Status: Post will come at random so do not expect chapters at a certain time frame

A Royal Slave

Introduced As a Mate-To-Be

The next morning I wake up to Toga moving beside me and noises coming from outside the room from what it sounds like it is the maids and I look to see it is 8. Toga’s face is the next thing I see when I turn my head from the clock and he is still cuddled up against me trying to sleep but it doesn’t seem to be working. Either that or he just started to cuddle against me but his purring is very much like last morning. He finally opens his eyes and he gets out of bed and I can see him stretch muscles that I really didn’t see last time then again he was more in a rush yesterday morning. He’s much leaner than Ryuu, he worked out every day and built up incredible muscle mass but Toga seems to work out some but now to the point, his muscles are huge just to the point they are toned. Normally this will turn any girl on, well if he is putting on a show for me I’d say forget it other than it is nice finally not having a body builder (pretty much) having sex with me for the past 5 years. I move so he can continue the mark since most likely it needs done before he can ask of me.

“Like my body?” he asks with a smirk on his face after stretching.

“It’s alright, at least you are scraggily like the Kitsunes or what I would call a body builder like Lord Ryuu,” I state. “And I can’t state what type of body I want so it doesn’t matter what preference I have. At least you keep in shape and don’t overdo it though I think Ryuu being an Inu had something to do with his muscle mass.”

“No, Ryuu is just very much into working out and weights. His goal when he was younger was to be a body builder and is probably the one of the main reason his marriage got in trouble other than you. You were just became the icing on the cake. From my understand their marriage was on the rocks way before he got you and yes I talked to him while you were sick. She decided that she would put up with you as long as she got attention but he slowly drifted to only you got the attention especially intimate attention that she craved. I don’t know what this will bring for them but I’m kind of worried since Ryuu after the party tonight will be spending a week here and I’m not letting him touch you.”

“So much I didn’t even ask for and possibly didn’t need to know when I made that comment. But why would he be spending a week here?”

“He is starting to regret selling you and is hoping to talk me into giving you back but I already started the mark and he knows that the mark I’m doing is the permanent mark. I also think they are starting divorce, which will suck since everything he has will now be split down the middle and won’t have much disposable income. He hardly works and just buys and works out a lot but he might need to go back to his job than neglect it not about his marriage since he can just life off the money he receives from ruling but it isn’t good shape either. He needs to grow up and not act like a spoiled puppy.”

“And you aren’t acting spoiled yourself? Why not make it work with your wives as well? I know you can’t right now but when they come back.”

“I tried, I really did, I tried everything with them from counseling, dates, anything I could think of but nothing worked early on. They told me to my face that what I wanted and they wanted are two totally different things and the only way to make it work was little to no contact and if I were to ever divorce them that I will be killed. My instincts at first told me not to get involved with them but I did and now I’m paying the price. As for it, they will kill me if I ever wanted divorce. I don’t know but I’m scared it might be true since a cat’s vengeance is not to be messed with. At this point, I waited way too long to actually find love since it has been 10 and 8 years since I married them. The first 3 years with Izanami and 2 years with Mitsuko are when I tried to make it work and the therapist got to a conclusion that I have to give in to them.”

“I see but isn’t that using you?”

“Yes, but I have to put up with it since I value my life and I don’t want Raiden to inherit the companies and the land otherwise it will go to hell. I need love and I’m desperate but when I saw you in the store I fell for you which is why I had to get you and don’t think of it any other way. If it wasn’t like that I wouldn’t be making you may mate. I would have ignored you and who knows who’d you got for a master then. I love you and I have to be patient with you I know that because how many times you’ve been bounced around and just used for sex.”

“It doesn’t sound like a good life to me. But now I’m overstepping my boundaries as a slave and possibly as a mate.”

“You need to know things about me in a lot more detail but it can wait until you are ready. Now onto your slave mark,” he looks at it and smiles. “It actually did very well for the 1st day maybe another day after this and it will be done.”

He does the circle again and the claw in the center. But this time I can’t help but notice his abs but how he positioned himself this time doesn’t help which maybe because of the sex yesterday and trying to connect with me. He finishes and like yesterday gets my clothes out and gets ready himself before I can go in. This time I’m in a strapless dark blue tube top and denim cut off shorts that barely cover my butt. Breakfast with Toga is an interesting one since he has a few things to finalize for tonight and Ricardo seems to get to work on it. He does remind me about being civil and being respectful along with that, I’m not to call him master over the course of the part or at least put master in front of his name. He did say that he won’t punish me for it but he wants me to get used to just calling him Toga.

After breakfast, Toga has me be with him as things get cleaned up with his simple white t-shirt and lose pair of jeans. He makes sure things are going smoothly with the preparations and hardly anyone work talks to us than who Toga asks but most seem to be scowling at me. Then out of nowhere, this tanned green eyed girl dumps water all from a bucket that she was cleaning with over me as Toga talks to one of the male slaves.

“Stay away from Toga, you Incutopian slut,” she yells. “He’s mine! All Incutopians should be in hell. They do nothing useful for the world other than a vacationing spot.”

“Jocelyn! Stop that nonsense right now, Toga has other things to worry about than you causing trouble. Do you want to be away for the party and get punished?” states a red headed girl.

“Caitlin, I can handle it from here,” states Toga and his golden eyes become narrow and cold towards this Jocelyn. “You are banned from the house until the party is over, do you understand? And I think the only suitable punishment to learn respect towards my mate is be her personal servant for a month along with an apology to her and a 100 word essay on acceptance towards people. I will not stand for bullying, name calling, racist comments, or anything that will be derogatory towards a person, a species, or an ethnicity. Or do you want to go and help Barbara, Gunnel, Stasya, and Vicky in the stables? I can make that happen along with a much worse punishment.”

