Status: Post will come at random so do not expect chapters at a certain time frame

A Royal Slave

An Excited Neko

It has been a week since I’ve been with Toga and he has a few things going on in preparations for what he says is the mating ceremony from what he told me while I was sick. My dreams are interrupted by the alarm clock and I get my still developing body sitting up with my knees bent making a butterfly position with the legs. I see the time of 6 am and he needs to get into his office in 2 hours so he better get up. At that, he wraps his arms around my waist and I hear him purring before opening the golden orbs and looking into my black eyes. His pale skin contrasts with my golden brown skin and the darker brown stars I have.

“Have a good sleep, Star?” he asks.

“Yeah,” I reply. “Did you?”

“The best, I just hate that I have to go into work today with you being all better I would love to have a day just you and me. And tomorrow I’ll be working on the pre-mating ceremony that is to take place so we won’t have much time together. I’ll figure something out when my next day off what we can do together besides sex.”

At that, he drags me back down so I’m laying and sits on my stomach just looking down and drooling at me. I seriously wonder when he had sex last because it seems like he hasn’t had it in years. This isn’t a position I have been in ever since if my previous master wanted sex, they went after it and didn’t sit on me. He then starts to grope my big yet still developing breasts before he stops.

“Sorry, couldn’t control my urges,” he states. “I really was going to do the permanent slave mark on your right hip. I don’t want to do it where the others have been and it seems that would be a good place for it since I don’t want it noticeable like the others since they were smaller and not permanent. This is going to be rather large so I might do it on the outer thigh.”

“It’s alright. I was wondering how long you have gone without having sex,” I reply catching my breath.

“Oh before I married, my wives never wanted to consummate our marriage with me and it has been awhile since someone wanted to have sex with me. In fact, my last girlfriend swore I was going to marry her but never happened. I didn’t get the chance once I heard the news.”

“I’m sorry about her.”

“It’s alright, she might be dead but she’s watching over me and probably thinking what the hell am I doing with the wives and why I need a mate. Anyways can I please have access to your right hip and thigh?”

“If I can roll over you can but it is hard to roll over with you sitting on me.”

“Oops, you may be a little sore after wards and for the days until I’m satisfied with the mark. A permanent mark isn’t like a temporary mark but both are very painful to remove since a temporary mark is supposed to go into a permanent mark not be removed though a permanent mark is a little more painful than a temporary mark to remover. And I’m not planning to have it removed until my death or something comes up legally with your parents and we find out.”

I nod my head as he gets off of me and I lay on my left side. Feeling his gaze on my skin and him touching the hip bone and thigh before, he makes his final decision. At that, his fingers on my thigh draw a large circle on my thigh before putting his claw in the middle of the circle he made. Receiving the mark actually tickles and I really try not to laugh but afterwards the area is sore and stiff. The best way I can describe it is a slow injection similar to receiving immunizations from a shot. After ten minutes, he removes the claw and I see him smile. For awhile I just lay there knowing it will have a better chance to take. He doesn’t seem to mind that in fact he digs out my clothes for the day. After awhile he comes out in a polished black suit with a deep red tie making him look kind of alluring. I try not to fall for my masters they may promise things but they never happen so I’m not trying to hold my breath that he will keep his word. I’m just here for sex and company, that’s it. Anything other than that is up to the master and if he says I am to be a mate then I have no choice but to be his mate.

“Joining me for breakfast, honey?” he asks most likely absent minded.

“I never eat breakfast with my master,” I reply. “The rules don’t allow a slave to eat with his or her master but scraps that the master hasn’t eaten.”

“Remember what is mine is yours and since we are to be mates that circumvent it but if you want more sleep I will certainly let you. Just tell Ricardo to make you breakfast since he is the chef here and his orders are just to make the meals and keep the kitchen stalked.”

“I guess I’ll join you.”

“Then get changed, sweetheart, I’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen. Just ask a slave if you get lost where the kitchen is since it has a breakfast nook.”

