Status: In Progress, please be patient with us. Comments motivate us! <3

It'll Be Your Name on My Last Breath


After the main, Jake ended up sixth. As I watched him make his way back to the pits, I could just tell that he wasn’t too happy. Calyn was off celebrating with Eli since he had won, so… there wasn’t really much else I could do other than go see how Jake was doing.

By the time I got to him, he was already in the hauler. RV got second this round, so he was off with the media. It left Jake’s pit rather empty. It was a change from last weekend, but… it wasn’t a very good one. Looks like I had lots of loving to give tonight.

When I made it up to him, he was just tugging his t-shirt over his head. He glanced over at me and then looked way. I didn’t even get a small smile. This made me pout. But I knew I shouldn’t say anything. I just went over and sat on the couch. He did his thing and got his backpack together. After he zipped it up, he fell onto the couch and sighed heavily.

“Ready to head out?” he spoke softly.

“If you are,” I sent him a smile.

He nodded and then pushed himself back to his feet. Once his backpack was slung over his shoulder, he started out. I followed, still trying to think of something to say. I didn’t though. I kept my mouth shut until we were back to the hotel. Even then, it took some time. He hopped into the shower right away, leaving me alone. I changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, waiting for him. During this time, I got a text from Calyn. She asked where I was.

‘Jake’s in a pissy mood. Didn’t do well. We’re at the hotel,’ I replied.

Only seconds later, I had a response.

‘Sex him up a bit. He’ll be fine,’ was her genius of a reply.

I just shook my head and placed my phone back on the table. A handful of minutes after that happened, Jake came out of the bathroom. Steam rolled out past him when he was coming out of the doorway. As he walked over to the bed, he ran his hand through his damp hair, sighing once he was on the mattress. He got under the covers… and turned towards the wall with his back facing me. Ok… I’m the one that’s going to have to put effort into this.

Slowly, I rolled over and let my hands wrapped around his waist, feeling the smooth skin of his torso. I let them run along the indentations of his abs. As they ran softly along his stomach, I finally got a reaction out of him. He sighed, but it was one of those feel good sighs. Still managing not to speak, I came closer and pressed my lips against his shoulder.

“I love you,” it kind of just… came out.

By the time I had realized what I had said, he was already rolling over to look at me. His eyes were just as wide as mine were. Why did I say that?! Can I just slap it back in? But for the first time since he went out for practice, I saw him… smile.

“You mean it?” he asked with his smile still there.

“I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t mean it,” I told him and let my own smile come over me now.

The look in his eyes was just so beautiful. They were sparkling brightly. Add that to his dazzling smile and I just felt so overcome with emotion. His arms found their way around me now. Slowly, his smile faded so that he could press his lips against mine. It was a sweet, slow kiss that built up so much passion. Once we parted, he gently rubbed his nose against mine.

“I love you too,” he returned my words through a few shallow pants.

“And I love this smile,” I told him, pinching his cheek softly.

“I’m sorry,” he huffed, but a grin was still there.

“I don’t like it when you’re all pouty after races,” I whined and nuzzled into his shoulder.

“But… I sucked,” he huffed yet again.

“No you didn’t, baby,” I tried to soothe him by rubbing his bare back now.

“Suuuuucked,” he drew out the word, but there was a chuckle hidden in his voice.

“I thought you did awesome,” I kept it up.

“Stop trying to make me feel better,” he muttered.

I did stop after this. I gave him one last kiss and then relaxed back into the bed. We stayed cuddled up with each other throughout the night. Eventually, he opened up about his racing frustrations. He said he’s just tired of finishing where he is with all the work he puts in. Even though more of the guy that beat him are past champions, that’s still not good enough for him. I understand it though. As a racer, I’m sure everyone does. All I can do is keep encouraging him and be the loving girlfriend that he needs. Lets just hope that I don’t mess this up.
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