“Oh I understand, but she isn’t your mate she is just your sex slave like most Incutopians I know. You take our masters from us with one shy look reeling them in and not letting your claws off of them and never know the true nature of your…”

“1,000 words, Jocelyn, and the stables for a month!”

“You know what if I wasn’t being watched right now, girl, I would kill you on the spot and I wouldn’t regret it since we can have a chance with our ailing master but now we can’t because of you. If I would you, I would tread lightly around here so you don’t get killed with that oh so daring body of your. Watch your back because many people will want to kill you and won’t even give you a second chance.”

“That’s it, Jocelyn, you and me will be talking out back and I repeat if there is another word of a death threat towards anyone I will punish you on the spot. And be prepared for something else. I will not put up with it at all.”

Toga drags the girl away and I can’t believe I’m standing there soaking wet with little or no direction let alone if I am to change. Though, someone wraps me in a towel. I look to see it is the girl who stood up for me in the light of what happened.

“Let’s get you changed and away from the jealous people,” she states. “I’m Caitlin by the way, and you are?”

“Star,” I reply very shyly hoping she won’t stay with me for much longer.

Her bright red hair curls around her face and brings out the blue eyes she has that seem to smile at you. At that, we get back to the master bedroom and she is searching through clothes with what seems no care or anything while looking at me. She turns around holding something that is just as revealing if not more revealing than what I have one right now.

“Toga should be happy you are getting into clean clothes,” she states as her curls bounce around her freckled fair skin and she seems chipper.

“Why are you helping me?” I ask. “You’re human don’t you see…”

“So, it doesn’t mean anything a few humans don’t see what Incutopians are stereotyped to be. My parents had friends in Incutopia but they died after awhile since they were visiting her because of some anthros around I’d say 13 to 14 years back. I was a baby so I don’t remember much. My parents work here so you can ask them though it might be easier to ask my boyfriend Quauhlti since his family came here in search of a better life but never found it. Where are your parents working?”

“They’re dead; they died when I was a baby.”

“Sorry to hear that. How long have you been a slave?”

“Since I could remember but I really don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Got it, but I am curious when you became a…”

“You don’t want to know, I was way too young to put it that way and I’m still way too young for this position let alone to be a mate,” I sneer.

She just nods her head and gives me the clothes so I just go into the bathroom falling on the door. It was too close, I have my doubts I have any real friends how many masters have used me and how young I was. What in hell made me tell Ricardo is beyond me but I don’t want to tell other people. The thought of being used repeatedly again only to be sold back and then gain a new master; what friends would want me in their lives that could possibly after awhile because the master gets bored or their wife doesn’t want me in the life. I’m too much of a liability to keep around because I could end up dead by the others so they have to sell me back or they just don’t care.

•Toga’s POV•

I take Jocelyn out back and I’m angry as hell but people call me fair but strict especially around here and normally don’t get into much trouble. Hoping to give her one last chance with this before I have to whip her but I have my doubts.

“Care to apologize and be a stable hand?” I ask. “You know I will use the whip if don’t change your mind.”

“With that slut, no, she deserves what I said and I’m sure she has wrecked many homes before as a sex slave. How many masters has she had so far? I bet she doesn’t think she will last long here because they never do like her. They spend 2 to 3 years with their masters and they have to sell them because the wives don’t want the slave anymore because it is taking away from her time. Aiko had one just like her and your mom got rid of her!”

“You are in deep waters here, Jocelyn and until I decide what I’m going to do you are working at the thing you most hate. Care to explain to me what that is even if I already know?”

“Please, I’m not taking care of those fucking pets! They attack and do what every it can to get to the food and they don’t like it when we have to clean their pen. And basically be on top of them 24/7 in case they escape.”

“Oh the protective Anthros, how I forgot, listen; I really thought it was another thing. Of course then the protective tiger anthros have good people taking good care of them and know how to care for them not like 14 years ago with my dad. We didn’t get them back for days because of incompetent people at the helm and I don’t want it to happen again. In fact, we had to kill them all once they got back because of something and that is all you need to know. As for what I want you to do, is that simple though you hate it since you are away from me 24/7 and frankly, I like it since you are trying to seduce me since I needed you as a maid. We had an incident with the fields that helps feed the village and you are to help until I say otherwise. You are to leave at 4 and come back when others come back. It’s hard work but maybe you need it and I have other slaves that have volunteered to work there so you will follow them and all the instructions you have been given. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master, but you do know…”

“Save it for the field, I’m sure they would love to hear it in fact, let me give you a hint most demons are very much more tolerable of people who bully and are insensitive to. But first and foremost, I have to whip because how you acted even if I’m reassigning you for now for the main punishment. Be thankful I’m not Raiden.”

“Yes sir”

I give her 10 whippings, which I don’t try to do more, but in all reality, she needs to be taught a lesson because she even goes after Quauhlti as well given the chance. Well everyone does but the main groups are she and the so called bully group consisting of Barbara, Vicky, Stasya, and Gunnel. I get back into the house and I scan the room with the golden eyes to realize we are missing Caitlin and Star. Caitlin most likely took pity on Star and took her back to the room to get cleaned up and changed. It may not be what I wanted on her but it will have to do for now.

I get into my room, Caitlin is standing there with her 5’4” frame, and she just bows to me. Going any further, I hear crying coming from the bathroom meaning things are getting out of hand right now. I have to do something. Caitlin turns to me and keeps her head down.

“I’m sorry, Master Toga, I thought I was helping her,” she starts.