He leaves and I get my clothes since he most likely is putting on an act of this honey, sweetheart mate time words than actually meaning it. I mean he even said when he was there that he only wanted a legal son meaning I’m just a breeder not someone he loves. I don’t like being fooled but I don’t want another abusive master, which is why I put on a front when I met him so he wouldn’t change, is mind. If Lord Ryuu knew him then he won’t be abusive but will punish me and him actually trying to care for me while sick proves that but even then, that might have been an act. I quickly get changed into a bright pink formfitting and midriff barring blouse along with a black mid-thigh pleated skirt. The underwear matches the top of the pink. I see no shoes or anything so I find the kitchen in this freaking huge mansion thankfully, a slave named Ming pointed me in the direction of the kitchen.
I get in and a human male looks at me before Toga comes up to me and kisses me on the lip. I want to confront him about it but it is not my place and I will get punished for it. Showing me to the niche, I sit across from him and I see he’s been reading the paper before I came.

“You look lovely,” he states. “I’m happy to see my choices fit you.”

“I have to wear what you pick out, master, and you look handsome” I reply.

“Toga, you are to call me Toga and any names of endearment you want. I will only have people call me master if you are actually my slave and you are to be my mate which makes you very different from a slave.”

“But I am still a slave if you are putting a permanent slave mark on me so it will be only proper to call you master. Anything else would be improper and some would even call it insulting leading me to be punished maybe not by you but by someone else in your presence and I wish to avoid that, master.”

“You really have been beaten into submission. The slave mark will only be on you for 10 years after you are mine for 10 years I can and will free you making you call me master obsolete and frankly the mating mark you will receive holds greater significance than a slave mark. My slave owners have made their slaves their mates and they easily transition. I understand that this will be much harder for you to trust me considering how many masters you’ve been through in such a short time frame most giving you by before their 3rd year. As for the party tomorrow, I don’t expect much from you. I really don’t but what I do expect is what you should have learned with Lord Ryuu, Chief Nikolai, and Chief Falkor if you would have been with him long enough. You are to show the quest respect and act civil. If you don’t feel like talking I understand but after this party you shall be rewarded for making it through the night with respect and amicable. Now there will be consequences if you don’t act like that and one of them will be not getting the reward. My family is a handful which is why I’m telling you know and you will be interacting with them a lot over the course of the next few months leading up to the mating ceremony and whenever we have a child. Do you understand what I am asking of you for tomorrow night?”

“Yes, and I suspect you will remind me tomorrow throughout the day as the time draws nearer?”

“Yes I will. I don’t expect their be problems but I need things in place so you understand what I expect of you. When the ceremony comes, I will be expecting more since I am working on this social issue slowly so you can at least talk to a crowd and not stay silent. I’m not asking you to be very social but social enough at parties that you are comfortable and they aren’t put into social awkwardness. Yes, there will be pauses where one has to think and so forth but they shouldn’t awkward pauses. Lord Ryuu did you a disservice to you by punishing for not being social. I would love to work on your confidence that you don’t need by my side but these aren’t the parties before the ceremony we will be going to since it is a declaration of the bond between us. We can work on that afterwards.”

I glare at him as we are served breakfast since I really don’t know how much of this bond he is trying to force upon me to get a legal heir not an illegitimate son.

“If I maybe so bold as to ask this, what happens if we produce an illegitimate child?” I inquire getting into the eggs.

“You wouldn’t have enough time to give birth from the time you conceive, the gestation for you will be 6 months not three and the ceremony is in 3 months so that overrides a child becoming illegitimate. Then again, I’m not expecting you to conceive right away because you are still developing and a child. If you do it will only be conceived out of wedlock but born in wedlock.”

“3 months, do you really think you can do the ceremony in 3 months?”

“Yes, I do. Mating ceremony is not like a wedding where that will take at least 9 months for it to take place from engagement to ceremony on average. On average, the mating ceremony is done in 3 months. I have sent out invitations, the date is set, along with the location and planner. I am saving a bunch of money since the location will be here in the garden. The only clothing we need to worry about is ours and the food which I want your input on both. But mates have a lesser say in what happens.”


“But I must say I am looking forward to the sex tonight since I didn’t think it would be good for you to do it while sick or recovering from the flu. I finally get to feel what you are like inside. If you weren’t sick when I brought you home we would have fun that night.”

