Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath

You Got Him In Trouble

Eli had just got back from practice and I was leaning against the doorframe eating a apple when he walked over after telling Kranz how the bike felt along with the rest of his team. I smiled warmly at him and he walked past me as he ditched his jersey then removed his chest protector. I glanced over, “how’d it feel?”

“Good, need some changes, but not many,” he shrugged and took a bit of my apple when I offered.

I smiled, “good. Ready to make it 2-2?”

“Yeah, definitely,” he said smiling. I nodded and tossed the remains of the apple in the trash since it was to the core now.

I moved to lean against the counter as some of the other guys needed to get in and out. Eli moved over with me, “why you look so bummed?”

“Just hate that I can go wander around when you’re busy,” I said shrugging.

“I’m sorry,” he sighed and placed his hands on my hips. “How’s the knee feeling?”

“Tender, but not horrible,” I said shrugging.

“Well save your energy for tonight,” he said smiling.

I chuckled and kissed him, “I will, promise.”

He smiled and kissed me back softly, just as Kylee walked in to see this. She groaned, “you guys even try to rip each others clothes off here, with all these people around?”

I rolled my eyes, “Ky he just kissed me as you walked in.”

“Yeah, one kiss can lead to what I saw on the couch the other day,” she said gagging. “Don’t want to see that ever again.”

Eli shook his head, “you girls are too much.”

I smiled and kissed his chin, “but you love us.”

“You, yes,” he smiled and kissed the tip of my nose. “Her, not so much.”

“Oh you’ll warm up to me eventually,” Kylee said waving at us.

I rolled my eyes, “hey, I’ll let you get your game face on again and I’ll go outside with Ky.”

“Sounds good,” he said smiling and kissed me lightly before I could get too far away.

I plopped down in a chair with Kylee and she smiled, “so heard we had a little battle done, thanks to Donn.”

“Oh yeah,” I said like it was nothing. “Haven’t heard how I did yet, so not sure if I was 100 percent right, but I’m confident that I pulled it off.”

She chuckled, “we’ll see when its posted then won’t we?”

“Indeed,” I said and watched Eli lean on his bike facing away from me.

Kylee shoved me almost making me fall out of the chair, “quit staring!”

I’m not!” I said laughing.

“You were undressing him with your eyes, I saw it,” she said wiggling her eyebrows.

“So, he’s sexy nakey,” I said softly.

“Hey, I do not want to hear that about my son,” Kathy said rounding the corner.

I think my eyeballs got really huge, though she kept walking. I smack Kylee in the shoulder and whispered, “she probably still thinks her sweet boy is very much whole.”

She chuckled, “oops!”

“She’s probably going to not let him come over anymore,” I said shoving her this time.

“He’s a big boy, he’ll come over still,” she said smirking.

I shook my head, “you may have just ruined it all on me girl.”

I didn’t!” she said laughing. “Eli can’t resist you either, he’s undressing you now.”

I looked over and sure enough he was eyeing me only to have his mother smack him upside the head and say, “when were you going to tell me you more than just kissing her?”

See, you got him in trouble,” I told her.

She gulped, “he’s gonna kick my butt. I’m out of here!”

I groaned, “leaving me now to fix this?”

Well,” Eli started and looked around. “Dad knew.”

“Of course, your father knew!” she said throwing her hands up. “So hope you are remembering to use protection. I don’t want grandbabies just yet.”

I crutched over as Kylee hurried off. I smiled sweetly, “don’t worry, we both are.”

“That makes it a little better,” she said walking away.

Eli looked at me like that didn’t help, “Kylee said something didn’t she?”

I nodded and kissed his cheek, “yup and she knows you’re mad at her.”

He sighed and looked down, “why’d you lie?”

“About the protection?” I said softly.

He looked around, “be quiet.

“Babe, no one can hear us,” I said fixing a piece of hair standing up on his head.

“Still,” he said looking at me. “You lied.”

“I’m on birth control,” I looked at him like duh.

He sighed, “but we both haven’t used protection.”

“Okay, we once didn’t, but everything is fine,” I said smiling. “I want that championship this year, just as bad as you want yours. So I went to the extent of making sure even if we had a slip, we were fine.”

He nodded and looked around feeling slightly uncomfortable about talking about this here. I chuckled and kissed his cheek, “promise, now use your aggression to push for a win tonight baby.”

He nodded and smiled, “I will.”

He stood up, “where you going to watch the race tonight?”

“Not sure, Kylee and I will find a place,” I said smiling. “Somewhere I can get to the podium when you win.”

He smiled, “better.”

I nodded and let him wander off. I sat back down off to the side and waited for the heats to start. Oh was I ready to see him race.
♠ ♠ ♠

Uh oh coming? Or not?