“Don’t beat you up for it,” I reply. “She has been through a lot in the past 13 years especially with masters so it is to be expected she may not want talk about it much. Also I would like to talk to her alone so if you don’t mind, please leave and get back to work and thank you for helping her.”

“Sure thing”

She leaves and I press myself against the outside door.

“Star, let me in,” I state. “I won’t hurt you. Please just let me in.”

•Star’s POV•

I hear talking between Toga and Caitlin before there is pressure from the outside and Toga’s voice calling to me.

“Star, let me in,” he starts. “I won’t hurt you. Please just let me in.”

I get up slowly and open the door only to see soft golden cat eyes looking down from around a 6’5” perch. He then cups my face softly before saying anything else.

“I’m sorry for what happened between you and Jocelyn. You did nothing wrong you didn’t even engage her which takes a lot of strength to do though I’m sure you were quiet shocked. Nothing, I repeat, nothing will happen to you and if something does please tell me so I can deal with it and act accordingly. You have been hurting for way too long,” he adds after awhile.

“I understand,” I choke out from my crying.

“Selling is not an option for you and never will be with me. I loved you from the first time I saw my eyes on you.”

I just nod my head and he allows me to get changed. Thankfully he leaves me be to get into dry clothes and he just gives the wet ones to a maid I presume and we go to the den for a little bit. In there I pick up where I left off in The Rose’s Secret as Toga does a few things but looks up more often than enough to make sure I’m all right. Probably within 30 minutes, we get our 1st guests and the head slave is bowing to us with who I believe is my 2nd master Nikolai and his wife Anastasiya beside them.

“May I present, Chief Nikolai and Lady Anastasiya of the Vinokurov Clan, Chief Toga of the Sato Clan and Mistress Star,” he states before leaving but he gives me a sideways look.

“Nikolai, Anastasiya, I’m so glad you could make it,” greets Toga. “Sorry about last week, Star was really sick and I didn’t think she’d be up for visitors.”

“Her health is what matters,” replies Nikolai as I get up and he smiles at me as well Anastasiya.

“Nikolai and Anastasiya it’s been awhile since I saw you last even if the meeting in the store was short,” I add bowing.

“Way too short but they always make it short with me and they keep you in that cage,” he states as he hugs me. “God, you are growing tall. I’d say you are about 5’10” now and most likely be around 6’0” by the time you stop growing. Though I still think there is a better name for you other than Star but we couldn’t find it when you were living with us and trust me Anastasiya tried to find a good name for you.”

“Well I have to say it does suit her a bit other than the markings on her shoulders but yeah I wanted a totally different name. When we had the video out taping our children and if she were in, she would always ham it up putting on a show. They befriended her real quick when we bought her even if she was a baby even when our youngest was 5 and now they are all out of the house with their own family and life,” adds Anastasiya.

“Anzhelina, Katerina, Florenity, and Kazmir are joining us later with their wives and kids?” inquires Toga.

“Yes, they will be coming closer to the party since they couldn’t just drop everything to come here earlier in the day,” answers Nikolai. “It does seem she is way better health than her last masters which as much as I was glad she was out of the kitsunes hands I was still worried for her because how Ryuu can be. Which my worst fears came true when we saw her probably within a week of him buying her and we really haven’t been friends since. He was way too rough on her and at off times has sex with her and if he had to do something and people tried to pull him off when he was locked on she would be in more pain. She was his doggy toy that he couldn’t part with for a very long time even if it was damaging her health in ways and him becoming more obsessive. One year I came and from what I would assume free range of the house, she and he were in the bed all day doing what he wanted avoiding contact with their guest. I lost all respect for him.”

“He never grew up is the main problem there and I am afraid because he staying here for a week because his marriage is in such shambles. I would love to see him grow up and actually treat people with respect all around. From what it sounded like, he didn’t respect her as a human and as a sex slave. Those are usually very respected slaves for the most part by the men to keep them happy and they get what they want be it conversation, sex, sexual service, or just a plain old massage along with the companionship.”

“Just for my records, I know you are mating her and all but this isn’t because you are getting back at your wives and then just dumping her?”

“No, I won’t do that, I can’t do that. When I first saw her, I had an overwhelming smell coming from her making me go to her in the store so I asked questions and so forth also making me love her at first sight. I wouldn’t have bought her if it wasn’t the real deal and I had plans to sell her back. As for my wives, it is more or less, as we are roommates and nothing more. I don’t know why I married them other than I was desperate after my first girlfriend passed.”

“Ah, the intendeds that end up being mates, that is serious and even though I see it how you look at her that it would be the case but I need to make sure.”

“Intended?” I ask.

“A Neko has a specific wife or mate that they are attracted to this is done my smell aka olfactory smell that only Nekos can smell. We get an overwhelming smell from who is to be their intended and depending on their age if they start out as friends or a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. In this situation for now until the mating ceremony is master and sex slave which I do not like,” responds Toga. “Now this even if he has other wives will rank above them because it is the one true person he or she is to be with. With you being a human, we are mated and as much as mates will never be above the wives but since mine don’t act like wives you are already higher up in the ranks as far as you are concerned. It is the one reason people especially the ones who respect you call you Mistress and why I do not tolerate threats, bullying, or abuse towards you. You are my everything and I have been avoiding this because you are still in the mind set you will be sold off in two years. I cannot do that in a good frame of mind with you. We will be together until one of us dies and why I want to free you because it only drags your position down just that much more. This is something most humans don’t understand and frankly only a select few demons do with the Nekos being the highest in the intendeds but each demon as their own way of finding them. For example, an Inu has two things, one is smell, the other is taste both connected but both have to be overwhelming for them. We cannot have more than on intended. As for your smell factor, I’m going to guess would be up there to get that much demon attention sexually at such a young age and having Ryuu’s dad pry him off of you. The only thing is with the ones before me you weren’t an intended and therefore could become disposable to each one no matter what promises they made. My promise is real you won’t be sold back I won’t let you have another master while I live which will be a very, very long time.”