His tail flicks and he gets the look when he was on top of me as if he wanted it then. Most of my master never cared what time of day it was when they wanted they found a way to get me to them even if they were at work. Breakfast finishes and before Toga leaves; he gives me a big freaking kiss, which is very weird. I grab a towel to help the chef clean up when it is taken from my hand.

“Sorry Mistress Star, but I normally help Ricardo do up the dishes before the slaves are fed,” states Ming when I turn around and she is curtsying to me. “You can go ahead and rest or you can go to the office to see what Master Toga has done for the ceremony.”

“I didn’t know,” I reply.

“She means wells, Mistress Star, but only a select few slaves here know or actually will recognize you as his mistress,” adds Ricardo. “She just helps me without asking and I hardly need help cleaning up the kitchen considering we are married. Not many people are thrilled about him taking an outsider for a mate as if they don’t like outsiders being a sex slave even if they are sold specifically for that reason. From what I understand you were sold for that reason to different masters.”

“Yeah,” I add before leaving and I find the bedroom trying figure out if I was truly stepping on toes and why they were being so nice to me since I’m so used to the abuse and bullying from slaves.

I know Toga said I have free access to anything but right now I don’t know how to exactly how to react to other humans being nice to me. Though I’m sure, they got worried how I left them. I guess I will have to tell them when I see them again which who knows when that will be and might not be until dinner time.

•Ming’s POV•

“Why did she leave like that?” I ask.

“She must not be used to humans being nice to her,” replies Ricardo. “She is an Incutopian if you didn’t see the stars on her shoulder and you know they don’t have much luck with humans when they are away from their own country unless they are nobles or royalty. Then again, I’m sure her position doesn’t help with the bullying and picking considering she was a sex slave now a mate-to-be. I don’t think she started into the position but who knows since the Incutopian body is supposed to be one of the best to have sex with if you listen to demons and humans who live there. It will be awhile most likely until she gets used to everything especially since she won’t be sold back.”

“I didn’t notice then again I was only in her presence not as long as you have.”

“They aren’t that noticeable on any person but the older people know where to look and say that they are very noticeable. My grandpa just said where to look and was stopped by my parents as to what he really thought of them, from my understanding he doesn’t think good of them. And it gets passed down from generation to generation and my parents tried to come here to stop him from trying to indoctrinate me with his ideas. My parents didn’t believe it and was afraid that he would brainwash me with it since I was only a kid.”

“Maybe we should see how she is doing after we finish?”

“We better not, she has to get used to things before she can fully make friends. Way if I have to guess at either her age it will be around 13, 14 years old and we are 20. Meaning she needs friends her own age and right now, they are just getting responsibilities and playing most of the day. Hopefully we can direct her into that area.”

“She’s a baby and he is mating her. It doesn’t seem right like she needs her childhood and you said she has been sex slave before?”

“Most likely, I could be wrong though. She most likely started at a very young age to be a sex slave if she is making it so in what reality what was her childhood even as a slave making it go away fast. A sex slave is used for more than sex but rather companionship if the master so desires. Sure, they have enough free time because they never know when they will be called by the master for either sexual favors or just companionship. They are in a position that they can easily be abused as well and if the wife disapproves, they can be hurt by the wives. She was apprehensive to break the most fundamental law in being a slave especially for a sex slave was never to call master something else other than master.”

“How do you know this?”

“My mom is a sex slave for an Orange Tabby Neko where I grew up my whole childhood until I was sold to a slave shop because I turned 16 and I was in the way. Dad died by the head slave so the master didn’t have to worry about him and she already had me by dad. It happened when I was a baby. When I turned 16 he didn’t want me because I was protecting mom from him. So let’s just say I have an eye what I’m looking at when I see a sex slave coming and she is the first one to come into this house.”

“Oh, I was born under Aiko’s reign as his slave before he died then Toga inherited his slaves including me so I really know no other family than the Sato family. As far as I know, Aiko never had a sex slave but then my mom wasn’t inside all the time just for what needed help otherwise took care of the gardens and the ponds while dad is working at the stable. Both are retired now and enjoying the time even if, they are still slaves. Is your mom still alive?”

