Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Know Your...

I followed behind E slowly as he lead us towards the team hauler. I hated these stupid crutches and to be here in front of everyone and all the media. I knew what they all were thinking, ’was she going to be able to race this season?’ ‘How’d she hurt herself?’ They could tell it was my knee by the stupid knee brace I was stuck wearing. I groaned at Eli, “slow down!”

He looked back noticing he was so much further ahead then me, “sorry, not use to you being so slow.”

I sighed, “I know. I need a dang scooter.”

He chuckled, “we could find you one.”

I rolled my eyes, “no, I think I’d rather hide in the hauler until you go out to race then hitch a ride up to watch.”

“At lease you’ll come watch me,” he said smiling as we neared the hauler.

I sighed tired from the trek to the hauler. The team just shook their heads at me. I glared back playfully, knowing they were giving me shit. I plopped down on the closet thing to sit on. Brian looked at Eli, “I just went out and looked at the track, it’s going to be decent tonight.”

I watched Eli nod and lean on his bike only to kick up a conversation with Brian. I pulled my cell phone out and shot Kylee a text, ’girl where you at?! Eli’s in race mode already and I’m stuck here on crutches!

I was ready for the practices and qualifying to start. I was hoping we could walk away with another win with these being the closets track to home for him, making it the “hometown” track his family that usually didn’t come to every race was there ready to support him. I looked up and saw the fans starting to trickle in slowly. I sighed and looked down at my phone.

I looked up to see Kylee walking over and smiled. She was dressed all cute today and it made me jealy because I was stuck in this bulky brace on my knee. “Want me to give you a piggy back ride?” she teased.

I chuckled, “like old times?!”

“Sure, why not?!” she said smiling widely.

“So you finally stepped up to the plate and asked her to be your girlfriend, huh?” I heard Brian say to Eli.

“Yeah,” he replied looking at me smiling.

“Don’t loose focus now,” Brian smirked.

“He doesn’t loose focus, that’s me remember!” I yelled over at him.

He chuckled, “that’s how that happened, huh?”

“Maybe,” I said shrugging.

“Staring at E’s butt as he raced ahead of you huh?” he asked grinning.

“No!” I laughed. “I focus away from that.”

“Sure,” he said nodding and walked into the hauler.

“You were so checking out his butt, no wonder you whiskey throttle it,” Kylee said teasing me. “I didn’t think of that.”

“I was not!” I said defensive.

“Why you getting so defensive then huh?” she asked smirking at me.

I picked up one of my crutches, “I’ll beat you with my crutch now woman!”

“Ehk,” Kylee said jumping backwards. “I’ll be nice!”

“Better,” I said smirking. “I have weapons.”

“She pokes a lot with them,” Eli said watching me.

“She’s been poking you, not the other way around?” she asked looking at Eli.

“Hey, you’ve been there. We’ve behaved,” Eli said holding up his hands.

Kathy and Jon walked over and Kathy spoke to her son, “you been behaving with Calyn lately?”

“He’s been causing all sorts of trouble over at our house Mrs. Tomac,” Kylee said smirking.

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Jon responded.

“I’ve been good!” Eli said sticking up for himself.

I smiled, “he has for the most part. We don’t have chocolate in the house so he’s been behaving.”

“So you think,” he said smirking.

I pointed my crutch at him, “did you sneak chocolate into the house?”

“Never,” he said still smiling.

“Lies,” I said. “I’ll find your stash, don’t worry.”

He smiled, “so you say.”

I stood up and crutched over to him, “not to hard to find.”

He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him. He stood up and kissed my cheek, then glancing over I saw Donn Madea holding his camera. I groaned, I had told them I couldn’t fulfill the job because of the injury, so I had returned the camera. Kylee looked over at us and said she'd catch us later.

“Hey, just wanted to let you know, your pieces were put up on the website,” he said.

“Thanks,” I said smiling and looked at E. “I’m going to go into the hauler.”

“Oh wait,” Donn said stopping me. I turned and looked at him, “we got this idea to see who knows their racer better and we were wondering if you’d want to be apart of it?”

I looked confused, “E and I aren’t.”

“Go for it,” Eli said smiling. “Who she going head to head with?”

“We were going to see if Jake and Kylee would,” Donn said.

I sighed, “alright.”

“Alright,” he looked over at Eli. “We can’t let you guys cheat, so go somewhere else.”

I chuckled and kissed Eli as he shrugged and went in to get ready for the day. I looked at Donn, “I’m ready.”

“Alright,” he said lifting the camera then speaking again, “What is Eli’s favorite place to eat, In and Out or Chipotle?”

I smiled, “during the off season he has no problem going to in and out, but he’s usually pretty good to his diet otherwise.”

“What is his weakness in racing?” he asked next.

I balanced on my crutch and thought, “oh, holeshot. He’s working on that much more this year.”

“Favorite dessert?” he asked watching me closely.

“Oh anything chocolate,” I said smiling. “He has a major sweet tooth when it comes to chocolate.”

“If you were to pull up his iPod playlist what would be on it?”

“He has such a mixed playlist, but there will be some country and some rock. You can always find some George Strait on his playlist and maybe some Metallica,” I said nodding.

“Favorite vehicle to drive?”

“Oh we had this debate the other day!” I said chuckling. “He’s a Ford guy, gag, I know! But really I’m trying to get him to be a Chevy person.”

“And finally, biggest pet peeve?”

“Driving in traffic!” I chuckled. “He makes me drive in the city, but if were out in the middle of nowhere he’ll drive.”

“Alright,” he said ending the recording. “We’ll see how you do.”

I chuckled and watched him go off inside to find Eli. I smiled, “I so aced that. Kylee has nothing on me!”

Shortly after that Donn walked out, “congrats you know him pretty well, but we’ll see how you compare to Kylee.”

“Let me see how I did,” I said grinning, he smiled and walked over pressing play for me.

Donn: “favorite place to eat, In and Out or Chiplote?”
Eli: “In and out definitely during the off season.”
Donn: “Race Weakness?”
Eli: “My holeshots.”
Donn: “Dessert?”
Eli: “Mint chocolate chip ice cream, but really anything chocolate. Cay wants to break that though, but we won’t let that happen, shh.”
Donn: “iPod playlist?”
Eli: “Definitely some country and some rock. Got to have some George Strait on there.”
Donn: “Vehicle?”
Eli: “Ford Raptor, definitely fun to off road on, but Cay is trying to get me to like Chevy’s and not going to lie it’s slowly working because I’ve been driving here’s a lot lately.”
Donn: “Biggest pet peeve?”
Eli: “Definitely driving in the city.”
Donn: “Alright, awesome.”

I smiled, “she’ll choke!”

Donn nodded then headed towards the Monster Energy Kawasaki hauler as Eli walked out, “going to head down to the track to get a view of it before practice starts.”

I smiled, “have fun.”

He nodded kissing me then disappeared. I couldn’t wait to see who won the battle between Kylee and I! We always were competitive against each other, it was just something we had always done.
♠ ♠ ♠

Cay's Outfit