“I’ve never heard of it before?”

“That’s because you are a slave and a slave that has been passes around to 5 different masters before me, your mate. There was no way you could have heard it especially how removed sex slaves are from the rest of the slaves. They know about it and frankly are normally very happy about it but in my case they hate you and aren’t happy that I’m not choosing them. The anthros I own will protect you with their life since they understand that and our children will be protected by them. The anthros maybe wild but not that wild to know the family they protect they aren’t to harm unless they go rouge then we kill them.”

“Have you had any anthros go rouge?”

“Not while I reigned, dad did in his later life and majority of what happened was an incompetent worker that didn’t know how to handle them. So I hire trained professionals to deal with them and the slaves don’t have to do it so we minimize damages. Dad paid for that incident for a long time even part of my reign. We still don’t know if they killed anyone or not.”

“When was this?”

“About the time you were found by slavers, but you weren’t found on my lands if you did, and slavers tried to take you dad would have put up a hell of a fight and right things. You were found south of my lands but somehow were transported here or so I was told from the clerk. The king and queen of Incutopia, was here with dad at that time but left earlier in the day so they had to have been killed by wild anthros. Wild anthros aren’t tamed and slightly less predictable. I do feel sorry for that country, I must admit they don’t know where Princess Jualime Isanobel Susanna Young Mi is to this day and everyone’s worst fear she is dead.”

“I thought they didn’t release the name of the princess?” adds Anastasiya.

“They didn’t but I remember when they were here they told the family her name since they were visiting families they were friends with especially chieftains and lords before the name was released. Father was in the middle because they were doing it by regions. She had the sweetest smell I can remember but nothing that compares to Star. I believe you would have been when they visited the north.”

“Yes, but we never got to see them because they were already dead,” adds Nikolai. “Sweet family, it’s a shame that this had to happen to them. I do wish wherever the princess is that she is safe and she will be found one day by the right authorities.”

“What a lovely home,” states a stranger and I really get put on edge since there is 8 of them and they all look human minus the red eyes on some of them while only two have obsidian black eyes.

“And you four are?” replies Toga. “I don’t remember inviting vampires to my house or to this party. So pray tell, what you are four doing in my house without my permission or being lead by my head slave?”

“Sorry but we are Lord Abaddon, Lady Elysia, Lord Rasui, Lady Hasina, Lord Molimo, Lady Kimi, Lord Mauricius, and I’m Lady Melaena of the Fazkas Vampire Clan. As to why we are here, we are here to see you and offer a gift for the upcoming mating ceremony that Raiden told us about.”

“Raiden’s friends, huh, now I remember you because he tries to hang out with you guys so. Thank you for stopping by but I really don’t want uninvited guests to be in the party and I’m kind of afraid for my slaves and my mate-to-be. I would also suggest you give us the gift you are giving us now before the party and we can act accordingly.”

They hand to me several jewelry boxes ranging between skinny, thick, rectangles, small and medium squares there is about 10 in all and Toga gets handed what looks like to be a card, which he opens up first. He gets the check out of it and starts to read aloud.

“Congratulations on finding each other, may you have a long and happy life together with your mate. We know you don’t know of us but we thought we would congratulate you and your new mate on finding each other. From what we heard you have been suffering for a long time with your wives acting more like roommates no matter what you tried to do to fix it. Melaena is a custom jewelry maker and hopes that Mistress Star enjoys custom made heirloom jewelry only suitable for the real Lady of the Sato Clan despite being a sex slave for the majority of her life and hopefully will start a jewelry collection with her. Toga, we didn’t know what to get you considering you have most of everything and Raiden didn’t say what so we hope the money will serve you and your mate a trip to any destination you so desire from Elysia, Abaddon, Hasina, Rasui, Melaena, Mauricius, Kimi, and Molimo,” reads Toga before looking up. “Thank you but you really didn’t have to get us anything especially since we aren’t close. You are closer to Raiden but I’m sure it cost a lot to make heirloom worthy jewelry let alone 10 pieces and the money you gave us which is a lot.”

“All 10 pieces are within sets varying of between jewel, metal, or settings with earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and rings,” states Melaena. “Everything is of great quality since I do not make cheap stuff for my store and I do hope she enjoys them and passes them down to her children. One set in particular is a new set inspired by my trip to Incutopia and all the wonders I saw their especially the nobility with their jewels which was very intricate.”

“We must be off but we thought we’d stop by before heading home. We were staying for a few days with Raiden and thought we’d drop them off while we were here since we weren’t planning to stay long,” adds Mauricius.

They leave and Toga helps me to get the boxes on the desk so we can look over them. But Toga seems wary for some reason though everything seems gorgeous, and I was just worried I would get bit by them. Never once had a vampire master before but heard they are the worst master to get. There seems to be a ruby set, a diamond set, and the one inspired by Incutopia in here so I got three sets.

“Doesn’t Raiden hate humans?” asks Anastasiya.

“Yes, but I haven’t told him she is human,” replies Toga. “I just said I found someone that will be my mate since we switch mate and spouse often that he probably didn’t think it was a literal mate. And my mom, sister, and youngest brother know not to tell him and they know she’s human. He will see tonight that she is human. As much as it won’t affect the gifts we received from his friends I’m sure he may try to plot something later on to get me to realize I need a Neko as a wife not a human mate. I hope they don’t go along with it but it might happen. Then again it may happen when we find out where the princess of Incutopia is since mom knows how to keep him in line.”