“Yes, we exchange letters everyday but she is still in service as a sex slave. Granted she had me young when she was 15 after marrying my dad at 13 so she still has a way to go to actual retirement if that comes. Before hand she was a maid.”

I nod my head, I love my dark brown curly head, and we are trying to start a family of our own but without much success on our end.

•Toga’s POV•

I get into my office since I worked all week yesterday from my home office so I can take care of Star. In all reality, I can just work from there but I love working in the building that is the offices for the Sato Incorporated, which is the Sato Army Machinery Company and Sato Toys. I only came in for meetings with the company and any people coming in. My secretary bows to me as I get into my office and sign in hoping things go all right at home. Not that I can’t check to see what is going on but I’m going to have to refuse that so she doesn’t think I trust her and she is probably locked herself in the bedroom. At that, Vincent comes in and he smiles.

“Sorry about your grandfather,” I state.

“It’s alright, and the flowers were lovely,” he replies. “Are there meeting notes that I need to catch up with?”

“They are with Barbara since she takes the notes at all the meetings and we are looking for more workers in the toy factories since that are starting heat up. We need to be on top of the orders and they think us not getting the money we want from the toys is due to not enough workers, which I agree with. As usual, we had the meeting yesterday so we won’t have another meeting for a week about things. But other than the workers applying everything has been status quo and the applications are even your job.”

“So you pick up the sex slave? How is she? I tell you Incutopians are the best in bed. I have one and she is wonderful and knows just what I want.”

“I have her and she has a name, Star, as for having sex with her she has been sick really badly and finally is healthy. There was no way I was going to have sex with her sick since it could make it worse.”

“So tonight will be the first night? Is she a virgin? How old is she?”

“I’m not divulging that information right here even if we are friends but we need to get to work and concentrate on the work. You will see her tomorrow at the declaration party and you can ask those questions there but I wouldn’t be happy if you do. But I will say she has been a sex slave for a good proportion of her life and I can’t wait for tonight. I am going to try to cut back working overtime since she is always going to be home and there are things I can do at the house even if I’ve been working on it here since no one is normally home even my wives. If they aren’t on a mission they are looking for guys and I hardly see them and they only want my money.”

“Full time is 40 hours a week here and you what add 20 more hours to that making it 60 you need to have a break and maybe you should have gone home more with the wives when they are back from the missions. It doesn’t seem to be all them but some of it you?”

“NO they have encouraged me to work 60 even 80 hours a week which I didn’t mind then because they wanted the money so I was in here at 6 and not going home to sometime after 8 if not 10 at night some nights I would make sure I would be there by 7. Most people came in at 8 and worked until 5 maybe 7 and working until 4 and if they had to take work home they did but they didn’t work what seems to be 24/7. It seems they are only glad that I get a lot of money so they will have to get used to the reduction in my paycheck since now I’m not working crazy hours unless I have to. I came here at 8 and I’m planning to go home around 5 for dinner. I have started to reduce my hours some because all last week I was logged in at 7 and logged out at 6 and even taking small breaks to make sure Star was fine.”

“That’s crazy, I know no wife encourage overtime unless you desperately need it which you don’t. You get the pay for the companies and the ruling the Horshire Forest. Which ruling I admit is almost a 24/7 job but you need your down time and I’m sure those two days off doesn’t do much if you are working early morning to late at night all by their encouragement. You still get the best pay because you are the owner and CEO of the Sato Industries but you can’t continue that when you have a child.”

“I don’t plan on working like that anyways, it has already taken a toll on me by working that constantly but when I need to. Now we need to get back to work.”

He leaves and I get back to writing up a report I am doing for the company reports, which is for this month the last thing I have to do from the meetings of the month. I work on it throughout the week proofing and so forth. But majority of what I have to do is do business meetings with other high end clients and so forth all of which I don’t have this week. With not having to catch up on stuff, I do see what the research and development is working on for both of the companies since I love seeing things going on. Of course, it normally doesn’t stop me from working on things to see if it can be made especially for the toys.

