Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Well Fine!

“There are going to be babies…” I mumbled while Jake and I stayed in the kitchen.

“Nine months there will be a little Tomac running around,” he snickered in reply.

“I don’t even want to be in my house right now. Oh my god. Why?” I groaned and rested my head on the counter.

“You keep forgetting that I don’t live with anyone…” he replied.

“Yeah, but… things happen between us when we’re alone…” I taunted.

“Not tonight. I promise,” he smiled at me, “We’ll have a movie night or something.”

“Really?” I was hopeful. That sounded so nice!

“If that’s what you want.”

“I do!” I nearly squealed.

He chuckled at me before he came over towards me. Once he was close enough, I wrapped my arms around him tightly… just because I could. While I was still tangled with him, he lifted me up onto the counter. When our eyes met, we shared a smile before our lips clashed together, allowing us to share a quick kiss.

Once we parted, his grip around me tightened. Before either of us could say anything, he picked me up and carried me out to his truck. The whole while, I couldn’t help but giggle though…

“What?” he asked as he opened the passenger door for me.

“I got on you about Eli carrying Calyn and now you’re suddenly carrying me to your truck?” I teased.

“… Coincidence!” he chuckled himself.

After he placed me in the seat, I just shook my head. He’s adorable; coincidence or not.

I didn’t give him a hard time after this. I was just happy to be getting out of the house so I wasn’t… hearing things all damn night! And the thought of having a cute little movie night with Jake sounded so nice right now.

When we got to his place, he took me back to his room first. He got out a pair of shorts and shirt for me to change into since I didn’t grab anything before we left. Like I was going to pass Calyn’s room just to get clothes. He left me to change and I did just that. I’ve always… liked being in his clothes though. They always smelled so strongly of him. And even though they hung on my frame loosely, I still felt so secure.

Shaking those dumb thoughts away, I went back out to his living room. A movie was already playing as he lay on the couch. Once he saw me, his lips curled into a toothless grin while opening his arms for me. I accepted and fell into them.

To be honest, I didn’t care too much for this movie. But I was tired… and Jake’s arms were so warm. Forgetting about the movie, I rolled over and nuzzled into his chest. After I was settled, one of his hands ran along my back as he placed a soft kiss to my forehead.

“Tired, babe?” he asked gently, continuing to rub my back.

“Mhm,” I mumbled, allowing my eyes to close now.

“I wanted to talk to you though,” he spoke in a tone barely above a whisper.

“About what?” I countered, keeping my eyes in their same state.


Oh shit. I hate talking about us! I never know what I want us to be. I like him… a lot. He makes me happy and some days I want him to be my boyfriend and some days I just want to be his friend… and some days I just want to fuck him. But usually when Jake wants to talk about us, it’s to… take that step to have an actual title.

“What about us?” I finally asked.

“I want you,” was all he said.

“You have me,” I teased.

“I want you as my girlfriend,” he chuckled.

“Why?” it just kind of… came out. I didn’t mean for it to, but… it did. And I felt like a complete bitch.

“Because I care about you and you’re that person that takes my breath away… and I want to be that person to you too,” he explained… and my heart nearly melted away. Again! I feel like the biggest bitch. I keep kind of… pushing him away. Yet, he’s still so sweet. I… didn’t know what to say!

“You’re already that person,” I finally came up with once my eyes opened.

“Then why is this like pulling teeth for us to be together?” he chuckled now.

“I don’t know!” I groaned.

“Tough moto girls can get a little soft around guys. It’s ok,” he teased.

“But I don’t want too,” I whined playfully.

“Well, then just me,” he smiled.

“I don’t want people to know that I actually have feelings…” I taunted.

“But you do,” he teased right back, “And they’re for me.”

“They are,” I giggled now.

“So…” he trailed off.

“If… you really want me to be your girlfriend, I think you would be the most amazing boyfriend,” I confessed.

“I’ve been telling you for months that I want you to be my girlfriend,” he laughed again.

“Well fine!” I huffed playfully.

“So… you’re my girlfriend?”

“Yes!” I countered, letting my smile come back over me.

“And I’m… your boyfriend?”

“Yes, Jake!” he was being a big goof right now.

His adorable little chuckle filled my ears once more as he pulled me in tighter, planting soft kisses all over my face. It sent me into a round of hysterics. Even though I gave him such a hard time for so long… I was so happy that this moment came and I was able to give in. I have a boyfriend now! … And he’s one of the greatest guys I’ve ever met… not to mention super cute!
♠ ♠ ♠