“I see it’s probably to keep a few things on the download with him about dating humans and so forth.”

We talk for maybe another half an hour about things before the head slave comes back and there is three people with him all with dark blue eyes. They were two small curvy females one with light brown hair that had some wave to it and the other with stick straight blue-black hair and a tall lanky looking male and spiked dark brown hair.

“Toga, your mother, Lady Cho, sister, Lady Kimiko, and younger brother, Daisuke are here,” he states before leaving.

“Mom, I thought you were coming an hour later to help getting Star ready,” Toga replies.

“I’d thought I’d surprise you plus Daisuke wanted to come since he is way younger and Kimiko joined me at the door,” replies Cho. “She apparently had the same thought to surprise you to see if we needed to do anything before getting Star ready.”

“Everything is under control, mom and Kimiko, so you really don’t need to do anything. The slaves have it under control so I don’t see why you needed to come other than curiosity of my mate. Star, this is my family the person beside you is Daisuke and he is very much still a kitten. The straight haired female is my sister Kimiko who lives with her husband and has 3 children so far then there is my mom, Cho, and hopefully she doesn’t overstep her boundaries since she decided to come an hour earlier. Guys this is my mate to be and right now slave, Star,” points out Toga.

“Dude, she smells wonderful,” observes Daisuke. “Smells like a flower garden and definitely has your scent all over her. But how is Raiden going to act when he finally sees Star? Other than that, I have to see if I can get bouncy house or something.”

At that, Toga glares at Daisuke before retorting, “He will not touch her I will make sure of that and even if he makes a fit he will be escorted out of the party and I won’t talk to him for a week. If he so land a finger on her head he will be cut off and that include kidnapping her to get her out of the family. She’s my intended and I won’t let that happen to her no matter what even if it means hurting his feelings along with his little family.”

“Good deal, son, and I are glad you found someone especially one who is now your intended. Though tall, any connection with Incutopians? I know they grow considerably tall though you and Daisuke got tall even if your dad was of average height,” states Cho.

“Yes, I don’t know if she is full or partial Incutopian though. Mom, do you remember if there was more than one baby when the queen and king of Incutopia visited you? It might be helpful to look them up as well. I don’t remember if they said was more than one child or not. If you don’t remember then it is of no consequences.”

“No there were no other children with them when they came that day. You were all over her though and didn’t even want her to leave despite being 12 in human years but were much older in Neko since Nekos along with demons mature and grow faster than humans and at their own pace even if you were reach puberty. Then it tends to slow down until you reach adult to where it seems time stands still. So you were acting pretty much like a 16 year old then with no cares in the world before dad died 5 years back making you take control of the clan and the business. You had your 1st serious girlfriend during that time as well for 4 years before she died and a year later you married Izanami and 2 years later, you married Mitsuko. I know you were desperate but you could have healed. Which thankfully you were married for 5 and 3 years before your father passed even with trying to make the marriage work…”

“Mom, was it necessary to say all of that?”

“Well I was trying to explain how fast you grew up especially since your new mate doesn’t know it.”

“I can tell her myself and she knows about it to a degree since I told her this morning. Not to mention that is boundary stopping that I went over with you before she came home and one of them was that you do not tell her my past and that I will.”

“Sorry, I didn’t realize that you were going to tell her.”

Toga’s right black ear twitches at that but moves his head so he doesn’t cause a fight or at least I think he is trying not to fight with his mom or he is just very annoyed at her. In fact, I don’t know if this is the true him and he is saying things to make me believe him. His mom goes up to him and he moves her hand away from him.

“I’m sorry, Toga…” she starts.

“Then leave it be,” he retorts. “If you bring it up again you will leave until the party starts and I can get a slave to help to get Star ready. I told you before that you aren’t to tell my history to Star so let this be a warning to you so you don’t go any further. Dad would never do that and you always overstep your boundaries that I have in place no matter how many times I tell you.”

“Toga, it was a slip up. You asked about the child and she thought she would say what she remembered even some of it was your history that you have more than a right to tell Star,” defends Cho.

I leave the den only to be out of the way since I shouldn’t have anything involved in it and so that Toga can calm down since it seems he may have over reacted. Of course, I don’t know his mother acts on a normal basis or his family but with just seeing them now, it is also making wonder if I had a family what it would be like. What would my parents be like? What was their job? Would they love me and stop me from becoming a sex slave so young? Would I have siblings? I know none of these things since I have all these questions and then some about my life with them but no answers since no one knows my real name or even if I was actually given a name. I would like to think they are alive and searching for me when they get a chance but they are probably no better off than I am. But they would at least tell me how to deal with the bullying and abuse I receive from other humans. If I have, one goal in my off time is to find them but I have no clue where to start or how to eve go about searching for them when Master Toga had to give me my name. Trust me what I know is mostly from questions I’ve asked my masters but I can never be on their computers since they don’t want me to. I just want to know my real name and that they loved me even if they died.

A few tears roll down my cheek while thinking about what my parents might look like and how my life would be different. Unaware that Toga is looking at me since it got settled between him and his mom but I want a family. He has one and it seems to be throwing it away. Sure, I’ve seen bad parents and parents that always over step their boundaries but I thought she was within her boundaries for this even if he asked her not to earlier. I mean it could slip her mind, couldn’t it? Feeling two hands rubbing my cheek I look up to see Toga staring at me and probably wondering why I’m crying.

“Sorry,” he states. “She means well but oversteps her boundaries a lot and can be very overbearing at times. I did tell her before and many times before meeting you that she is not to tell you my history which is why I got mad at her.”

