Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

Make Her Wait

When I got back to the Kawi pit, Jake was talking to Dana so that they could talk about some changes before practice started. As I passed Jake, I gave his butt a playful smack, letting him know I was around. He kept talking to his mechanic, but turned around to send me a teasing grin.

While they were still conversing, I went and grabbed a seat, out of the way from everyone. I piddled with my phone until someone came over. I looked up, thinking it was Jake. However, it was none other than Donn Madea.

“What’d up, Donn?” I asked, knowing he’d want a word with Jake and RV.

“Just making my rounds. I just got done talking to Calyn. She doing ok? It’s not like she’s going to tell me anything,” he snickered.

“I think she’s more bummed than anything. She’ll be back to riding before she knows it,” I told him.

After I responded, Jake came over. He stood beside me with his hand on my back. URG! No! Take it off! I don’t want to flaunt any of this!

“You two… are official right?” Donn asked Jake rather than me.

“Oh, yeah,” he smiled in return.

“We came up with this new pit video idea and we wanted to know how well wives and girlfriends know their racer,” he explained to Jake.

“No!” I quickly butted in.

“Yes! Please, yes!” he grinned down at me, holding his chuckle.

“Jake!” I whined.

“It’s just a few questions. Nothing too bad,” Donn broke in.

“For me,” Jake pouted at me. He pouted!

“Fine!” I groaned and went over to where Donn needed me to be, near Jake’s bike.

I didn’t want to just… put us out there like that! I like to be a little lower key. But now… there’s going to be a video. Awesome! NOT!

“You got some stiff competition. Calyn and Eli were our other couple,” Donn spoke as he came over and Jake was in the hauler so he couldn’t hear anything.

“Oh, jeez,” I laughed. This would happen…

“All right, so… does Jake like In and Out or Chipotle better?” was his first question.

“Oh In and Out… We had that at the beginning of the week actually,” I gave it away, causing the both of us to laugh. Jake cheated on his diet!

“What is his weakness in racing?” was the next one.

“Um… I don’t like this. He’s be doing so well, but… For sure his starts,” I was starting to warm up to do. I like talking about my man.

“His favorite dessert?”

“… Me,” just came flying out of my mouth. Oh that was bad. Shouldn’t have said that, “I’m kidding! No, not that… I don’t know though. He likes… candy. I always have to hide mine if I get any for myself,” I recovered through a laugh.

“What’s on his playlist?”

“Rap… that’s it. My little white boy loves his rap music,” I giggled, as did Donn.

“Favorite vehicle to drive?”

“His truck?” I answered. That was… the most obvious one… But then it hit me, “Wait, no! He just got his motorcycle license before the season started. So his motorcycle.”

“One more! Biggest pet peeve?”

“He doesn’t… have many. He’s… really mellow about most things, but um…” I couldn’t think of any! What makes him ticked?! “He doesn’t like… mess. Things have to be organized.” That was the only thing I could come up with. If any of them are wrong it’s that one.

“We’ll go get Jake’s answers now,” he smiled and then went into the hauler.

As I waited, I was… kind of nervous. This lasted for five minutes! Five full minutes! Jake came out first, grinning at me before he wrapped me up in his arms.

“You did good!” he beamed and planted his lips to my cheek.


“Yeah,” he laughed at me, “What? You didn’t think you knew me?” he teased.

“We… got them all?” I was in disbelief.

“… Yeah,” he tried to contain his smile.

“Are you going to break the news to Calyn?” Donn asked me as he walked over to us.

“… No. Let her wait until the video comes out,” I snickered.

“Oh, that’s mean,” Jake chuckled.

“But knowing her, she’s probably like, oh I got this. Kylee doesn’t know shit,” I countered.

“She is…” Donn grinned.

“Make her wait,” I told him.

“If she comes after me, I’m telling her this was your idea,” he said and started to walk off.

“I’m ok with that. I can out run her and her crutches,” I giggled.

Once he was gone, Jake pulled me in closer, giving me another quick kiss. He was being really cute right now! I… liked it.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he spoke.

“I guess not,” I huffed playfully.

He smiled again and gave me yet another kiss. This just… made me so happy. Even after he left for practice, I felt my smile staying right where it was. Knowing Calyn was probably bummed from being stuck in the Geico Honda pit all day, I decided to skip out on watching Jake’s practice and head back that way. But if her and Eli are sucking face, I’m leaving!
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