Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Give It All You Got Tonight

Eli walked out with a towel around his waist, while I held the towel to my frame and watched him wander out. I sighed when he was completely out of sight. Boy drove me crazy! I made my way out slowly and into my closet to get dressed. I slowly got dressed while hobbling a bit, then I walked over to see E dressed in a pair of black shorts and a white tee. He looked at my knee and pouted, “come on. Let’s get you some ice.”

“It only hurts a little,” I said softly.

He swept me up in his arms before I could disagree and carried me downstairs. He set me on the couch and kissed my lips softly, “I’ll get you an ice pack you just relax.”

I nodded and turned the TV on. I flipped through the channels and landed on FuelTV as they were airing some older things. Eli walked back in and handed me the ice, “want anything else?”

“You on the couch,” I said softly.

He smiled and wandered around. He watched me wiggle to the middle of the couch, and then sat down. I smiled and leaned against him but still elevated my knee. He wrapped his arms in around me and kissed my temple. I smiled up at him and Kylee walked in with Jake all refreshed. She looked at us, “sounded like you guys were having fun.”

“We are always having fun,” I said smiling.

“Oh no, I meant fun,” she smirked.

“Shut up!” I said throwing a couch pillow at her.

She chuckled and walked over, “how’s the knee?”

I lifted the ice pack off and she grimaced, “it’s not that bad!”

“Oh dear,” she said softly. “Shouldn’t you call the doctor?”

“I don’t want too,” I said softly. “It’s just sprained.”

“It looks like you tore something,” she said softly.

“Kylee,” I said trying to stop her.

“Babe, she’s right,” Eli said resting his chin on my shoulder. “If something’s wrong, you got time to fix it now, and still be out there racing at the start of the season.”

I sighed and looked at him, “if I need surgery will you help take care of me?”

He smiled and kissed my pouty lips, “I did last time.”

“And I love you for that,” I said smiling up at him. He did take care of me when I damaged my ACL back in 2011. Hopefully this time I just damaged it and not tore it.

He smiled and kissed me again, “and I love you.”

“Did I just hear the four letter word out of Eli’s mouth?” Jake said walking into the room.

“Shut up,” I said flipping Jake off.

He chuckled and smiled, “you are two crazy love birds.”

I rolled my eyes and kissed Eli softly, “so what if we are?”

“Call your doctor,” Kylee said walking into the kitchen.

“Fine,” I groaned and grabbed my phone. I dialed my doctors office, damn it being a Monday and them being open.

I hung up shortly after that and looked at Eli, “he wants me there in an hour, so that means we must leave now.”

Eli nodded, “alright, grab your stuff and we’ll head over.”

I sighed and yelled for Kylee. She came walking in and looked at me, “yes?”

“Can you go grab the insurance card out of the file?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said wandered down to the office.

“You don’t carry it with you?” Eli asked.

“I do, but that’s upstairs,” I said shrugging. “I have the secondary card in my file in the office.”

She wandered back in with it and handed it to me, “here you go.”

“Thanks, you going to hang with Jake?” I asked slowly getting up.

She nodded, “call me when you get the results.”

I nodded and Eli swept me up in his arms startling me again, “E! You got to stop that!”

He chuckled and carried me out to my truck, “just taking care of you.”

“Why don’t you have carry me like that?” Kylee asked looking at Jake.

“Because,” he said shrugging.

I kissed E’s lips lightly as he set me down in the passenger seat, “thanks.”

“Well, it’s my fault in a way, I pushed you to race hard,” he said sighing and placing his head on my shoulder.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him, “no, no its not. It’s all mine for being an idiot and whiskey throttling it.”

He chuckled, “you weren’t focusing.”

I sighed, “I was trying.”

He rubbed my thigh, “we’ll get you fixed up.”

I nodded and rubbed his side through his shirt, “we will and I’ll have you every step of the way.”

“That’s right,” he said and kissed me softly.

I smiled and let him close the door then get into the driver seat. I looked over at him, “you’re driving a Chevy!”

He chuckled, “for you, I’ll drive a Chevy.”

I smiled, “that’s right baby. You can still off road in this baby.”

He smiled and drove me towards the doctor’s office. I was ready for this to be over with and to know if I fucked up again.

Eli helped me into the truck and put the crutches in the backseat. I sighed and looked out the window. I really fucked up this time; torn ACL. Eli got around the truck and looked at me, “want to go to the shop?”

“I guess we better,” I said sighing.