“I want my own family so it’s not the fight that got me worked up. I have no parents, no siblings that I know of let alone the name they gave my actual birthday or me. I’ve been trying to find them on my own but I have very little to go on in fact none to find my family. I have seen despicable families and ones that are very loving and I just keep wondering what mine would be like. I’m only a kid,” I cry out.

“I know you want a family and I’ll help you find your parents but we will become family our own family. You were unlucky that you were found as a baby, never given a name or anything that you can do to help you find them. There is no way that they didn’t love you and just abandoned in the forest, so hopefully we can find answers. Just be prepared that they may not be alive if we get any leads. It doesn’t mean they loved you less but they loved you so much that they sacrificed their life for you so you can live even if it is in slavery. Anything I can do for you, my love, I will. Is there anything I can do for you right now, honey?”

“No, I just thought I didn’t want to be in your way so I came out here.”

He nods his head and he gives me short and sweet kisses on the lips, which is rather new since every master that I had as a sex slave went for very much a passionate long kiss when they wanted to kiss me. I really need a map that says my misery of going from master to master ends here. My heart years for a family of my own including my parents and having a stable home but I’m so wary of everything that I don’t want to trust it right away. I was given away after 5 years with Ryuu and I really thought that was the end but it wasn’t. So a person who knows now stability whatsoever should believe for once that it is here but only in talks. Well I don’t and I don’t think anyone would in my shoes.

The hour leading up to getting ready goes fine none the less other than Toga trying to make the air less awkward between him and his mother. Daisuke though gets me to play a game with him so it distracts the two of us from all discussions between Toga and his mom. In fact it is a card game card war which I sometimes played with Ryuu when we were definitely alone though it was more of a strip version of it meaning the loser takes off a piece of clothes especially after an actual war though after a regular win you would just loosen something until it was completely off. Totally inappropriate but something he came up with and thankfully, it wasn’t strip war all the time, most of the time but now all the time. He silly and is telling chokes through the whole thing.

After the hour, Cho and Kimiko get me back into the master bedroom and star to do their magic in silence. For the first part, they are doing the makeup and hair but Cho had to rewash it because of the water being dumped on me earlier in the day. In fact, they turned it into a mini spa day, which I never had, and thankfully, as they were doing my feet I had lunch. Hands where a different story but they start to talk then to me asking questions.

“So what do you think of Toga?” asks Cho while doing the nails.

“I guess he is alright,” I reply. “It’s just weird to hear promises that I’ve been told before and were never kept. Been with too many masters to really believe in words and would rather actions speak for themselves instead of all talk and no action.”

“How many masters have you had?” asks Kimiko doing something near the closet.

“He’s my 6th one and I’m about 13 to 14 years old so the average has been ever 2.2-2.8 years I’ve gotten a new master. The longest master I’ve had was my previous master Lord Ryuu for 5 years and the least was about a year when I was a baby so I don’t remember that. Chief Nikolai had me for 3 years up until I think I was four for a reason I was never told but he didn’t want to hurt me. Then I had two kitsunes back to back both around 2 to 3 years themselves.”

“What have been your roles with them? It seems quiet high as of right now. 6 masters in that long and how long you are kept isn’t something that I would recommend to people especially masters and mistresses,” adds Cho.

“With my first one, I was basically being taken care of by the head slave and no real duties. Nikolai was actually in the process of teaching me domestic chores more leaning towards being a maid than a nanny due to my interest at that time then again it seems most of the kids my age for domestic chores was in that area. The two kitsunes, Ryuu, and here I was sold from the store as a sex slave since I was 4 years old though it seems Toga is turning it into his mate.”

“God, I’m going to be sick, you have had 4 partners in sex since you were four normally sex slaves are kept for a very, very long time normally 5 years or more and sometimes turns into mates themselves willing the wives have no fear or they have none,” observes Kimiko. “And normally they just reassigned normally within the house and they still have the same title just hidden better. Not saying the others were better for long term but the more masters you have as a sex slave the more likely you can get sexually transmitted diseases and they tend not to throw them away. Why would they sell you off? Especially Ryuu since he kept you for 5 years and could have reassigned you in the house”

“One the kitsunes really didn’t care and once they had their fill of abusing me and having sex with a child would sell me. Other than that each sell from what I understand and what they tell me was for my safety, I get bullied and abused a lot but the other slaves basically risking if I were to get reassigned without proper safety nets I could have end up dead in their care especially with the first master. Nikolai said he sold me one for my safety around the slaves and two to help him control urges towards me that he was getting. Lord Ryuu was it for my safety, to a degree yes, but his wife, Lady Yuki, demanded that he sell me back to work on their marriage because she knew that I would have the same title and didn’t want me hid in the house.”

“Yeah, I could see Yuki realizing that and if you took all the attention that she would want you away from the house. As for the others I’m sure something could have worked out and one of them being not being sold to two abusive kitsunes. Not all are like that and are normal demons but like anyone there is a few nut jobs per say and they are abusive to their slaves and don’t care about them. Though, if they were worried about your safety then yes they have more of a right to get you safe even if that means selling not that I agree with selling slaves to make them safe. It still does damage to a degree and for how many masters you’ve had the damage is done,” adds Kimiko. “I can’t see how a slave can go on like that knowing after awhile they will be sold back so you are hesitant about Toga keeping his word to you?”

“Yes, the only thing that I see different from the others that I do remember getting the marks his is a permanent mark. I cannot connect with him on a level he probably wants until I see for sure that I won’t get sold back even if the mate mark makes it 100xs harder to sell me back…”

“Understandable, you can’t open up until you see something that will make you change your mind,” interrupts Cho.

