to the meeting room as most slaves call it and I’ve been here too many times and normally then a battle over me comes because normally I’m in here more than once a day if I’m up for sale. This is a different sale from what I understand since I’m being held strictly for him by the orders of Lord Ryuu. I stay in my cage observing him and his black hair and golden eyes seem down for a reason but he makes no moves to me as if most would do and scares the crap out of me due to the roughness and seeing how good I am for sex.

“Nice day out isn’t it?” he asks still in his seat.

“I guess so,” I reply. “I’m normally in my cage.”

“Don’t be scared of me, I’m not going to hurt you. You have my word on that. I’m friends with Nikolai in fact we are of the same species just different subspecies. I can’t imagine being handed to 5 now going on 6 masters at your age though normally only defiant ones get that many masters but it seems yours is different. A good girl who will do what she is asked of, but the wives find out about you and don’t want you around then the masters have to worry about your safety in their own house because of bullying and abuse by the other slaves.”

I get out at the mention of Nikolai mostly out of curiosity to this guy.

“I’m not that good of a girl. My last master punished me for being anti-social.”

“It’s not your fault you are anti-social or even quiet you have been given reasons not to be very social if not wary of your masters and people in your life. If I was in your shoes I wouldn’t warm up to people too quickly either let alone if they put themselves in my face when meeting me for the first time.”

“How did you know that?”

“It is just a guess considering how the clerks said you sell pretty easily and your price is basically one of that is in high demand. So I would assume that would happen most of the time just to get to see you in time while a line of others waits for me. I know you may know this how many times when you are in sale is you in this room?”

“At least 3 times if not more sometimes it is just a revolving door of masters so I hardly leave this room until after closing time. Sometimes I even have to service them in here as well it just depends on their needs. And they do come very close to my face even if I’m in my cage and will drag me out which this is a nice relief. I never had this happen where someone waits for me to open up. Lord Ryuu was particularly bad, he wouldn’t even let the others see me when he came looking for a new slave and didn’t care who the person was. His dad had to get him out despite being an adult.”

“I’m sorry; you shouldn’t have gone through that in fact everything you have been through.”

“Why are you looking at a new slave?”

“Not really a slave, but in essence for now you will still be a slave until the time is up that I can free you. I’m looking for a mate since I can’t actually marry a human even if you were free. My wives don’t even seem to care where I’m looking for one since my search was originally a new, faithful wife but I had to see whom Lord Ryuu was selling, and I feel like a jerk to say to you that we are friends. I guess you could say I feel for you then.”

I just look at him and notice a bag of shrimp but I don’t know if it is worth to get closer to him to even get them considering the friendship with Lord Ryuu. But the prospect of a mate and that wives may look the other way seems intriguing. We just stay in silence for awhile longer no one saying anything as if one is planning something.

“Why won’t your wives care?” I finally ask getting closer.

“They are always having sex with clients, going on trips for months at a time,” he adds. “They even said they only married me for the money and have no desire to have sex with me and I’m getting older and would rather have a wife or a mate that was loyal to only one person.”

“Why me? I’m still a teen.”

“I don’t know to be honest with you. I keep trying to reason with myself so you can have a stable home and consistency in your life than hoping from one master to the other. Not that you don’t want that but these past weeks I had more thought in it and that doesn’t seem to be the main reason. It could be from my desperation of loneliness or other factors but one is my crush on you.”


“I heard you like shrimp and I have a bag if you want any but you have to come closer if you want any.”

He pulled that trick on me but for the most of the time he has been letting me lead but unfortunately I am starving since lunch isn’t served here due to rules of the house of being stuffed in a cage all day. In fact, I didn’t even have breakfast since it was spilled on the floor by a new clerk and I wasn’t given a replacement due to the rules you only get one breakfast. My only meal of the day would be the scrapes that made up dinner. So reluctantly, I get close and just grab the bag of shrimp away from him.

“Whoa, did you even eat today?” he asks.

“No,” I reply starting to stuff my face. “My breakfast was spilled on a clerk by a new clerk and with the rules I didn’t get a new one and no one gets lunch so my only meal would have been scraps for dinner.”

“You’re what only 13 maybe 14 and you haven’t had anything all day, that doesn’t seem right.”

“Most of the slaves save half of their breakfast for lunch since it isn’t scraps but still is rather crappy. And the clerk was going to see if I could give him oral for my breakfast today but the boss shot it down. She’s nice, she normally would get me, and any child here a new breakfast and sometimes lunch behind everyone’s back one but was in a hurry today. So I had to abide by the rules today.”

“What about the other clerks?”