•Star’s POV•

After an hour of just laying in the bedroom I walk around the mansion to see what is here and I find what looks like is a library so I look at it. The more I take in it looks like a castle than an actual mansion but I find a book that look interesting called The Rose’s Secret. I’m lucky Nikolai started to teach me to read and Ryuu finished it so I’m one of the few that can read for entertainment. Usually sex slaves can read to a degree but normally they just lay around and wait for it to happen but Ryuu said that maybe one day I can be his mate but I had to be well read first. Yeah that fucking didn’t happen. He sold me when his wife, Yuki, got ma and finally had the last straw about his sex life away from her, which was with me. I really wish I wasn’t this type of slave but my masters define my role and after the kitsunes, my masters don’t change my role much. Lunch time comes and Ricardo finds me but bows before saying anything.

“What is with the bowing and curtseying to me?” I ask. “Aren’t I at the same level as you so there wouldn’t be a need for it? Most of the other houses never bowed to me let alone treated me with respect but I was much lower than them.”

“You are the master’s mate even if you are a slave, you are of a higher level which is why Ming and I are calling you mistress as well,” he replies. “Anyways I was coming to see what you want for lunch? I can make soup or anything you want since Master Toga took his with him.”

“I can make it since I just want a sandwich and I don’t know what exactly you have in terms of cheese and lunch meat. Besides aren’t you busy with planning tomorrow’s menu or tonight’s dinner?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t negate that I should make you lunch now if you want to make it yourself I won’t stop you. I will lay out chip and a few things to go with the sandwich so you don’t have to go searching for them.”

“Got it”

I head to the kitchen with Ricardo. Once my sandwich is made, I can see his muscles working underneath his olive skin tone while prepping for tonight’s dinner. For what it seems, he still has stuff for tomorrow to do but it seems like tonight supper is somewhat intensive since his dark brown curly hair is sticking to his forehead.

“So you and Ming are married?” I ask breaking the silence.

“Yes, we are and hoping to start a family soon,” he replies. “We just got married last year and Toga gave us a week off and paid for our honeymoon to a tropical island in the country Incutopia. It was such a nice place there. The island was a resort island so we didn’t see many natives but they seemed friendly.”

“I see and congratulations on getting married. Is Master Toga supposed to be back before supper or does he normally works late?”

“He is hoping to be back by supper time which will be at 7 and his plan is to be back a little after 5. He doesn’t work far from the house maybe a 5 minute drive. I am used to cooking him late meals when he does come home between 8 and 10 before you came and I never asked the reasons why as it is not my duty as a slave. Slaves here make our own meals in our own houses on the properties so we don’t need to wait for the master to eat just we don’t have the best quality of ingredients to use. Last week he worked on cutting down his hours at the house while you were sick so he could take care of you. He just can’t keep doing 60 to 80 hours a week mostly over time the way he is going so it is good to see him actually slow down and do the normal 40 hours and only doing overtime when it is needed.”

“When his wives are here do you cook for them as well?”

“Yes, I do and they normally have their hands busy with their children so I normally have to make more of everything. They are nice but very secretive about their work and what they do and why they let the kids know that Toga isn’t their father. I’m sure you heard it in passing when he was talking to friends or to get you to open up. I hear it from their voices and the DNA even matches them up.”

“So why are you cooking or trying to cook stuff for me? I’m not going to be that high as his wives and maybe only a few steps above the servants and slaves.”

“Because, it is my job I’m the chef. I do not see the difference between mate and wives or it will cost me my job. Both should have the same format just but the bindings are either of the same demonic level or of different demonic level. A Neko could marry an Inu or an Anthro but they can never marry a human while humans can marry other humans. Humans have to be mate’s demons and vise versa. As for the child of the mates they normally are demonic and isn’t a human.”

“I know Demonic DNA is more dominant than Human DNA when combined together. There are rare occasions that the Human DNA is more dominant but that varies with species and the Inu’s and the Monkeys plus a handful of others the DNA are equal resulting in half demons called Hanyos. Some Hanyos look more human while some look more demonic. Neko DNA is stronger than Human DNA causing the resulting pregnancy to produce more Nekos. If I would have had children with my last master a White Inu it would have resulted in more likely Hanyos.”