“He will have his ways to show you,” adds Kimiko. “He is smitten with you and won’t stop talking about you and how he stayed here all last week to nurse you back to health. Selling you back won’t be an option for him unless he dies before he can make you free. Do you remember that week?”

“Bits and pieces but I thought then he always worked from home until he left yesterday for work. Masters would get me better but I’d normally have to be in my cage but here I was in the bed and could actually get some rest. Today he had to punish a person for dumping dirty water on me and death threats and she wouldn’t listen along with checking on me afterwards then what happened when you two were talking. But from when I was in the store the first time it seems he was desperate and all I am for is to have a child legally for him.”

“He was desperate at that time and he was still figuring out the smell so he wasn’t going to come right out and say it to the clerk then. Did he seem concerned?”

“Yes, he did about me being passed around so much. And when I met him again after 2 weeks and I asked him something about picking me he said he wasn’t totally sure other than a few things of a stable environment but that he wasn’t totally sure then,” I state finally getting uncomfortable with the questions.

They try to ask more questions about things from what I went through as a child. Though they want, a lot more detail than even Toys has asked for yet which I think is weird. They really want to know what abuse I've been put through and if any master was trying to incorporate me into their family along with wanting to know my family. I tell them with what I feel comfortable with. Understanding they finally change the subject to something else something, I have no clue about. So they talk amongst themselves. Once that is done they get me into a strapless deep jewel purple curve hugging dropped waist ball gown that has crystals all over the bodice in a floral design and embroidery in the same design while the skirt of the dress ahs some pickups and crinoline making it puffy. It seems to be a corset type top because of the laced back and a sweetheart neckline and I’m not used wearing something this expensive. There still seems that needs to be done.

There is a knock at the door since it is around 3 and I have no clue when things are to start but it seems they are still fussing around me as if things need to be done. My nails have been painted with purple and black flower in the center. From what I can tell, they are trying to decide on jewelry and it seems there is a pair of black pumps by the dresser. Cho answers it and it is only a few slaves that hand her something and tell me to sit again to get the jewelry on. I can’t see any more but I hate that I could only see the dress on the hanger and not me until everything is done. I know they take out my earrings that Nikolai pierced when I was a child for a reward for doing something he wanted me to do but was hesitant on because of my age. After a few minutes, they finish with what they have to do with the jewels and they took time with what appears to be on my hair style.

Cho helps me up and gets me in front of a mirror. I can’t believe who I’m looking at. My hair up in a tight bun on top of my head that is encrusted in diamonds, I’m wearing teardrop earrings with amethysts and diamonds. A necklace is the same as the earrings along with the bracelet. I can’t believe this dress looks good on me and it doesn’t feel heavy. The only thing I’m worried about is the heals. I have never worn them before and they were at least a 4 inch healing that I was given which adds a few more inches to my height.

“You look wonderful,” states Cho. “And it seems you are getting an hour glass figure which most girls want to have. This dress is perfect for you and it accentuates your figure that you already have. But we need to get ready, which will take another hour, but we said we would take care of you. Plus you look so grown up even if you are a young teenager.”

“Thanks but I’ve never worn heal before and I can’t walk in them,” I reply.

“It will come but Toga didn’t want a small heal and said to keep around 3 to 4 inches for the parties. And we are still looking for everyday heels for you, which will be smaller to help you to get to walk in them. Though, you might be at the same height once you stop growing in heels.”

I stumble on my way back to the seat as they others get their hair done and clothes on for another hour making it 4 before we go out. Toga is right outside the door in a black tuxedo with a purple tie and pocket square and I see a silver vest underneath of it. Taking his arm, he wraps it around my waist and brings me into him before I can see him smile at me.

“You look wonderful, babe,” he greets. “Guests will be arriving in a half an hour and remember to be civil and respectful otherwise no reward. And it is Toga you are to call me Toga not master tonight though nothing will happen if you do go back to master.”

“I know, Master, but I can’t walk in heels. I’ve never been in them before.”

“You’ll get used to them as time goes by but you can cling on to me as you get used to the heels. You are still young so I can see why your masters before me didn’t want you in heels until you were done growing. You are nearly done and we are close to the same height now even if you are tall for a girl especially at your age. Though, you won’t be in heels for much longer unless something changes.”


“Just a feeling, right now but I might be proven wrong.”

He starts to kiss me before his mom coughs and we head down stairs to see more people and I recognize Lord Ryuu and his family who pretty much ignores me other than Ryuu. Then there are three other people here one I believe are Raiden and I guessing his mate because he growls at me.

“She’s human!” the person yells. “My wife, Rin, and I had to come here to see that you are actually in love with a human! Where are your fucking priorities right now, Toga? Be a Neko and a man, so go get yourself a female Neko to be by your side not some low life nothing but a slave Human girl.”

“Raiden, be nice or I will kick you out before the party starts. She is my mate and my intended whom I can’t help who is my intended since that is different,” threatens Toga.

“Well you can’t kick us out because we are leaving and I hope you have a nice life with you and your slut.”

Rin and Raiden leave and the remaining male bows.

“Kenichi,” states Kimiko kissing him. “This is Star, Toga’s new mate and I think she’ll fit right in with the family. Now if we can only get Raiden and Rin onboard with her.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Star,” greets Kenichi. “You look absolutely radiant.”

“Thank you,” I reply.

“Kenichi, you got out of work early, didn’t you,” adds Toga. “Thank you for coming.”

“No problem and it are good to finally see you happy. Kimiko has wanted to be happy for a long time and with mating season approaching in 2 weeks we didn’t know how things would go for you this year. What is her birthday and age?” asks Kenichi.