“They weren’t here and the nurse is a stickler for the rules even if she is nice but she doesn’t bend the rules even if it is someone else’s fault. She even saw it happen since I’m right outside of the exam room and reamed him out for dropping my breakfast only said she was sorry but I couldn’t a new one. Then the clerk suggested in when the boss came in.”

“You aren’t as bad they say you are one on one then again they said you talked to them.”

I look at him when he said that but I’m continuing to stuff my face. I feel him start to ruffle my hair, I just look up, and he has leaned down so I’m looking directly into his golden eyes that are surrounded by what appears to be black silk for fur and his black ears are relaxed.

“You can have as much food as you want in my house, what is mine will be yours and you can eat to your heart’s content, Star” he states he closes his eyes and his ears go back while he smiles.

“Uh,” I reply. “What did you just call me?”

“Don’t like it? I can change it but I don’t want to call you slave or girl since that seems to be derogatory for you since you don’t have a name. I was hoping that was to be your name but I guess I can go back to the drawing board. Then again it is a stripper and a pet name which you aren’t either but you really look like a Star but then again I’m sure I can come up with something else once I looked. I thought it was a legit name*.”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just I haven’t had a name to call before and I’m more used to being called slave or girl. If that is what you want to call me or whatever I have to be fine with it since I’m not you’re equal no matter if I’m your mate or slave.”

“I would have gone with an Incutopian name if I knew any or any of my friends but they don’t since I did my research and it states that all Incutopians no matter their class are born with stars on their shoulder. That when the child reaches 13 or 14 they will form not only stars in another locations girls on the inner upper thigh and guys on hips. Not only that but they get bullied and abused if they leave their country by other humans unless they are nobility or royalty, it’s a shame they are afraid to leave the country and everything is there except for a few humans and mostly they rely on Demons. From my understanding they have a treaty with Lord Ryuu’s family though that could easily be false since it is just a rumor.”

I nod my head.

“So Star is fine?”


At that my train of thought goes from food to try and look at my upper thighs to see what is there, there is a small and light outline of them, and they seem to be growing. He leaves after I finish the bag of shrimp and pretty much I’m stuffed on shrimp but it is a good relief having to hear my stomach growl until dinner time. I’m sure the clerk probably did the bag because of my breakfast.

•Toga’s POV•

I get to the clerk and I have a credit card ready since I know her price is way more I have in cash but I have more enough in the bank even with the interest on the credit. The clerk’s smiles after getting Susanna back to where she was and throws away the bag.

“She should have gotten another breakfast,” I state. “In fact the rule of one breakfast no matter what should go.”

“The new clerk was an idiot to try that but all new male clerks when we have Susanna try that so it was more of a punishment for him. Female clerks only spill on accident they give her their lunch as long as the nurse isn’t looking and the boss will circumvent it since her dad put it in place for spilt breakfast or dinner but she was so busy today not to do that. The nurse has been here since it opened and the law originally was so that the slaves don’t throw the food on the floor to get new ones. It’s not fair to punish the slaves if they are innocent and it was right in the door way not even near her cage. They normally get fired for it since we tell them that are unacceptable in fact it is done to all the girls that are sold as sex slaves and brought back,” replies the clerk.

“That’s disgusting and the nurse only enforces it?”

“Yes, she has been here since this opened but she is nice but she doesn’t see the when it is the clerks fault not the slaves. If it is the slave’s fault, which is normally on the floor of the cage and around we, follow don’t give another but they don’t need to be punished if it isn’t their fault. The rule really needs an overhauling on it.”

“I’d say. How much do I owe for the treats and her. I have everything I already need to have here there so I don’t need more since she is to be staying in my bed.”

“Without a discount she is Demonic Shard 1,460,414.70 ($9,736.10) the food was only DS1,500 ($10) and she is DS1,458,914.70 ($9,726.10) now you have a 20% discount of the owner transfers here and he already paid for the holding until you get here. So she is DS1,167,131.76 ($7,780.88) so in all you have saved DS291,782.94 ($1,945.22). The 20% discount is normal for the owner transfer but if there wasn’t a transfer she would be very expensive.”

“I’d say, I’m lucky I have around DS3,450,000,000 ($23,000,000) in the bank from all my jobs and ruling my section. Granted this isn’t much for rulers especially who have highly successful jobs as well other than ruling.”

“Yes, so how is your military business going? Along with the toy business?”

“I’m getting more orders from countries for more military vehicles so that is keeping money steady and them pay enormous money on it. As for the toy, it could be better but then again we sell a lot but we hit a snag and we are still recovering. But I haven’t lost any personal money just business money. Just for curiosity sake what is the highest you go?”