“Before this has you been a sex slave?”

“Yes, since I was 4 years old when a Kitsune bought me wanting sex and thought a 4 year old would then only to be sold back when I was 6 after years of abuse from that master but he transferred me to a friend another Kitsune for 3 more years of abuse. I then couldn’t get the stigma of sex slave off of me and that is what I was mainly advertised in the store for. Before I have broken memories of being trained as a domestic slave to be either a maid or a cook in a house but the orange tabby cat didn’t want to hurt me and steal my childhood. So when the urges became too much for him to bear he sold me to the store and sees me regularly but I haven’t seen him since I came here. He was awfully quiet when I met him in the store though. I don’t even have memories of my 1st master, I just see him now and again but he was afraid for my safety amongst his older slaves. From what I’ve been told his slaves have tried to kill me and at that age I couldn’t be trained I was supposed to be in the care of the head slave’s family but after awhile his wife had to take care of me just so I was protected.”

“Since you were 4 so you have known no other work besides that of a sex slave? Other than the bits and pieces of memories, you have with your second master. And exactly how old are you now?”

“Yes, and I don’t know my exact age they go off my finding date making me 13 going on 14 in 2 months. I was orphaned as a baby and they didn’t have anything on me including my name, date of birth, and my parents. It just lines up when the King and Queen of Incutopia was killed by Tiger Anthros when I was found but the slavers didn’t take me to the police I was sold directly from them to the shop and then to my 1st master.”

“And they didn’t take you to the police first when they found you? I thought most slavers did that even back then when they find an orphan baby so family can claim and raise the child.”

“Not what I’ve been told it was just I was sold directly to the shop.”

“So in other words your family may think you are dead especially if they live in Incutopia? I know this may sound weird to you but is there a chance you could be the King and Queen of Incutopia only child? The one was found to be a human from Europe but I think they went to the police first before no one claimed the child. It just seems odd the slavers didn’t take you to the authorities.”

“There is no way in hell I could be related to them. Wouldn’t the government of Incutopia start a war if their king and queen died and their only daughter was held prisoner or at least do a major search party? It wouldn’t make sense for them to give up on a child that is to be their ruler much sooner than planned. I have to be of the lower ranks in Incutopia if I were to be there. I was just a coincidence how soon I was found to their death and most likely the anthros killed the child as well.”

“They did do a major search party but the country cannot afford to go to war with an enemy they don’t even know let alone if they actually killed them was because they were bribed. Anthros are wilder than demons and cannot control their wild instincts especially if they are hungry or someone approaches on their territory.”

“Then why would they spare a child?”

“It doesn’t mean they don’t have maternal instincts. Most likely the child was dropped while they were being chased making the child safe or they thought that the parents were hurting the child and things went a little too far. Also from what I remember of it they were killed by two Tigress Anthros and their children was nearby so most likely they thought their cubs were in danger but spared the child and most likely got into a fight that is to take care of the child. But there are a lot of factors in it.”

“Could slavers have been chasing the King and Queen? Causing them to get attacked by the Anthros, and them finding the child, they must have wanted the king and queen to be in slavery but didn’t get what they wanted.”

“That could have happened since some slavers especially bad slavers do that to get the person or an offspring they want. So if they did want the king and queen they would have settled for the princess but make sure she wasn’t in anything royal to alert the shop and contact authorities that they maybe lying. It will be hard to prove that unless someone from that country recognizes that slave and reports it to the country itself and that is a cause for war especially if the master at that time isn’t sorry and doesn’t try to make amends. Master Toga wills more than try to make amends and say he is sorry it that was to happen to him. He would let what punishment comes to him and try to pay for their loss.”

I nod my head and finish my lunch up to continue reading the book since it has me engrossed so I really don’t pay much attention to people around me and so forth. Most of them are maids working around but it seems they ignore me, which am not normal, and I did hear some sneers about me but I didn’t pay much attention. After awhile a familiar voice breaks my trance from the book.

“Star,” I hear Master Toga’s voice. “I’m home and I see you’ve been keeping busy with a book. Ricardo said he had to pry you away from that for lunch or at least he interrupted you. Did Ryuu teach you to ready?”

