Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

It's Not Important

I… wasn’t so sure what to expect when Calyn told me to watch this video. But… I did. Jake’s face filled the screen… and I couldn’t keep my smile from curling across my face. Aw, my baby!

“So… Calyn told me that I needed to spill my heart out to you… because… I don’t know why to be honest,” he started, chuckling so cutely. “I mean… I love,” he couldn’t contain his grin now. Aw! “And I love your little boy. He’s awesome. I can’t wait to see where he goes with his riding and be a part of all of that,” his blue eyes nearly glowing at this point.

“This isn’t about you and Liam, Jake!” Calyn’s voice bickered at him. It was playful though. I could hear the giggle in her voice.

“Right, right… I feel like I’m going to recite my vows, but that comes later. But, Ky, I love you… so much. You mean the world to me. You make me so happy and I cannot wait to start out lives together. See you soon, babe,” he finished with a bright smile… and a wink.

It was the cutest thing. I felt all bubbly inside from it. I wasn’t able to wipe the smile off of my face. I think a few… tears may have come out too, but… they were manageable.

“Ready for yours?” Calyn snickered from behind me.

“What are you doing? Trying to kill me from his cuteness?” I teased and dabbed at my eye with a tissue.

“… Maybe,” she giggled, “Now come on, dry those eyes. He needs to see you!” she went on.

I tried to. As I was doing so, I tried to think of what I would say. I didn’t want to make it long. I needed to save something for my vows. Ok… here we go.

“Oh, Jacob,” I started, trying to form words. “You… are amazing. I don’t know how else to say it. You just are. I don’t know why you decided that you wanted me to marry me, of all people… especially after you found out everything. That just shows how great of a guy you are… and you’re an amazing papa to Liam and… I couldn’t ask for a better man than you. I love you and I can’t wait until you’re… my husband,” I finished, being able to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall.

“Aw,” Calyn cooed after she shut the camera off. She even came over and gave me tight hug. I still… felt terrible about last night, but… Jake… I need him. I can’t let… that come between us.

“I want this day to be over with,” I huffed.

“Aw, come on. Cheer up. You’ll see your Jakey soon and you’ll forget about everything,” she countered.

“I hope so,” I sighed.

She gave me a sympathetic look before I left the room to gather all of my things. Calyn and I didn’t say too much on the way to the church. She was working on her computer though… putting together that video for Jake. It seemed sweet. I hope it made him as happy as his made me.

To be honest, the next few hours just flew by. I was being pulled everything. I had to get my hair and makeup done. I was being pushed into my dress. My bridal party was getting assembled… with Calyn at the head of it. It seemed like in no time at all, I was… seeing Jake all dressed up in his tux. He looked gorgeous. I honestly couldn’t breathe once I was standing in front of him. His vows were beautiful too. They made me cry! But I got him back with mine. Those big eyes of his glossed over. And it all built up so that we could share our first kiss as husband and wife.

“We did it!” Jake spoke first as we were in a room, waiting for our photographer to come so we could take more pictures.

I couldn’t form words. All I could do was kiss him! I was so worried that this wouldn’t happen. But it did! I can finally let all of my excitement out. As we slowly parted from our loving kiss, he brought his hands up, each cupping one of my cheeks so that he could flash off his smile.

“Calyn… told me that we needed to talk this morning,” he started.


“It’s… not important,” I tried to wave it off.

“What’d… Wil do?” he asked.

“Can we please not talk about him? Just for today?” I was hopeful.

Slowly, he let his smile curl back over his face. After we shared another kiss, Jake leaned in, rubbing his nose against mine. Like always, it brought a giggle out of me.

“You look beautiful,” he told me, letting his hands run down my back, stopping at the small of it, “but… I can’t wait to get you out of all of this,” he went on, snickering.

“Stop it,” I laughed and smacked his chest playfully.

“We can plan babies now,” he added, kissing along my neck playfully.

As the room filled with my laughter, the door to the room that we were in opened. We looked over and saw Eli stepping in with Liam in his arms; Calyn was behind them. I smiled and went over to take my little boy. He looked so handsome! All of us hung out until we had to go take pictures. I was finally happy though. With the way last night turned out, I couldn’t have imagined today going this well. But I’m glad it did… and now I have Jake… and I’m not ever letting him go!
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