“We go up to DS14,599,998.50 ($9,999.99) but we have never went that high, she has been the highest we sell and frankly we only get little off of her from her other masters. With Lord Ryuu we got off of her DS149099.7 ($994) off since we paid Ryuu DS1,308,915 ($8,726.10) but paid the DS15,000 ($100) holding feel so he only got DS1,293,915 ($8,626.10) but we get the most money off the lower slaves as long as they don’t last too long or the new slaves. Repeat slaves are hard for business no matter who it is.”

“Got it, and please start referring her by Star,” I express as I run my car as he is writing my name down as paid. “I’m going to start the process of the legal documents when I get back and one is a formal name which I am naming her Star she shouldn’t by just girl or slave. She needs a name.”

“I agree, and finally we have a master willing to go through the process of giving her name. We’ll get her used to it trust me and the boss and the nurse will be happy to hear she finally has a name as well.”

I leave and for the two week, I get things ready for her to come along with the papers sent and getting things ready for the mating ceremony.

•Star’s POV (Former Slave’s POV) •

The male clerk puts a paper on the cage and there is the paid stamp and a name on it that isn’t of my masters but what he called me earlier. After that is attached, he goes in and the nurse comes out in an excited frenzy and looks at the name.

“Good name, good name for her,” she states. “Oh Mrs. Jasmine will be so happy to hear she finally has a name. Star not a name I would have a name I would have picked for her but I can’t pick nameless slaves names but Chief Toga did good and probably better than anyone else trying to name her. So, Star, you getting ready for dinner because of lost breakfast? I hear today is to be special for you since we now have a name for you. Draco, go tell the chef so he can make a good dinner for her she deserves it even if you did eat a whole bag of shrimp, Star. You were that hungry and you weren’t complaining when most would?”

Draco goes off and I just blush.

“You wouldn’t have given into me for food so what is the use of complaining?” I inquire.

“Ok, you got me there that it wouldn’t have happened anyway but still you excited for dinner? I’m sure it wills something yummy.”

“Kind of, I didn’t think a name would cause a major celebration let alone that he would actually say that is my name just a pet name.”

“Chief Toga is legally changing your name to Star from just female and you getting called slave or girl for 13 years of your life. It is cause for celebration. No human goes this far without a name or at least it is rare to go this far without a name.”

I just look before they leave again and really, for the next week nothing really happens other than, a sick slave was sold and then everyone including me gets sick causing the store to close down to keep the sickness quarantined within the shop itself. Only people that have to come pick up can only come and pick up the slaves but are warned about the sickness. I’m actually the last one to get sick since the one who came is sick are better and the others in recover while I’m still fighting it. My food for the past few days I hardly touch because I throw it back up and I only drink water or Gatorade when it is given to me. Medication tastes horrible but they keep making me take it since apparently I have it worse than the others because of the proximity to the infirmary and the many people I going in and out of it. No clue if the medication is working, but I sleep a lot when they don’t wake me to get it in me and try to get food in me besides liquids.

•Toga’s POV•

I wait outside the store until a clerk opens it up and I’m hoping to get Star out of here with little problems from the slaves. She’s sick and I don’t want to get them sick again. Paying her early will definitely help and I have a cover for the cage to hide her from things so incase she is sleeping she hopefully won’t be disturbed but I most likely have to pay for her medications.

“How is Star doing?” I ask. “You said the sickness have got to her.”

“Still sick, very sick and it is worse than the ones out there which her being the last one to get the flu it makes since that she has it rougher. She hardly eats only because she throws it back up so she is pretty much on a liquid diet right now and your medications for her are free,” he states.

“Why are they free?”

“You said you were having her checked out tomorrow right?”


“They may prescribe stronger medication so we will only give you a week supply until we are sure. The nurse is even worried she doesn’t have it strong enough for her. What started out as a simple flu may have turned into something else with her. Please quarantine her when you get home away from the other slaves. Right now she gets this at breakfast and dinner so twice a day.”

“Got it”

He gives me the medications for Star and thankfully, I have her name legally change and cancelled the party for the mating ceremony until she is better. I get to her area and she is sleeping so I cover the cage with the long blanket before picking it up and putting in the car. The drive home is long. Hoping she would be up so we can talk some more but her health is my main concern right now. Home, I have warned the other slaves to keep away from my room since I will just leave her there. I just set the cage in a large corner with the door open close enough to the bed so when she wakes up she can just crawl in and be there until she gets better. The doctor will come here since I said I don’t know if she will be up for me driving her to his office.

When I leave the room, I put a note on the door after closing it to keep the humans away from this. I get to the kitchen and the homemade chicken soup will help but I don’t even know if she will eat it. The chef, who is a male slave named Ricardo, looks at me as I walk in.

“It’s almost done,” he replies.