“Sorry about not greeting you, Master Toga, and it was a combination of Nikolai and Lord Ryuu teaching me to read. But welcome back,” I reply.

“You didn’t have to greet me but I’d thought I’d join you though I didn’t think you could read since most slaves can’t even the sex slaves. It is good that you are doing things to keep yourself occupied and that is a good book especially if you like mystery. I read it 3 times so far and still surprised by the ending and I won’t surprise the ending for you. But onto a different subject, did the other slave treat you nice? I don’t want you to be bullied and abused like you were in the other homes.”

“No, and I hardly paid much attention to them because I was into the book. The only ones I really talked to was Ming and Ricardo but I think I stepped on their toes when I was going to help with the dishes. Ricardo and I talked more at lunch and he seemed to be very curious about things since we talked for awhile since I only asked about the marriage between him and Ming. They seemed nice but I’m not fully used to other humans being kind with me.”

“You need to get situated yourself but at least nothing about bullying or abuse that I need to talk to them about or find who the person is. You still have to know names and I’m sure that will take awhile since other than Ming, Ricardo, Caitlin, Quauhtli*, Jasmine, Alexander, Kelly, Lachlan, Masako, and Kai the others won’t be so kind to you. Other than Ming and Ricardo, the others are around your age and work in the house or stables. Caitlin, Jasmine, Kelly, and Masako are actually nannies despite my wives kids aren’t always here but they have free time until they come back. Alexander is the fix-it person within the house so if something is broken you can call him while Quauhtli, Lachlan, and Kai are stable hands. I can show you how to ride a horse if you wish. But they are only a handful of the slaves I own I have maybe over a thousand most of whom I inherited when dad died. I only had to buy you and a few others but I wasn’t going to sell them all off just and get new ones since dad died. And really, I haven’t had the need to replace many of them yet. Most of them are friends with Quauhtli and he was the one to sensitize them but we never had a full conversation. From what I remember I believe he has stars on his shoulders as well so it might be useful for you to find him anyways.”

“I see, so how was your work?”

“Great, everything is done that I need to do and no meetings so I spent most of the day looking at research and development at the toy factory. And I’m glad that I decided not to work overtime all the time not that I’m not on call due to being the owners but I’m sure nothing will go wrong with me gone.”

He smirks and I decide to mark the chapter I’m on before setting it down. In fact, he takes that as invitation to start to make out with me since he pretty much pounces on me and is kissing me all over my face. I can also feel and him purring with him pressing me against his chest and onto a bookshelf. Exactly how I got out of the chair is beyond me but then again demons are stronger and faster so things for me acted in a blink of an eye. Not all of my masters, including Toga, have ever given me warnings about make out sessions when I’m in their presence so I have to be prepared for it. But no one has been as sex deprived, as Toga and I’m sure the week I was sick was sheer torture on him but I’m still wondering how long he will keep me. After a two hour make out, fest a cough stops Toga and I see Ricardo bowing to us.

“Dinner is served, Master Toga, Mistress Star,” he states. “If you come to the dining room I have prepared beef wellington with red potatoes and asparagus.”

We get into the dining room and everything seems to be neatly laid out. Of course I, had not choice since Master Toga grabbed my hand to have dinner with him? Toga pulls out my chair before he sits down himself and starts to eat and I try a bit since before I was never allowed this. I’ve heard of it but the masters would normally say it isn’t for slaves to eat and it will cheapen the dish.

“This is lovely, Ricardo,” states Toga. “You really out did yourself with this.”

“Thank you, master,” replies Ricardo.

“Star, how you like it?” inquires Toga directing in my direction.

“It’s interesting,” I answer after swallowing a bite. “I haven’t had it before my other master says this is too good for slaves so I haven’t had it before but I was interested in it. It is good though but what is between the pastry and steak?”

“Mushrooms ground up with shallots, onions, and herbs called a duxelles and foie gras pâté ** both which are homemade. The steak itself I made two out of filet mignon,” adds Ricardo before leaving.

“So what did Ricardo make for your lunch? I had the leftovers from last night which there wasn’t much left over.”

