Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

So Why Did You...

Jake and I’s honeymoon… was pretty much non-existent. We got one night to ourselves at a fancy hotel… and we went back home the next day. The season was coming up though. Jake promised me a vacation once things chilled out a bit.

Today, Jake was doing some testing. He had invited Liam and I to go. In return, I asked Calyn if she’d want to come. I figured Eli would have riding stuff to do. She asked if it were both Kawi riders at the track, and I knew it was just a bad idea to begin with. Obviously, she didn’t want to come. I should have known.

“Can I ride?” Liam asked as we were on our way to the Kawi test track.

“Not today, honey,” I told him.

“But Papa is,” he whined.

“Because Papa has to get his bike right for the first race,” I answered.

“Oh,” he replied, “When can I start racing?”

“Maybe we can find you some tracks that…” Jake started, but I reached over and socked him in the chest to shut him up. Liam’s not racing… yet! I know he’s got talent on a bike, but I’m a mom! It scares me! I want to keep him in a little bubble and keep him forever!

“Gotta let him do it sometime,” he spoke softly.

“Not now,” I muttered.

He chuckled and pulled on in to the test track. Without waiting for anyone, Liam climbed out of the truck and followed Jake around. It was cute. While the boys were occupied with the bike… I had a little mission to go on. Jake’s teammate had pulled up just before we did. After the ginger had gotten his bike out of the bed of his truck, I went over and hopped onto the tailgate. He went on to put the bike on the stand and then glanced over at me.

“Yes?” he questioned.

“How are you?” I started, easing into this.

“Fine… how is Mrs. Weimer?” he countered, eyeing me oddly.

Ok, so… as you could probably guess, I’m not… really friends with this guy. We get along just because of Jake honestly. He picks on me… and it pisses me off, because I feel like he does it because of everything that’s happened between him and Cay, but… I try to look past that. Jake doesn’t need to know about any of that.

“I was just… wondering about… your little dance with a certain someone at our wedding. It kind of… sparked my interest,” I told him.

“I don’t see how that’s your business,” he went on and started to shed his street clothes.

“When it’s my best friend it is…” I countered, trying to contain my attitude.

“I just wanted to make sure she was ok,” he huffed.

“And you suddenly became such a caring guy?” I couldn’t hold my tongue!

“Does Eli even know?!” he kind of raised his voice.

“Do you think anyone knows?”

“But I mean… I know I wasn’t around when it all happened with her, but… it still sucked when I found out,” he softened his tone… and I actually… felt bad for this guy. Yes, me… I felt bad for… Ryan Villopoto .

“She’s not going to lose this one,” I told him.

“But if she does… and the odds are against her, it’s not going to feel good to her or Eli when that happens,” he replied.

“That’s for her and Eli to handle though,” I sighed.

“I know,” he sighed as well.

“So why did you…”

“I don’t know!” he cut me off.

“Ok, ok. Sorry. She’s my best friend. You should understand where I’m coming from,” I huffed and jumped off of his truck.

I left it at that. As long as he didn’t have any intentions of messing up my friend’s and her husband’s relationship, I was fine with it. But… I don’t know. Whatever. I need to worry about my own I guess. Not that… we’re having troubles. We’re doing great. I’m so in love with him. No one’s ever made me this happy before and I only hope this trend continues.
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