“I’m around 13 to 14 years old and I don’t know my exact birth date,” I inform. “I was found on from what I’ve been told November 11th and I’ve been calculating my birth date from that and I’m more 13 years since it is only April 12th so I still have more than 6 months before I turn 14. Actually I didn’t have a formal name until Toga named me so most of my masters referred to me as slave or girl.”

“Besides how you are dressed and your hair which does make you look older but not by much, you do still look very young probably later teens than early teens with the hair up. And I am sorry since from my understanding when that happens you don’t know your parents or any family members whatsoever. But that was around the time Queen and King of Incutopia were here. Any chance…”

“I don’t think so. If there was I should have been taken by the authorities and be there right now ruling the nation. Even if they never found the princess.”

He nods his head and just waits for things to really start which people start to come within a half an hour. Most don’t bring anything other than congratulating cards and us but other than that no real gifts comes. Toga does most of the talking and I only say a few words since I feel a little overwhelmed by this and hoping I am being respectful but Toga right now doesn’t say anything to me. After an hour of people coming, Toga hands me a glass that looks like a wine glass and I look at him as he gets his own.

“What is this?” I ask.

“Wine,” he replies. “Legal age here in my land is 18 unless you are engaged, to be mated with, mated, or married to a person who is older than 18 then you have to be older than 12 years old. And you are older so you can have alcohol just I’m not to give you too much. I am way older than 18 in fact next month I’m to be turning 25 years old in human years but in maturity wise with Nekos it is a long time. We normally mate off around in the teens. But we live for on average 90 to 100 years old. And you are doing fine.”

He kisses me on the forehead, we get into the room, and he takes the microphone.

“Thank you all for coming out,” he starts. “As you know this is about me finding a 3rd mate from the 2 wives I already have and I would love for Mitsuko and Izanami to be here but they went on a mission and when I asked them to return and their boss. The boss said it was their choice but they said no but they said to have fun and congrats on finding a new mate. I’d like to introduce my new mate to be Star and I hope she is accepted by all of my friends even if she doesn’t know you.”

They clap as Toga nods at me and I just wave since he still has the microphone before handing it to I guess is the DJ that he hired.

“Ok, ok, dinner is ready so if everyone could go into the dining hall and afterwards there will be dancing,” states the DJ.

At that, we trickle in to the dining room and I’m placed at Toga’s right hand as the others find their seat. I don’t know how many courses are being served just that Ricardo has been busy yesterday and I’m sure today about this. There is light discussions around the tables set up about things but really there is more than one table and Toga and I are at a table with his family and Nikolai so really we don’t go up and around the tables until we have a break between courses. During the table rotation, we try to engage in what they are talking about and everything until having to go on even if Toga knew more about what they are talking about.

After dinner the dancing is more of a slow dance for majority of the songs which I think is nice but I want to have songs that are more upbeat. Granted I didn’t plan this Toga did and probably went on what normally happen here and so forth. We did take a few breaks here and there to talk to people and to get dessert in us once the Venetian hour came available. So couldn’t pull myself away from the cupcakes. Ok so maybe I had 3 cupcakes something that is very much used as a reward for slaves and something right now I had free access to. The dancing lasted 3 hours and all the saying goodbyes was a good relief. Ryuu was shown his room when he came so he went there when things was finally over and Toga and I go to the master bedroom.

“You did excellent tonight,” he states. “Much more than expected out of you in all honesty, I guess Ryuu had you scared somewhat at parties he hosted?”

“You could say that and plus he had stricter rules for me to follow than just being civil and respectful but actually he wanted me to talk more than I did but I don’t know half of the conversations that comes up so how can I add to them other than saying I have no clue about them. My shyness and quietness more or less come out around humans and kitsunes not demons that I don’t know or I know who have treated me well,” I reply.

“I can see how that will make you appear quiet if you don’t know anything on the subject or have no idea what they are talking about to even form an opinion. My library has history in it so you can look at it and it may be good for the both of us to watch the news together. Knowing what is being said would be good so you aren’t construed as being rude to guests when you aren’t just very little or no knowledge on the subject. As for the trust issues we can work on that slowly especially with the humans. I don’t want that translating into our kittens, which we will have in time most likely sooner rather than later if my hunches are correct. Until we know though any parties, you will have some alcohol like tonight.”

I nod my head and get my shoes off before getting the makeup off.

“Oh and about the reward, how soon do you want it?” he inquires smirking at me.

“Anytime you get the chance to would be fine,” I reply. “Though I have no clue what you are thinking about reward right now because I had way too many cupcakes tonight. I would have easily suggested that but I’m not going to eat them in awhile.”

“Tonight then?”

“Tonight, don’t you have to get it?”

“No, but how many times as a sex slave have you been put before your masters? Yes, do I want to have sex with you tonight but not at the expense of you not having a good time or not having your needs met first? Reward doesn’t always have to be something physical like you are lead to believe but something more intimate and more relationship wise. I’m not doing what I’m doing last night and don’t expect actual intercourse tonight unless you want it. You dictate how tonight goes not me.”

“But aren’t you the dominate in the relationship?”

“Yes, but being a dominate doesn’t mean ignoring your wants or pleasures and I think it will be awhile before you can see that. So what do you want to start out with?”

“A foot massage sounds good once I get comfortable. These heels are killing my feet.”

He smiles and helps me to get out of the dress, which I didn’t realize they tied it, as tight as they could. After he is ready, himself for bed he does the massage, which somehow ended up as a full body massage. In fact, it does lead to much more and frankly a more relax me during it since somehow I requested it and actually the massage might have helped me more to connect than the actual sex itself for right now.