“A ham, turkey, and cheese sandwich with mayo, mustard, tomatoes, and lettuce served with a side of chips but I made the sandwich since that is what I was hungry for and I didn’t know what you had in the terms of deli meat. I know he could have said what was there but I wanted to look.”

“Go ahead, like I said what mine is yours. I don’t mine you making yourself at home, I want you to.”

“Yeah but for how much longer will this be my home,” I ponder before saying. “I’m trying to this house is still new to me. And am I supposed to eat with you every night?”

“If I’m in time for supper yes now if I don’t get home until 8 or later I don’t expect you to wait to eat since I don’t want you to go hungry. Eat at the time you are hungry and I will eat when I get back but dinners will be together and I’m not going to hide you from my wives when they return. They eat at 7 when they are here if I’m here or not and I’m usually not for them but with you, here I am going to try and make it home by dinner time. I don’t mind having different breakfast times but I would rather us eat dinner together. And the only possibility of us eating lunch together if I’m at the house either on break or working in my office.”

“I see.”

Toga keeps most of the dinner conversation light about things that he thought was funny and frankly went over his head or what we like. I get it, he wants to get know me better and me to know him better which only Nikolai has done so far and no one else has. As much as he thinks this will give me hope that I will stay, it doesn’t he also gave me up even if we are on good terms but at that time I was given up I had to rebuild my trust in him. Obviously, I don’t fully remember my 1st master giving me up being how young I was. The Kitsunes obviously said we’ll see what happens and that they may sell me back. Aside from the abuse they were only honest about that but as much as they try to see me people won’t let them. Ryuu though he never promised at first because of being wary he kept saying he would make my mark permanent but that promise never came. If he thinks that this will solidify his promise of not selling me back it won’t work, even this mating won’t work even if it means he will have a harder time to sell me back since that needs to be removed first and go through a divorce like situation.

After dinner, Toga has a movie planned for us to watch for awhile before anything is to happen for the night, which is a nice gesture. I have heard of sleepovers that the slaves would do on their supposed days off and the night before but was never invited to join in and frankly, any TV time for me was during the day alone. Even then, I was banned from the movies unless they wanted to watch porn while doing me. Ryuu hardly if ever brought in the bedroom unless he was just planning to do that and left me alone to talk to him. The Kitsunes were notorious for it and would even abuse me while it was playing saying why I couldn’t be like them. It wasn’t my problem they bought a kid to be a sex slave and could hardly respond to what you want me to do. This movie is different Toga said it was a romantic comedy called Burning Love which I think it is corny. In fact, the movie is corny from what I saw of it since Toga turned it into another make out fest until it was over. Once the movie was over he takes it to the bedroom and starts to full on grope me and playing with me. I recognize foreplay but when I try, he refuses for some reason.

“Not this time,” he purrs. “I’m already too wound up and I don’t need egging on from foreplay but you still need help. Even if it is reacting, I had all my foreplay just thinking about this and how excited I am about it.”

It doesn’t take much longer once the clothes were removed fully that my face is pushed on the bed and he is having sex. As always I try to block any emotion from this but half me is wondering why is isn’t biting down since Nekos bite near the head to help and why he has to hold my head. After he finishes he crashes next to me and wraps his arms around my waist bringing me close to him before he kisses my forehead.

“Best fuck, I’ve had,” he states. “You alright? You don’t seem to be as connected.”

“When you are used as a sex toy before you do you think I would be connected? I learned not to get my emotions in the way in case I get sold back which always seem to happen.” I retort.

“Right, forgot about that and hopefully that will change soon.”

“Just out of sheer curiosity why where you holding my head instead of you’re biting near my head to keep me where my chest and head is on the bed while my butt is in the air? From what I know most Nekos do that and also for intimacy because the biting doesn’t allow for missionary to be personal.”

“If I would have held you with my teeth right now, I would have drawn blood. It is that bad with me the bite is to never draw blood but for connection and it has evolved from what was while to now domesticated and hasn’t been breaded out yet. Some do missionary but you are right for us it feels impersonal than this position.”

I nod my head and we just had to be afterwards since I don’t know how much longer I can stay up right now.
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