“Thanks,” I state. “Just so you know I won’t let you go into my room to give it to her. I will give it to her to minimize anyone getting the sickness. I don’t want anyone here to get sick and if I can minimize the chances I will take it.”

“Got it, but some of the slaves aren’t happy that she is here and are talking about not nice things. Are you sure it is safe to have her here? You know they even try to start stuff with me even if I put an end to it without your help.”

“She’s just not a slave, she will be my mate and only for awhile here she will have a slave status until I can legally free her so it wills illegal for them to do anything to her because of her mate status. And as for your situation do you need any help with the other slaves since I can punish them? I just hate when a good worker gets abused or bullied for doing what they have to do and not getting in trouble.”

“Its fine but they just don’t like how close I work with you and are more shocked how this new one is different from any other slaves you have had. Plus they have been ignoring me since they got the news of the new slave so there isn’t anything there to punish them for other than hearsay. Obviously I don’t know if their threats of killing the new slave is valid or not but that’s what I have been hearing.”

“Who has been making the death threats? That needs to be addressed now!”

“A small group of girls that I don’t even know is the one I’m aware of because my friend Ming told me that but I didn’t hear them personally and I told her to tell you. This happened a week ago and I thought she told you unless she was scared. She didn’t even give me names or anything.”

I hate that death threats are being started let alone starting before she was here. After awhile the soup is done and I get in my room and Susanna is still sleeping in the cage so I just put the soup with a spoon close but far enough away so it doesn’t get spilled. Then I find Ming, who is tending to the flower garden because she was to weed them every so often since Izanami wanted this and put her in charge. Ming’s black hair pulled into a pony tail with her petite figure working hard.

“Ming, we need to talk,” I start. “Why didn’t you tell me about the death threats? I had to have Ricardo tell me today a week from the event and he didn’t even know who they were other than a group of girls before saying you told him. In fact I’m kind of pissed that I learned that from him when it should have been from you.”

“Sorry but I told them to knock it off. I realize I should have told you but they said if I even told that I would die to so I was kind of scared,” she replies.

“What are their names?”

“It is a group of 4 girls, Barbara, Vicky, Stasya, and Gunnel that said it.”

“Got it, I will talk to them next and give them punishment but as for you, you have a week of working on the ponds starting tomorrow for not telling me sooner. You need to tell me when things happen so they can be dealt with right then and there and there is a paper trail.”

“Yes, master, but the fish kind of gross me out.”

“And that’s the reason you have it.”

I find the four responsible and I give them a harsher punishment that they have to for a month take care of the stable and the horses in it meaning getting the hay and cleaning and heavy work that they do. In fact, they have that on top of their own work that they hardly do. I do inform the head slave and what Star’s work load will be which is mainly in the house and what she wants to do in there and that I dictate that and not him. Thankfully, he understands that part since he figures she’s just a sex slave and they normally don’t do much other than pleasing their masters. Also, most sex slave has free range of the house or an area to hide from the wives. I’m sure she is so used to a small area to keep things on the down low. Getting back to my room, I hear her moving as I’m outside the door.

•Star’s POV•

I wake up to the door of my cage being open in what looks like a bed room along with the smell of chicken noodle soup. My head is spinning so I try to find the soup when the door opens and I see my new master Toga and he kneels down to me.

“Let me help you,” he states grabbing my waist and moving me out of the cage to lay me on the bed.

“Why are you helping me?” I ask weakly before coughing. “No one…”

“You’re too sick for much movement and I’m sure the bed will feel better to you. Do you want some soup to try and get something in your stomach you have been sleeping since I picked you an hour ago?”

“Soup sounds so good. Am I stuck in here?”

“Just until you get better then you have full range of the house and yard to do what you want when I’m at work. But I want to quarantine you until you get better to minimize my other slaves exposed even if I have a lot but I don’t want a lot more to get sick. I also have a doctor coming tomorrow to make sure the medications you are on are the right dosage and to look you all over.”

I just give a weak smile before trying to get some soup in me and I just lay on the bed feeling not well after somehow the bowl is gone going back to sleep. The week is long and my medication had to be upped after the doctor saw me the day after I got home but within a week, I do get better thankfully. It was a very bad fever that was caught and prevented from going further than a bad fever but it couldn’t get better with the dosage of medication. That week Toga has pretty much dotted on me and I haven’t seen another human. Most masters when I get sick, I’m shoved in my cage until I get better with minimal food and lots of water. Being in a bed for recovery is foreign to me. Now a body beside me in bed isn’t that foreign since Toga sleeps as close as he can get to me as soon as I was getting better. I have no clue where he was sleeping during the rough days.
♠ ♠ ♠
*, go to Latin

AN: 150 Demonic shard (DS) =$1 USD, my fictional currency for Luciano