He grabbed my hand as he drove us down the road towards the Geico Honda Factory Connection shop. I was going to need to talk to the team manager tell him I couldn’t ride for at least three months.

I called Kylee on the way telling her the news and letting her know surgery next week. I looked over at Eli as we drove, “thanks for doing this.”

He smiled, “it’s no problem. If you want I can come crash for a few days at your place.”

I sighed, “you don’t have too.”

“I could use some time away from the parents,” he said smiling.

I leaned over and kissed his cheek, “that’d be sweet if you could.”

We got to the shop and I hobbled in to tell the team. Of course they asked how and why and how long. I told them the whole thing and they understood it was practice and that’s what happens sometimes.

We headed home after, well Eli stopped at his place to grab his things he’d need while he was over. I wanted in the truck for him. When we got home he helped my into the house. Jake’s truck was gone now and the house was quiet. I shrugged thinking they had both went off for a while. I flopped onto the couch and Eli looked at me as I looked all bummed, “cheer up.”

I sighed and looked at him, “it just sucks!”

He nodded and sat down on the couch next to me. I sighed and curled into his side. He held me close and spoke, “you need to cheer up.”

“I don’t think anything will cheer me up,” I said softly.

“What if,” he said slowly, “I help you upstairs and we watch some movies curled up under your covers.”

I shrugged, “maybe.”

“What about this?” he said then kissed my lips lightly and just as I was about to respond he moved away from my lips to my jaw and down my neck slowly.

I wiggled, “E.”

He smirked, “nope, got to cheer you up.”

He kissed me right behind my ear and that was too much. I gripped his thigh, “seriously Eli.”

He chuckled and whispered against my skin, “sounds like I found someone’s sweet spot.”

I gulped, “maybe.”

“How you feeling now?” he asked nuzzling his nose in my neck.

“Hot,” I said softly.

He hummed against my neck, “that doesn’t mean you’re cheered up though.”

I looked at him as smirked at me. I tried to wiggle away from him, but he just trapped my on the other end of the couch. I was on my back, defenseless. He smirked, “I got you now.”

“E,” I said softly. “Come on.”

He leaned down and kissed me softly at first but it got more intense. His hand was up my shirt, mine was up his. There may or may not have been some grinding. but that quickly ended when the front door opened and Kylee walked in was bags of food.

“Oh my gosh!” she yelled shielding her eyes. “Seriously?!”

“Nothing’s happening!” I groaned and Eli just giggled and buried his face in my neck.

“Really!?” she asked.

“You two were totally dry humping!” Jake said as he walked by.

“I thought you two left!” I said loudly again.

“Yeah, to get food!” Kylee said heading towards the kitchen.

I squirmed and E kissed my sweet spot again. I pinched his side causing him to groan, “that hurt!”

“Well,” I said giving him ‘the look’. He just smiled innocently at me. I wiggled and gasped lightly as I felt little E.

“Sorry,” he said and got up. “I’ll just go upstairs.”

I felt bad, if I would have just said I was cheered up he wouldn’t be in this situation. Kylee looked at Eli, “you two can finish, I mean you probably were halfway there.”

I threw a pillow at her, “go away.”

“Just go finish the deed!” Jake yelled from the kitchen. “Don’t leave the man with a ragger!”

I blushed and Eli looked at me like yeah, don’t leave me hanging! I stood up, Eli swept me up again and hurried us up the stairs. I was blushing like mad as he did so. Kylee was going to start calling us rabbits or something. I mean, she and Jake were just as bad before she knew I knew.

I looked at him, “I hate to be the bearer or bad news, but I ain’t anywhere in the mood now.”

“I can fix that,” he said and leaned down kissing me sweet spot.

“E,” I whispered.

He pulled away looking at me, “yes?”

“They’re downstairs,” I whispered.

“So what?” he said shrugging.

I looked at him, “we already had shower sex…”

He groaned and put his head in my neck, “you’re really killing me here.”

I bit my lip and pushed him up and tugged his shirt off, “then this time it better be special.”

“Baby, just fall into my kiss, because it should just happen like this, trust It so much that there’s no one else but us and this moment that says its so right, cause that’s all we have in this live,” he sang George Strait to me.

I smiled and sang with him softly, “drink up this love, baby, give it all we got tonight.”

He smirked and kissed me roughly, then that’s where it all started again. He knew just how to make me weak in my knees. Boy was he my little country boy…
♠ ♠ ♠

Title Credit to Give It All You Got Tonight by George Strait
Yup, that's one of Eli's favorite country singers! ;)
